Graphics Ripper =============== version 0.81 beta by Marc Lafontaine What is missing from this version? --------------------------------- -Choose the width and height of the plotting area, right now it is lock to 640 X 256. -Manual plot mode. this is imperative for games whith various whidth shapes, like Super Monaco GP. Right now, you can only plot columns with always the same width (that you specified). -Block rotation, to plot sideways block the right way. -The files are always completely loaded in memory. This is fine with Arcade roms because they are of little size, but if you try to see a 10 megs file it will probably work but the program will have to load the file in ram first, so if you have 8 or 16 megs or ram, you will have to wait a while... -The edition of algorithm. In this version you just can create new algorithm or save a new one over an old name. What is Graphics Ripper? ------------------------ Graphics Ripper is a program that help extract graphics from binary files like the rom image of an arcade video game. It do so by enabling you to choose what bits to match to produce a pixel of any number of color.(256 colors or less) The program let you select bits from 4 bytes of 4 files. Then, it will plot those pixels on the screen in nearly any way you want. You can specify the width and height of a bloc and then plot blocs in a row. Eventually,in a next version, you will be able to rotate those blocs and plot pixels manually for games with various width. Buttons description: -------------------- Here is the description of all the buttons, in the order that they appear on the screen. -Save to: edit box: The first letters of the filename that will be saved. Changed it and you will see the name at the bottom of the screen change accordingly. You are not limited to 4 letters, but if you want to be compatible with DOS, you should not specify more than 4 letters. -The combo box next to the Save to: box: Specify the algorithm to use when plotting the graphic. -Algorithm button: To view or edit or create a new algorithm. -Automatic button: change between Automatic and Manual plotting mode. Right now, only the Automatic mode is available. -Exit button: To exit the program. You can also press the ESC key. -File 1, File 2, File 3 and File 4 edit box and the >> button associated then them: Press the >> button to call the file requester to specify witch file you want to plot. Only the active one are enabled, it depend of the algorithm. -Save as button (With a floppy icon): To save the plotting area under a specific name. Call the save dialog requester, so you can specify the name and location of the .PCX that will be saved. -Save button (with a hard drive icon): Save the plotting area in the file specified at the bottom of the window. Then, this name will change. The program will never write over an existing file. -Clear screen button: Clear the plotting area and reset the cursor at the upper left of the plotting area. -Zoom 1X 2X 4X 8X buttons: To zoom the plotting area. -Skip edit box: Let you specify the number of bytes to skip from the beginning of the file. (When you use the <--- button) -<--- button (rewind): To reset to the begining of the file(s) that is beeing plotted. If Skip is non zero then skip to that number. You can see the position you currrently are in a file at the bottom left of the window. -P button: Plot, will plot an entire screen from the current cursor position. You can load a file, plot it, then load another file and it will plot the new file at the side of the other. -CP button: Clear the screen, then plot. Same thing of pressing the clear screen button then the P button. The most used button. -SCP button: Same thing of pressing the Save button then the clear screen button then the P button. -Width edit box: Specify the width of the column to plot and/or specify the width of a bloc or character. -Height edit box: Specify the Height of a character. -Nb Char Width box: Specify how many character to plot side by side. The algorithm window: -Combo box Specify wich algorithm you view/edit. -Nb of files: Specify on how many files at the time you work. -Nb of bytes: Specify on how many bytes at the time you work. -Nb of colors: Specify how many colors have each pixels. -Save button: To save the current algorithm to the .INI file. -New button: Clear all data on the window, the name included. Press this to start a new algorithm. -Clear button: Clear all data on the window. -OK button: To return to the plotting window. -The bits buttons: (buttons with numbers on them) Each button represent a bit in a byte of a file. Press one of them to see its name putted at the current position in the Pixels list box. *Please take note that the bit labeled 1 is really the hi bit of the byte. the number 8 is the low bit, so there are in a visual order but not in the order we programers normally count. -The Pixels list box: List the bits that are forming each pixels ex: 1=F1-B1-b1; mean pixel 1 is formed with the bit 1 of the byte 1 of the file 1. 8=F1-B1-b7;F1-B1-b8; mean pixel 8 is in 4 color and is formed with bits 7 and 8 of the 1 byte of the file 1 -Eventually it will be some other buttons in this window to allow the user to edit the algorithm. In this version you can only see and create a new algorithm. How to begin ------------ Here is the steps you will likely do when trying to extract graphics from an unknown file. -Begin by choosing the '02 colors' algorithm. With this algorithm the program plot a white pixel for each bits in a byte. -Specify a file in the File 1 box. -Press the >> button to call the file requester. -Double click on the file you want. -The name of the file,without the path, should appear in the edit box named File 1. -Choose 8 for Width, 1 for Height and 1 for Nb Chars. -Press the P button to Plot a screen. -You should have a series of column of 8 white pixels width. -If you want to save that screen for further examination in a .PCX file, press the Save button. (The one with an hard drive icon) A file with the name that appear at the bottom of the window will be saved. This filename change each time. It will never write over an existing file. ex: if SNAP0000.PCX exist then it will try SNAP0001.PCX. The first 4 letters are specified in the Save To: edit box. If you had pressed the Save as button (the one with a floppy icon) you would have to specify exactly the filename and location you wanted. -At this point, the next steps depend of what you see on the screen. I will eventually try to write that here, but not today. -Press the Exit button or ESC to exit the program. Notes: ------ -You can edit the .ini file like you want, to add or delete algorithm. the only thing to take attention to is that in the section [Listing] the AlgorithmXX names must be in an incressing order without hole. so: Algorithm0=Name 1 Algorithm1=Name 2 Algorithm3=Name 3 is not good, the Name 3 will never be loaded. Version History: ---------------- 3/25/1997 -- Version 0.81 -Added some algorithm in the .INI file. 3/23/1997 -- Version 0.80 -First version (beta version) Disclaimer: ---------- Graphics Ripper may be made freely available from Internet web sites as long as the original zip file is not modified in any way. Attempting to sell Graphics Ripper constitutes a violation of copyright and may result in legal action being taken. Anyone using this program does so at their own risk. The author does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising from its use. The author will not be held responsible for copyright violations of the use of the resulting graphics. How to Contact me: ----------------- Email: Web: You can contact me by mail at: Marc Lafontaine 904 Terrasse des Promenades Drummondville Quebec, Canada J2C-7B2