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ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ³ SHINY HAPPY LIST OF CHANGES ³ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Here are the main changes made to the program from TI Emulator! v5.01 (see the appropriate documentation for more information): þ Text-based configuration file. þ Ability to record and playback demos added. þ Catalog reads now work on DSKx emulated directories. þ Main 9900 memory bus emulation improved. (Mainly this means that certain games like Moon Patrol and Popeye work now.) þ A relatively complete hardware emulation unit added. (Emulates the CRU.) þ The keyboard emulation has been completely rewritten to properly emulate the hardware keyboard. þ The keyboard LED should now work (CapsLock only). þ Joystick routines have been entirely rewritten and are quite fast now. þ The keys to select interprogram functions have been changed from both Ctrl+Alt to be Ctrl OR Alt (or both, if you want). This now allows cruddy keyboards to register the Ctrl/Alt+Fx functions. þ An information screen is now available as Shift+Ctrl+F1. þ Digitized noise now available (whee!) with a Sound Blaster, and fake-o periodic noise is available on an Adlib card. þ "Toggling" action added to PC speaker sound emulation to allow three voices. þ Added CALL COINC(ALL,n) support þ Added optional five-sprites-on-a-line emulation. þ Disk-on-a-disk support added. þ Can now reverse slowdown function. þ Really sped up the text mode on 386 systems. þ Tons of bug fixes. þ A more true-to-life TI palette is available with VGA adapters. þ Internal debugger completely revamped. þ No more repeating caps lock. þ Real speech synthesis added. Note that it's way down here on the list because at the current time, it sounds pretty bad. þ High-pitched-whining-where-there-should-be-sound bug eliminated. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ³ UPGRADING FROM TI EMULATOR! V4.0 OR V5.01 ³ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ First of all, there is now a directory structure. All the ROM files should go into \ROMS. All the module files should go into \MODULES. HOWEVER, use LST2INF to move your module files, as it also creates a new module database from the old MODULES.LST. LST2INF will NOT WORK if you have already moved the module files. (See later in this document.) To move the ROMs quick-n-easy, do this. This tutorial assumes you installed TI Emulator! v4.0 or v5.01 in "D:\TIEMUL", and V9t9 in "C:\V9t9": C:\V9t9> cd ROMS will move into the \ROMS subdirectory C:\V9t9\ROMS> move D:\TIEMUL\TICPU.HEX . C:\V9t9\ROMS> move D:\TIEMUL\TIGPL.HEX . C:\V9t9\ROMS> move D:\TIEMUL\TISPEECH.HEX . will move all ROMs to their new location The console ROM images in v4.0 and v5.01 were patched to get around limitations in emulation. V9t9 now supports all the 99/4A hardware (in some way or another), but you needn't "unpatch" the ROMs yourself since V9t9 will do so itself. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From v5.01, I've started a new convention for the naming of ROM images. The names "TICPU.HEX" and "TIGPL.HEX" are stupid. ".HEX" means nothing. "TICPU" is not the CPU, it's the CPU ROM. "TIGPL" is not the Graphics Programming Language, it's the GROM. Anyway, here are the new names: TICPU.HEX => 994AROM.BIN (CPU ROM) TIGPL.HEX => 994AGROM.BIN (CPU GROM) TISPEECH.HEX=> SPCHROM.BIN (speech synthesizer ROM) The default configuration file (V9t9.CNF) was set up to use these filenames, so if you want to keep the old stupid names, change the filenames in "[ ROM Options ]" in V9t9.CNF. Otherwise, do this: C:\V9t9\ROMS> ren ticpu.hex 994AROM.bin C:\V9t9\ROMS> ren tigpl.hex 994AGROM.bin C:\V9t9\ROMS> ren tispeech.hex SPCHROM.BIN renames all the files to their new names ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Now I guess would be a good time to fix all the DSKx emulated files that v4.0 and v5.01 created incorrectly. Back up the files if you wish, but I doubt anything bad will happen. (If you missed it, v4.0 and v5.01 has bugs which messed up the file headers of most emulated files. V9t9 works correctly with the buggy file headers (the reason I didn't discover it for so long), but catalogs will be misleading unless you fix them.) To do this, it's easiest to change directories the \UTILS subdirectory where you installed V9t9. (Most utilities should be run directly from the V9t9 directory, however.) Make a list of all the directories you used to store DSKx emulated files, and do this (for example): C:\V9t9\UTILS> tichkdsk D:\TIEMUL\DSK1 /V This will simply scan all the files and tell you which ones have problems. The /V means to list all the files that are checked. If they're all fine, well, cool! But if you live on Earth, there will be errors in some files. If you get the error message "Not a V9t9 file or a damaged file" this most likely means you've stuck a DOS file in the directory. Move all such files out of DSKx directories, just for common-sense purposes. If you see a message like "Bad file structure", this may also signal a DOS file. If you know that a file is good, but TICHKDSK says "not a V9t9 file", you may have used DOS RENAME to change its filename. If so, then the filename stored inside the file does not match the unmangled DOS name, and an error was assumed. Use the TIMATCH program to fix such files. Most other files will say "TI Emulator! v5.01- probably made this error", which it did. Back up the erroneous files, if you care that much, and execute: C:\V9t9\UTILS> tichkdsk /V /F This will do the same thing as above, except it will fix the files. DOS files lurking in the directory will not be altered, unless they happen to look like V9t9 files. (See UTILS.TXT for more general TICHKDSK information.) Lastly, you should edit V9t9.CNF and set up the "DSKxPath" variables to point to their old locations, if you want to get started in a familiar setting. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Next, it's time to run LST2INF. This utility will convert your MODULES.LST file into the new MODULES.INF file. This process involves two things: renaming the module files and moving them into the V9t9 \MODULES subdirectory. If you want to know all the gorey details about module filenames, please see the MODULES.TXT file. The module files will be renamed only if they do not fit the (unwritten) standard I adopted in v5.01: This basically consists of having a "base name" for the modules' files, with a letter tacked on the end to tell what kind it is. For example, TI Extended BASIC might have "TIEXT" as its base name, and the "C", "D", and "G" segments, making its files TIEXTC.HEX, TIEXTD.HEX, and TIEXTG.HEX. So, if your module files already fit this pattern, little renaming will happen. But if there is renaming, you'll have to intervene and give LST2INF some input. Of course, you'll notice, I didn't name the TI Extended BASIC module files the way the example demonstrates (TIEXTC0.HEX, TIEXTC1.HEX, TIEXTG.HEX), so you'll actually get to intervene, and this file isn't for naught. :) LST2INF will also automagically move your module images from your old v5.01- directory into the V9t9 \MODULES subdirectory, as a part of renaming. ÄÄÄÄ!--!--!--!--!--!ÄÄÄÄ VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST NOT move the module files yourself and then run LST2INF. LST2INF renames the files and moves them in the same step; if a file is renamed to itself, the directory structure will be ruined. (I oughta know, I did it myself.) Leave your module files and MODULES.LST in your old TI Emulator v5.01- directory, and let V9t9 move them. ÄÄÄÄ!--!--!--!--!--!ÄÄÄÄ Before running LST2INF, you might want to back up your module files, just for safety's sake. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A VERY good idea for users of TI Emulator v4.0 who did not "register": edit the old MODULES.LST file and erase all the entries (four lines each, starting with the title) for modules which you don't have. All the registration modules were listed in that file to make it easier to install them when the time came. LST2INF doesn't know about this and will assume there are serious problems when it can't find all the files. It only has a tolerance of 8 nonexistent module files before it terminates. This measure is also appropriate if you have added entries to MODULES.LST and know that some files referenced in it do not exist. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here's how to run it: C:\V9t9\UTILS> cd .. get back to the correct directory C:\V9t9> upgrade\lst2inf Before actually creating the new MODULES.INF file and moving the module files, a consistency check will be made on MODULES.LST. LST2INF will NOT proceed if it finds that a module segment file was used in more than one module entry (since each module must have a unique base name). Fix your MODULES.LST file if any errors come up, then run LST2INF again. After the MODULES.LST file is found to be consistent, you'll be asked if you want to supply your own base names if renaming needs to occur. Usually you should select "Y". Otherwise the base name of the module's first existing segment will be used. During the renaming process, you may get a lot of errors if referenced files do not exist anymore. LST2INF will trudge through the nonexistent files until it finds 8 or more, then it will die, assuming you've made an error in specifying the directory. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ As a means of making people conform to the new naming standards, LST2INF will change the module files' extensions to *.BIN. Be sure the "DefaultModuleExtension" variable in V9t9.CNF is set to "BIN". After the conversion process is complete, run MODULES to create a new startup list. (See MODULES.TXT for operating information.) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you did "register" for v4.0 or v5.01, please note that ALL THE UTILITIES HAVE CHANGED. The syntax, results, and bugs are all different. See UTILS.TXT for an overview of all the files in the \UTILS subdirectory. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ