Cbm 2 Bmp by Peter Weighill - Version 1.1 I've written a visual basic programs for windows that will convert geopaint pictures, hi-res colour pictures and hi-res multi-colour pictures to bmp pictures. While the pictures are being converted a preview is shown. All pictures are shown at full size except for geopaint pictures which are shown at half size. I have included some example files for you to try. The example files are: LOBSTER.GEO (GeoPaint) SHOEGRID.GEO (GeoPaint) ROCKROLL.GEO (GeoPaint) SCOOBYDO.CDU (Cdu Paint) BLADE.ART (Adv Art Studio) NINJA3.KOA (Koala Painter) ZX-FLORD.ART (Art Studio) NOTES: 1. LOBSTER.GEO is in colour, the others GEO files are just black & white. 2. The file called GEOPAINT.TXT details the layout of the converted geopaint pictures. The source code is included so that you can make improvements as you wish. If you do make any then feel free to release a new version as long as you give credit to me for the original and don't charge anything for it. The current version ignores all the colour information in the GeoPaint Images. This does not usually matter since most pictures are in black and white. Read VERSION.TXT for information on the current version and the To-Do list. Bye, Peter Weighill.