The docs aren't updated, yet. This is a small description of changes: --------------------------------------- User interface: --------------- Now textbased. It has a richer functionality than before thanks to Roman Dolejsi and David Voracek. Short summary of changes: Global Keys: F5: Soft Reset F7: Hard Reset F9: Run F11: Debugger Alt-D: Floppy Disk settings Alt-F: Frame-skip ratio Alt-H: Hardfile settings Alt-J: Joystick settings Alt-L: LED settings Alt-M: Memory settings Alt-R: Resolution settings Alt-S: Sound settings -Disk-images are ejected with DEL-key. -File-selector: Quickfind. ALT-letter sets drive. ALT-0 to 9 in the file-requester sets a memory setting to the specified file, which can be used to set a disk-image directly later. ALT-| (different print on key on different national keyboards, it is the key to the left of "1") Will erase all file-memory settings. -The Alt-n cycling (alt-n refers to Alt- 0 to 9), will control how the cursor will advance when a memory setting is retrieved. -The menusave option will record a menu-sequence that will be executed the next time the emulator is started. -Autorun can be enabled after some commands. -Much of this functionality is also controlable on the command-line. Hardfile: --------- The hardfile device is first-try. Using a disk-cache like smartdrv is recommended. It will speed up disk-access. Hardfiles can be any size and in AmigaDos the device is referenced as FELLOW: Hardfiles are not bootable in this version. Kickstart V2.0 or higher is required to use the device. The same disk-layout as UAE use has been selected, so hardfiles should be interchangeable with that emulator. Specifying a hardfile on the commandline with -hf , and adding the -hi size (in MB) argument will create a blank hardfile. Don't forget to format the hardfile. Now it is time to document a bug hardfile users can encounter: Installing Workbench 3.0/3.11 will fail. The install-script hangs at 8%. (Preparing icons.) There is no need to report this, it is known. Various: -------- -2 different binaries are distributed: fellow.exe is the normal binary, distrubuted with the documentation. fellowdb.exe has M68k prefetch emulation enabled, which result in a small preformance loss, but may be more compatible. Only a handful of programs actually need this. (Like Sundell and Birk's 100 C64 Game tunes, and Xenon II with the full intro.) Additional debugging options are also compiled in. -bzipped disk-images are supported. (*.bz and *.bz2). -68030 is selectable in the config, but don't expect it to be useable. It is under development. -Support for a LED-board on the lpt-port. Look in ledboard.txt -A few selected parts of the graphics-emulation have been rewritten to use Intel's 64-bit instruction set. (MMX) This experiment affects only plain Amiga lores and hires when displayed on an 800x600 SVGA screen. (Provided your CPU has MMX).