Fen's Ende Software Bug Report Form [Version 1.1] Please do not edit any text in []. Text in () after field names in form should be deleted. Fill in as many fields as you can, and e-mail this bug-report to: bugs@FensEnde.COM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [BUG-START] Don't change these first three lines. [PROD:GYEM] [VERS:0004] Contact Information: First, we need some contact information from you: [NAME]: [EMAIL]: [CONTACT]: N (change to Y if you want notification if/when bug is fixed) System information: Because of the number of different types of systems out there, Many bugs can be caused by idiosycratic differences between CPU's and operating systems. Please tell us a little bit about your system: [CPU]: (include clock speed i.e.: 486/66, P150, Cyrix 6x86, etc.) [RAM]: (amount of DRAM and type; i.e.: 8 DRAM, 16 EDO, 32 BEDO, etc.) [CACHE]: (level-2 cache on your system; i.e.: 512K, 256K, 64K, etc.) [OS]: (operating system; i.e.: Win95, DOS 6.2, WinNT 4.0, etc.) [VGA]: (vga card type; i.e.: Hercules Terminator 128) [VGAMEM]: (ram on your video card; i.e.: 2Meg, VRAM) [HDD]: (hard disk type; scsi, ide, etc.) [SOUNDCARD]: (sound card) [SNDSETTINGS]: (ioaddr/irq/dma settings of your sound card) [SOUNDMEM]: (how much extra RAM on your sound card) Bug Information: Please enter a description of the bug: [DESCR-START] Enter text here, description continues for as many lines as needed. description ends at the [DESCR-END] line. [DESCR-END] Is the bug reproducable, or is it just random? If it is reproducable, please describe how to reproduce the bug. [REPRO-START] Enter text here, how-to-reproduce continues for as many lines as needed. how-to-reproduce ends at the [REPRO-END] line. [REPRO-END] Notes about bug: This section is a free-form section where you can fill in any information you believe is relevant to help us find the bug. [NOTES-START] Enter text here, how-to-reproduce continues for as many lines as needed. how-to-reproduce ends at the [REPRO-END] line. [NOTES-END] [BUG-END] -----------------------------------------------------------------------