Super Marble Solitaire 1.1 Registration Form Registration by check: To register by check, send this form and a check to: Wrenware P.O. Box 24455 Lyn-Mayfield, OH 44124 Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or you can send international postal money orders in US dollars. CompuServe Registration: To have the registration fee added to your CompuServe bill, type GO SWREG and follow the menus. Registration number is 8408. 3.5 inch disks are sent. Only Windows 95 and Windows NT are supported. Prices guaranteed through December, 1996. Super Marble Solitaire: ___ copies at $19 each = __________ Total payment = __________ Name: _______________________________________ Company: _______________________________________ Address (line 1): _______________________________________ Address (line 2): _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Country: _______________________________________ Day Phone: _______________________________________ Evening Phone: _______________________________________ Electronic Mail address: _______________________________________ Comments: