How to Setup War Diary: If you do not setup the game as shown below, you will not be able to load any games that you save (the program will crash when you attempt to load them). Windows '95 Click on "Setup" to configure your system for War Diary. When finished: Right click on the file "Gamedemo". Click on "Properties" in the pop-up menu that appears. Click on the "Program" tab (2nd tab in at the top). Click on the "Advanced" button. Check (by clicking on it) the "MS-Dos mode" box (third box down). The program is now ready to play. DOS/Windows 3.1 It is best to run the game directly from Dos. Exit Windows 3.1 before setting up or playing. Games will not be saved properly if an expanded memory manager (such as EMM386 or QEMM) or Smartdrive is running while you play the game. The saved files will be corrupted. In order to save games, you will need to prevent these programs from loading into memory when you start your computer. How to do this: The computer reads two files -"config.sys" and "autoexec.bat" when it starts up. This tells it to load the expanded memory manager and Smartdrive. We can edit these files and prevent the programs from loading. The easiest way to do this, is to create a special setup for War Diary by using a boot disk: Place a blank floppy in drive A: type "format a:/s" at the Dos prompt and hit the [enter] key on your keyboard (formats a disk in drive a and transfer essential system files to the disk). type "C:" and hit [enter] (switch to drive C) type "cd\" and hit [enter] (change to the root directory) type "copy config.sys a:" and hit [enter] (copies the config.sys file to the floppy in drive A) type "copy autoexec.bat a:" and hit [enter] (copies the autoexec.bat file to the floppy in drive A) type "a:" and hit [enter] (switch to the floppy in drive A) type "edit config.sys" and hit [enter] (edit the config.sys file in drive A) Towards the top of the file is a line with "EMM386" or "QEMM386" or something similar. At the beginning of this line type "REM". e.g. c:\dos\emm386.exe becomes: REM c:\dos\emm386.exe Save and exit. type "edit autoexec.bat" and hit [enter] (edit the autoexec.bat file) In this file there will be a line with "Smartdrv.exe". Again, at the beginning of this line type "REM". e.g. c:\windows\smartdrv.exe change to: REM c:\windows\smartdrv.exe The "REM" tells the computer to ignore this line, so the program will not load. You can put REM in front of any line, to prevent any programs that you do not need for playing War Diary, from loading. This will free up more memory. You will need sound (e.g. a line with SET BLASTER=) and a mouse (e.g. a line with mouse.exe) Save and exit. Leave the floppy in drive A and restart your machine. At the Dos prompt, switch to the drive and directory (or folder) where you installed the War Diary demo. type "setup" to configure the game for your machine. type "gamedemo" to start War Diary. To play War Diary in future, place this floppy boot disk in your A drive and restart your machine. Have fun! If you still have questions or require additional help please contact us by email at: or call us at +1 203 776 8608