War Diary -a real time strategy game based on real events in the 16th century. Thanks for downloading this demo version. We hope you enjoy it. MANUAL.HTM -HTML version of the manual If you have a web browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer we suggest that you read this version of the manual. In the browser, just select the "Open" or "Open File" under File. MANUAL.TXT -Plain text version of the manual MANUAL.DOC -Microsoft Word 6.0 version of the manual. Suitable for viewing and printing using the WordPad program of Windows '95. MANUAL.RTF -Rich Text Format (RTF) version of the manual. Suitable for viewing and printing using most Word Processors (e.g. WordPerfect). INSTALL.TXT -How to setup the War Diary demo on your computer (same instructions as in the manual). ORDER.TXT -How to order the FULL version of War Diary. ORDER.FRM -An order form for mailing or faxing. HISTORY.TXT -Historical background to War Diary. DISCLAIM.TXT -A disclaimer If you have any questions please contact us via email at support@gamefactory.com or by phone at +1 203 776 8608 Come visit our website at http://www.gamefactory.com/