MAJESTIC DOMINION 1.1 Shareware--Game by Nathan Stoll ===================================================== IMPORTANT!! READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING!!! Warning--Use at your own risk!!(just a legal precaution.) MENUS Right after the program's intro, you are automatically placed into the main menu. There are two menus, accessed using the right and left arrow keys. Inside the menus, move between items using the vertical arrow keys. To use menu items, move the cursor to the menu item, hit the space bar or enter, and the option will change or bring up a sub menu. Some of the menu options include: MENU #1:(the main menu) Continue Game: Transfers control to the game board. New Game: Re-initializes the game by placing pieces in their starting positions. How To Play: A quick overview of game rules. About: Copyright and version info. Quit: Exits the game. MENU #2:(the options menu) Board Design: A sub menu giving the user choices over board style. Color Scheme: A sub menu allowing the user to select between different pre-set colors. Palette: An item with two modes: "on" and "off." The Palette rotates the on screen colors, making the board more interesting to look at--its pretty nifty. Opponent: An item giving the user choice between three different opponent types: Human, Randomizer(Computer that plays randomly), and Rookie(Computer play for the beginners.) THE GAME The game Majestic Dominion is a computerized version of that old game that most of us know about, but only some can play: Checkers. The Rules are the same, and are outlined in "How To," a game menu, but for simplicity, here they are again: PIECES --There are two types of pieces, in different colors for either player. Blue goes first, Red second(Note--the computer is always Red) --Normal pieces move only on diagonals in the direction of the opponents back line. --Kings move towards both back lines. --Kings are made when a normal piece lands on its opponent's back line. ATTACKING --Pieces can capture enemy pieces by jumping them. --If a player can make a jump, he MUST do so. However, if he has two or more possible jumps, he can choose between them. --If after jumping, a players piece can make another jump from the space at which it landed, (a double jump) it MUST do so. OBJECTIVE --A player wins by capturing all of the opponents pieces or immobilizing them(in other words, locking them in so they can't move.) HINTS --Try to gain the sides-your pieces can't be jumped there. --At the beginning, some trade offs(a piece for a piece) are inevitable, and until a certain point, are good. But keep enough pieces that you can still defend your back line. --Try to gain kings, and prevent your opponent from doing the same. --Once you have kings, use them to sneak up on your opponents normal pieces-they can't attack you when you're behind them, but you can attack them. --Look at all options and moves before moving as impulsive moves can prove harmful. REGISTRATION For only a $10 donation you can register and get the most recent completely new version of Majestic Dominion! This version will surpass the shareware version in many respects: Lots of New Piece Designs! Lots of New Board Designs! Tons of New Colors! MOUSE! SOUND! PC Speaker and Soundblaster/Compatible Sound!! NETWORK Capability! 3 NEW levels of Computer play (A fourth SuperCom. level soon to be with depth thinking!!) And much, much, more! For more Registration information, see the address on the exit screen of Majestic Dominion!! INFO If you have any questions or comments you can contact us at: Nathan Stoll: Ian York: Also check out the Myrage Imagery Games Home page at: Here you can download the newest Myrage Games and also check out some cool links! LEGAL INFO All games and accompaning files are the sole property of Myrage Imagery and as such cannot be modified in any way. Feel free to distribute as long as the files are NOT modified and all files are included. If on the off chance this software should cause damage to your computer Myrage Imagery cannot be held responsible!! Copyright 1996 Myrage Imagery Games