------------------------------[ ORDER FORM ]--------------------------------- Pow Productions Attn: Andrew Griffin Contact us on the Internet: 128 Watson Avenue http://kublai.pacificrim.net/~solaris Toorak Gardens conan@enterprise.net 5065 Adelaide, Australia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prices are AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS. This order form is for orders in Australia. Please check the appropriate [ ] boxes below and add up the totals. [ ] Powball (3.5" High Density disks only).................(@ $16) __________ Australian Shipping & Handling (@ $4) (International add $4 extra) __________ Total enclosed __________ Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address 1: _______________________________________________________________ Address 2: _______________________________________________________________ Address 3: _______________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________ Phone: __________________________________ Please make your [ ] Cheque or [ ] Postal Order payable to Mr. Andrew Griffin