File Server for the C64 v0.01á, Copyright (c) 1994 by Yvo Nelemans Ok, this will be very short. What can this program do ------------------------ *LOAD a file from the current directory to your C64. *SAVE a file from the C64 to the current directory. you CAN'T load a directory/send commands/do anything usefull with it. Also this program seems to work correctly on mine 386DX-40, and it should work on different configurations also but I haven't been able to check this. This program supports two types of cables. A cable as you used for X1541 or a cable as you used for DISK64E/TRANS64. I've listed the information to build such a cable below. Example of how to use this program. ----------------------------------- Start your PC Start your C64 Start SERVER64 on the PC make sure you have a valid BINARY file in the current directory of your PC type LOAD"qix.bin",8 on the C64 and run it. Or make a small basic program save it and then reload it. Then this important notice -------------------------- The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or seeming to result from use of this program. I'd like to thank the following people for helping me out with this program. *Philip Zembrod *Jaap Verhoeven *Bernard Schwall ============================================================================== X1541 CABLE ----------- The program requires the following adapter cable to be connected between your parallel printer port (LPT1/LPT2/LPT3) and a commodore disk drive (1541/1581) IBM Lpt port Male (solder side): CBM IEEE serial port Male (solder side): ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÉÍÍÍÍ_ÍÍÍÍ» StrobeÄÄÅÄ1þ ÀÄÄÄ¿ Éͼ ÈÍ» _____ ³ þ14ÅÄÄAutoFeed DataÄÄ×ÄÄþ5 1þÄÄ×ÄÄSrqIn _____ (Data 0)³ 2þÄ¿ ³ º 6þÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄReset ³ ÀÄþ15³(Error) ClockÄÄ×ÄÄþ4 2þÄÄ×ÄÄ¿Ground ³ 3þ ³ ____ ÈÍ» 3þ Éͼ ÄÁÄ ³ þ16ÅÄÄInit ÈÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍͼ ³ 4þ ³ AtnÄÙ ³ þ17ÅÄÄSelectIn ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 5þ ³ ³ C64signal ³ IBMsignal Lpt port + 2 ³ ³ Úþ18³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 6þ ÃÄÄÄÅÄÄ¿Ground ³ 2 Ground ³ 18..25 Ground ³ ³ Ãþ19³ ÄÁÄ ³ 3 Atn ³ 1 Strobe bit 0 ³ ³ 7þ ³ ³ ³ 4 Clock ³ 14 AutoFeed bit 1 ³ ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ³ 5 Data ³ 17 SelectIn bit 3 ³ ³ Àþ25³ ³ 6 Reset ³ 16 Init bit 2 ³ ³13þ ÚÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÙ TRANS64/DISK64E CABLE --------------------- Sub-D (male) DIN (female) |\ | \ ______ 1|ß Ü| 14 / \ |ß Ü| / 5* 4* \ |ß Ü| | | |ß Ü| | 6* 3* | |ß Ü| | | |ß Ü| \ 1* 2* / |ß Ü| \______/ |ß Ü| |ß Ü| |ß Ü| |ß Ü| |ß Ü| 25 13|ß / |/ connection: printer-port 1541 ATN 17 3 Clock 1 4 Data 14 5 ground 22-25 2 You should connect all pins 22-25(PC) with pin 2 (1541) because it's safer. The printerport plug is a male one which is connected directly with the printerport of the PC. The 1541 plug is a female one. You should plug the IEC-cable shipped with the 1541 into this plug so you don't have to make the interfacecable longer then it must be.