THE 6561 VIC CHIP Video Interface Chip (VIC) Written by Lance Ewing Note: There seems to be two different VIC chips that were used in different models of the VIC 20. These are the 6560 and the 6561. Their functionality appears to be the same so I will only refer to the 6561. The Video Interface Chip, or VIC as it is normally called, is the second most important silicon chip in the VIC 20 microcomputer. It comes second only to the 6502A microprocessor itself. The VIC is a specially constructed input-output chip (I/O) that has a large variety of functions but it's major function is, as its name suggests, the production of the video output signal. The VIC appears to the microprocessor, and the user, as an addressable block of RAM of 16 locations, $9000-$900F. Each of these locations can be filled or copied, as applies to any other locations that are actually available, with the actions of the VIC being dependant on the values that are placed in the 16 locations. 6561 PIN CONFIGURATION ___________________ | | not used -|1 40|- +5V | | Composite colour -|2 39|- Clock-in phase-1 | | Sync. & luminance -|3 38|- Clock-in phase-2 | | READ/WRITE -|4 37|- Light pen | | VD11 -|5 36|- Clock-out. Not used. | | VD10 -|6 35|- Clock-out phase-1 | | VD9 -|7 34|- A13 | | VD8 -|8 33|- A12 | | D7 -|9 32|- A11 | | D6 -|10 31|- A10 | | D5 -|11 30|- A9 | | D4 -|12 29|- A8 | | D3 -|13 28|- A7 | | D2 -|14 27|- A6 | | D1 -|15 26|- A5 | | D0 -|16 25|- A4 | | POT X -|17 24|- A3 | | POT Y -|18 23|- A2 | | Composite sound -|19 22|- A1 | | GND -|20 21|- A0 |___________________| Pin 1: Not connected. Pin 2: The composite colour line of the video output. Pin 3: The syncronisation and luminance line of the video output. Pin 4: The video read/write line that is at logic 1 when data is being read from the colour or video RAM. Pins 5-8: The lines of the special colour data bus. Pins 9-16: The eight lines of the ordinary data bus. Pin 17: The input line for potentiometer X. Pin 18: The input line for potentiometer Y. Pin 19: The composite sound line of the audio output. Pin 20: GND Pins 21-34: The 14 address lines of the VIC. Pin 35. The clock-out line that becomes the external time base for the 6502A microprocessor. Pin 36: The system phase-2 clock-out line. Not connected. Pin 37: Light pen input line. Pin 38: Clock-in line from the master clock - phase-2 time. Pin 39: Clock-in line from the master clock - phase-1 time. Pin 40: +5V. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MICROPROCESSOR AND THE VIC A13 = "BLOCK 4" 14 line address bus a 13 lower address line ____________________________________________________ | > | | __________________________________________ | __|____|__ __|____|__ | | $9000 |__________| | | $9001 |__________| | | . | . | | | . | . | 6502A | | . | . | VIC chip | | . | . | | | . |__________| | | $900E |__________| |__________| $900F |__________| | |_____________________________________________| | | < > | |___________________________________________________| 8 line data bus The above diagram shows the relationship between the microprocessor and the VIC as being the normal one of 'microprocessor and memory linked by address and data buses' but this applies only in system phase-2 time. The timing signals in the VIC 20 are somewhat complicated but they can be explained in quite simple terms. The master clokc generates a two phase output at 1.1082 Mhs. The signals are then used as the 'external time base' for the VIC so that the actions that take place on the VIC can be timed correctly. The VIC in turn reproduces the two phase timing signal on one of its output lines which is then used as the 'external time base' for the 6502A microprocessor. However the final stage has not as yet been reached as the 6502A microprocessor in its turn reproduces the timing signals on one of its output lines so that the timing signals can be used as 'chip select' lines for the RAM chips and I/O chips, but of course not the VIC. Overall, in system phase-2 time the 6502A microprocessor is in communication with its memory, whilst in system phase-1 time, it is the VIC that is linked with the memory. The following memory can be addressed by the VIC chip: -Video RAM -Colour RAM -Character RAM/ROM The 14 line address line can address 16K of memory. The VIC chip uses different addresses to the rest of the computer. The table below illustrates the differing addresses for the memory blocks the VIC chip can access: VIC chip addresses Ordinary addresses memory 0 32768 Unreversed Character ROM 1024 33792 Reversed Character ROM 2048 34816 Unreversed upper/lower case ROM 3072 35840 Reversed upper/lower case ROM 4096 36864 VIC and VIA chips 5120 37888 Colour memory 6144 38912 Reserved for expansion 7168 39936 Reserved for expansion 8192 0 System memory 9216 1024 Reserved for expansion 12288 4096 Program 15360 7168 Screen THE VIDEO RAM This is the area of RAM which holds the screen codes of the characters currently on the screen. The values poked into screen memory act as pointers into character memory. They are NOT the ASCII values of the characters. In the unexpanded VIC 20 the operating system automatically allocates the area of RAM from $1E00-$1FFF for this purpose. However, when extra RAM is added to the system to the system at $2000 it becomes necessary to change the allocation of the video RAM to the area $1000-$11FF. The reason for having to move the video RAM is simply that the program area must be a continuous block of RAM. In the unexpanded system the program area is at $1000-$1DFF, with a standard 3K RAM pack it is at $0400-$1DFF, and with a standard 8K RAM pack it is at $1200-$3FFF. The VIC 20 system uses a display of 22 characters per line and has 23 lines. Therefore the video RAM has to be 506 locations in size. In practice with 512 locations allocated there are always siz locations that are unused. The system variable $0288, decimal 648, is used by the operation system to hold the high byte of the current base address of the video RAM and in an unexpanded VIC 20 the value in this location is 30 which corresponds to the base address of $1E00. Interesting effects can be obtained by altering the value of this location. THE COLOUR RAM In an unexpanded VIC 20 the 512 locations in memory from $9600-$97ff are used as the colour RAM, whereas if an *K expansion RAM is fitted, the block $9400-$95ff is used instead. In either case the locations used are only four bits in size instead of the usual eight bits in size. The different locations are used to hold the appropriate foreground colour for each character area of the display on the TV screen. There is, therefore, a direct correspondence between the locations of the video RAM, the character table and the colour RAM. In the VIC 20 system there are eight foreground colours and each colour has its own representation for the lower three bits of the locations of colour RAM. eg. If the value of the three bits is '000' then the colour for that character area will be black. The colours and their representations are: BLACK 000 WHITE 001 RED 010 CYAN 011 PURPLE 100 GREEN 101 BLUE 110 YELLOW 111 The fourth bit (bit 3) of each location is used to indicate if multicolour is to be used (discussed later). It is interesting to note that the VIC has a special four line data bus that links the colour RAM to the VIC itself that is used solely to convey the colour data to the VIC. THE INTERNAL REGISTERS OF THE VIC CR0: $9000 - decimal 36864. Usual value decimal 12. A dual function register. Function 1: Bit 7 selects insterface scan mode for the TV. Function 2: Bits 0-6 determine the distance from the left hand side of the TV picture to the first column of characters. Note: On most modern TV sets the effect of selecting the interface scan mode is to produce a light rippling on the screen. CR1: $9001 - decimal 36865. Usual value decimal 38. A single function register. All the bits of this register are used to determine the distance from the top of the TV picture to the first line of characters. CR2: $9002 - decimal 36866. Usual value decimal 150. A dual function register. The first seven bits fo this register determine the number of columns in the TV display. Normally this will be the expected value of 22. Bit 7 of this register is used to hold the value for line 9 of the address for the video RAM. On an unexpanded VIC 20 as the address of the Video RAM is $1E00 and therefore this bit 7 is set, however when the video RAM is moved to $1000 then bit 7 becomes reset. CR3: $9003 - decimal 36867. Usual value 174. A triple function register. Bit 7 holds the lowest bit of TV raster counter and is therefore alternately set and reset. Bits 1-6 of this register determine the number of rows in the TV display. The value of these bits will normally be 23. Bit 0 is very special as it controls whether normal sized characters or double sized characters are to be displayed. The normal size for a character is 8*8 pixels and is slected by bit 0 being reset, however double sized characters, 16*8 pixels, can be selected by having this bit set. The facility for being able to use double sized characters is not very useful on an unexpanded VIC 20 as there is insufficient RAM to define a reasonable number of double sized characters. CR4: $9004 - 36868. No usual value. This register, together with bit 7 of CR3, forms the TV raster counter. On a 625 line TV this register will count between 0 and 255, and the whole counter between 0 and 311. Emulation note: some programs check this byte and don't continue until it reaches a certain value. For this reason make sure that this location is counting up all the time. CR5: $9005 - 36869. Usual value 240. A dual function register. Bits 4-7 holds the values of the topmost four address lines for the Video RAM and bits 0-3 the corresponding values for the character table. Of all these values bits 0 & 7 have a special significance, as whenver this bit is set the memory slected will be in 'block 0', i.e. from $0000- $1FFF, and when reset in 'block 4', i.e. from $8000-$9FFF. In normal operation of a VIC20 this register holds the value 240 decimal and this leads to the Video RAM being situated at $1E00 and the character table at $8000. These addresses are found as follows: Video RAM - bit 7 is set, thereby addressing 'block 0'. -Address lines A12, A11, A10, and A9 are all set and the full address is $1E00 as A13, A14, and A15 are reset for 'block 0'. Character table - bit 3 is reset, thereby addressing 'block 4'. -Address lines A12, A11 and A10 are all reset and the full address is $8000 as A15 is set and A13 and A14 are reset for 'block 4'. CR6: $9006 - 36870. Usual value 0. This register is used in conjunction with the light pen and holds the horizontal postion. CR7: $9007 - 36871. Usual value 1. The vertical position of the light pen. CR8: $9008 - 36872. Usual value 255. The counter for potentiometer 1. CR9: $9009 - 36873. Usual value 255. The counter for potentiometer 2. CRA: $900A - 36874. Usual value 0. This register controls 'speaker-1'. Bit 7 is the on/off control bit, whilst bits 0-6 select the actual note. Speaker 1 has an alto voice. CRB: $900B - 36875. Usual value 0. This register controls 'speaker-2', the tenor voice. CRC: $900C - 36876. Usual value 0. This register controls 'speaker-3', the soprano voice. CRD: $900D - 36877. Usual value 0. This register controls 'speaker-4', the noise voice. CRE: $900E - 36878. Usual value 0. A dual purpose register. Bits 0-3 form the counter for the volume control of the four speakers. When all the bits are reset the volume control is off and when all the bits are set the volume control is fully on. Bits 4-7 hold the users slection of the auxiliary colour which is only used when multicolour is switched on (discussed later). CRF: $900F - 36879. Usual value 27. This is the main colour selecting register of the VIC and has three distinct functions. Bits 0-2 are used to hold the border colour. In the VIC 20 there are eight colours that can be border colours and these are: 0 - 000 Black 1 - 001 White 2 - 010 Red 3 - 011 Cyan 4 - 100 Purple 5 - 101 Green 6 - 110 Blue 7 - 111 Yellow These border colours can be selected by putting the required value into the bits 0-2 of control register CRF. Bit 3 is the reverse field control bit. At any time the state of this bit can be changed to reverse the whole display. Bits 4-7 hold the background colour for the display. There are 16 possible colours and the following tble fives the colours together with their codes. Note that these codes are the same for the auxiliary colours as used in the multicolour mode. 0 - 0000 Black 1 - 0001 White 2 - 0010 Red 3 - 0011 Cyan 4 - 0100 Purple 5 - 0101 Green 6 - 0110 Blue 7 - 0111 Yellow 8 - 1000 Orange 9 - 1001 Light orange 10 - 1010 Pink 11 - 1011 Light cyan 12 - 1100 Light purple 13 - 1101 Light green 14 - 1110 Light blue 15 - 1111 Light yellow CHARACTER TABLE MEMORY The standard character table generator of the VIC 20 is a 4K ROM chip that occupies the block of memory from $8000-$8FFF. This ROM holds the 8x8 matrix representations of all the characters that can be displayed on the TV screen. A single character requires 8 locations, each holding 8 bits, in order to have all its points defined. In the VIC 20 system there are a possible 128 different characters and the first 1K of the 4K ROM holds the straight forward representations for each character. The second 1K holds the 'inverse' representations. 8000-83FF 32768-33791 Upper case and graphics 8400-87FF 33792-34815 Reversed upper case and graphics 8800-8BFF 34816-35839 Upper and lower case 8C00-8FFF 35840-36863 Reversed upper and lower case In order to get lower case letters it has been necessary to have another 2K of representations of the characters. Once again the first 1K holds the straight forward representations and the second 1K holds the 'inverted' representations as shown in the memory map above. In the VIC 20 it is possible to change the area of memory that is used to hold the character table and to change the character representations from the normal 8x8 matrix to one of 8x16. The second feature is the double height character mode referred to in the discussion of the VIC registers themselves. The first block of character memory - upper case and graphics - occupies the ROM locations 32768-34815. The second block - lower and upper case - occupies the ROM locations 34816-36863. Characters are displayed as patterns of dots. Each character position on the screen is composed of an 8x8 sqaure of dots (pixels). Character memory contains the information which tells the computer which dots to turn on or off for a particular character. If a bit is 1, the dot is on (displayed in character colour). If it is 0, the dot is off (displayed in background colour). Therefore, to cover 64 dots, each character representation takes 8 bytes of memory. eg. The character "A" 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 24 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 36 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 66 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 126 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 66 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 66 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 As mentioned earlier, the screen codes act as pointers into character memory. The screen code for A is 1. Its 8 bytes of data is therefore stored at 32768 + (8*1) = 32776. So the values 24, 36, 66, 126, 66, 66, 66, 0 are stored from 32776 to 32783. In general, to find the starting address of the representation of a character with screen code X use: 32768 + (8*X) for character set 1 34816 + (8*X) for character set 2 You can change from one character set to the other from the keyboard by using the CBM and shift key, or by changing the value of the character memory pointer - byte 36869. Its value is normally 240 (upper case and graphics) or 242 (upper case and lower case). DESIGNING YOUR OWN CHARACTERS Since the built in character sets are in ROM you cannot directly change them. However, as you have seen, the character memory pointer can be changed. So the secret to using a character set you design yourself is to change the pointer to point to your character set. First, however, you must design your characters. This is usually done with a piece of graph paper representing the 8x8 matrix. Fill in the squares you want and then calculate the values as shown above for the character "A". It is usual to copy some of the built in character set into RAM and then change those characters you wish to. ACCESSING BOTH CUSTOM AND BUILT-IN CHARACTER SETS If you have redesigned most of the characters in your custom character set, displaying understandable messages can be a problem. One solution to this makes use of the fact that the VIC chip sees addresses differently to the rest of the computer. If you place the custom character set at 7168-7679, then printing RVSON within a string will cause the VIC chip to access the unreversed character set in ROM when printing that string. The reasons for this are as follows: The VIC chip can only access 16384 bytes, which it sees as a contiguous block from 0 to 16383. To it the location of the custom character set is 15360. Since RVS ON sets the high bit of a character's screen code, all reversed characters have screen codes of 128 up. To access a character with code 128 the VIC chip goes to location 15360 + (128*8) = 16384. Since the VIC chip cannot access 16384 the address "overflows" and wraps around to 0, which the VIC chip sees as the address of the start of character ROM. This just happens to be the location of the unreversed straight forward, every day representations. HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS In low resolution graphics, characters are the focus of attention. You define characters, you move characters around and so on. In high resolution graphics the dots (pixels) which make up the characters are the focus of attention. The difference between the two is in programming technique, not in the way in which things are displayed. Typically, in low resolution, the character set, once defined, is not changed, while the screen memory is. In high resolution, screen memory, once defined, is not changed, while character memory is. The trick is to think of character memory not as defining characters, bit as defining the screen - one bit in character memory controlling one pixel on the screen. Unfortunately the standard VIC 20 does not have enough memory to define the entire screen. However it is possible to map part of the screen, e.g. a 64 x 64 pixel area in the top corner of the screen. First we set up our screen map (character memory), protect it from BASIC and clear it. 10 POKE 36869,255 20 POKE 52, 28:POKE 56, 28:CLR 30 FOR J = 7169 to 7679 40 POKE J, 0:NEXT Next we set up the high resolution area. 50 SV = 0 60 FOR J = 7680 TO 7855 STEP 22 70 FOR K = 0 TO 7 80 POKE J + K, SV:SV = SV + 1 90 NEXT K, J Now, to change a pixel , we merely need to change the bit in character memory corresponding to it. If we consider the high resolution work area as a 64 x 64 grid: 0 63 _______________________ 0 | | | | | | | 63 | we can give any pixel X and Y coordinates and work out the bit to change as follows: CHAR = INT(X/8) ROW = INT(Y/8) BYTE = 7168 + ROW * 64 + CHAR * 8 + (Y - INT(Y/8) * 8) BIT = 7 - (X - (CHAR * 8)) To turn 1 bit on while leaving the other bits in the byte unchanged, OR a mask with the current value of the byte. eg. POKE BYTE, PEEK(BYTE) OR (2 ^ BIT) To turn off a bit, AND NOT a mask with the current value of the byte. eg. POKE BYTE, PEEK(BYTE) AND NOT (2 ^ BIT) MAPPING THE ENTIRE SCREEN Even if you have enough memory to map the entire screen, at first glance it seems as though there are not enough screen codes to map the entire screen. The solution to this problem is to use double height characters. In this mode each screen code acts as a pointer to 16 bytes in character memory, rather than 8. Double height mode is controlled by bit 0 of 36867. Since the characters will now be 16 bytes high, the formulae to acces the bit requiring setting to turn on a screen pixel differ slightly, as below. CHAR = INT(X/8) ROW = INT(Y/16) BYTE = SC + ROW * 352 + CHAR * 16 + (Y - INT(Y/16) * 16) BIT = 7 - (X - (CHAR * 8)) (where SC is the start address of custom character memory) MULTICOLOUR GRAPHICS So far, each character position has been restricted