Please type a carriage return to begin. You can save time in your next call by typing a carriage return as soon as your modem connects Connection made at 2400 baud. 85 MegaBytes Online & Feelin' Fine! % The %%% NEW... %% %% %% %%% !! !! M a c i n t o s h %%%% !! !! U s e r s a t %%%%%%* %%% *%%%%%% !! !! B e r k l e e %%%%%%%%%%% %% *%%%%%%%%%%% }} }} -------------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }} } M M EEEEE GGG AAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }}}}}}} MMMMM E G A A {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ &&&&&&&&& Your first name? scott Your last name? mueller Searching userlog... Your password? ***** Welcome, Scott Mueller, from Elmwood Park, NJ! Connected on 11/20/90 at 05:22:12 You are caller number 18079 You have called this system 28 times. You last called on 11/19/90 at 06:16:11 You have uploaded 0 files and have downloaded 15 files. You have sent 5 private messages and 10 public messages. No new messages have been sent to you since your last call. Press CTRL-S to Pause, any key to resume or CTRL-C to cancel WELCOME Electronic Musician readers from around the world!!!!! Once again folks...we are in print! If you will look at the new November, 1990 issue....there is a very thoughtful article entitled "Going Online: A Guide to Electronic Bulletin Board Systems". Then take a lookie on page 30...we got a listing!!!! There's only one group of people I cam thank...and that's you. We are finally starting to get back on our feet here and hope to continue to bring you the best in MIDI/Music/Sound information. Please look for the following new features in the coming weeks: A) The long awaited Amiga section!!! B) More hard disk space!!! C) Extended Opcode Systems support!!! D) Finally.....Mark of the Unicorn software/hardware support!!! And more tips, picks, get ready to communicate! Questions, comments, just bored?? Leave E-Mail for Ira Horvitz or Matthew Stone....we are here for you! Press any key to continue... Press CTRL-S to Pause, any key to resume or CTRL-C to cancel Thanks to everyone for making the MUB BBS the very best! OOOOO N N L IIIIIII N N EEEEEEE O O N N N L I N N N E O O N N N L I N N N E O O N N N L I N N N EEEE O O N NN L I N NN E OOOOO N N LLLLLL IIIIIII N N EEEEEEE AND FEELIN' FINE ! ! ! ! ! Press CTRL-S to Pause, any key to resume or CTRL-C to cancel Visit ______________________ Dr. T's Music Software - Online in the
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SOFTWARE'S NAME & REGISTRATION # and you'll automatically
become registered to enjoy the many benefits of Dr. T Online!
Visit Dr. T Today!
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=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
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Welcome to the
Dr.T Online User Group & Technical Support
on the Macintosh Users at Berklee MEGA MIDI/Music BBS!
SIGop : Richard Viard
This user group offers demos, product information, product descriptions,
and more to all users of the MUB BBS!
Registered users of Dr.T Software also receive FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT,
Tips, Newsletters, Articles, and more! To receieve validation for these
areas of the BBS leave Private E-Mail to RICHARD VIARD and include your
NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, Dr.T Product Name(s), Serial Numbers. Give it a few
days and you'll be validated for Dr.T Tech Support & more!
Join the Dr.T Online User Group Today!
Call Dr.T at (617) 244-6954!
Press any key to continue...
Any registered user of the MUB -MEGA- MIDI/Music BBS can now get
a special deal on Dr. T's KCS Level II Music Sequencer for the
Apple Macintosh Computer!
Regularly priced at $349, MUB BBS registered users can receive
KCS Level II for only $200 - Direct from Dr.T!!!
MUB BBS registration is only $10.00, membership fee and ONLY $15
a year, subscription fee ($25 first year)...see the MAIN MENU for more informati
on on how to become registered if you're not already!
The MUB BBS & Dr.T, making your music easier to achieve with KCS Level II!
For more information leave E-Mail for Richard Viard or Joe Zobkiw!
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=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
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<#> Send Private E-mail to Bob Melvin - X-oR / E-oR
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==== Dr.T Unregistered User File Library ====
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(58 minutes left) Command? L
Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
DrTInfo 489 04/10/89 61 Plain TEXT Document
D>ownload, N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (D,N,Q,C)? C
COPYDEMO.ARC 179328 07/21/89 17 Non-Mac Application Or Document
The Copyist Atari ST Demonstration program. (Save and Print are disabled)
TUNEDEMO.ARC 119808 07/23/89 12 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Demo of TUNESMITH for Atari ST. Algorithmic Composer written by Jim
PROTDEMO.ARC 99328 07/25/89 10 Non-Mac Application Or Document
This is the demo of the new E-MU Proteus editor for Atari ST. The program
is ready and will be soon on the Amiga. The is the ONLY editor available
for Proteus!
TIGDEMO.ARC 188416 08/05/89 32 Non-Mac Application Or Document
A Demo of T.I.G.E.R The Interactive Graphic Editor for Atari ST. This
program makes editing MIDI sequences Fun, Fast and Easy.
TIGDEMO.ARC 188416 08/10/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
XOR_DEMO.ARC 197632 08/10/89 27 Non-Mac Application Or Document
This is the latest version of X-or Demo for Atari ST. This is Identical as
the release version except MIDI has been disabled. (Only 3 profiles are
D110DEMO.ZIP 207872 08/17/89 6 Non-Mac Application Or Document
D110 editor demo for the IBM (or compatible)
PRISMDEM.ZIP 236544 08/17/89 13 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Demo of Prism sequencer for the IBM. One of the easiest yet very powerful
sequencer for the IBM.
COPYDEMO.ZOO 143360 11/13/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Amiga demo of Copyist Professional. Copy the files to a disk named
Copyist_DEMO to run it.
PROTDEMO.ZOO 90112 11/13/89 17 Non-Mac Application Or Document
E-MU Proteus demo for Amiga.
ZOO 26624 11/15/89 8 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Use this file to uncompress the Amiga demos or files, as well as the
DOCS.ZOO documentation for the ZOO utility. Use ZOO to uncompress DOCS.ZOO
by typing:"zoo extract doc" from the CLI. See the uncompressed docs for
more info.
+ (c/M&}. .(zv"i[
ek -4-
HIT_DEMO.ARC 101376 01/01/90 22 Non-Mac Application Or Document
HITMAN demo for Atari ST. (Film and Video scoring tool) Instructions
LEVEL2.ARC 301056 03/12/90 8 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Level 2 Version 3.0 for Atari ST.
CUBDEMO.ARC 637568 04/30/90 0 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Demo of Tiger CUB for ATARI ST, Includes Quickscore, and demo files.
(Quickscore will only print once in single staff mode). This file is uge,
If you are calling long distance, you might consider buying the program,
it could end up beeing cheaper...) Retail $99.
Press carriage return to continue...
==== Dr.T Unregistered User File Library ====
earch for characters in file names
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(57 minutes left) Command? P===========================================================
=== Professionals/User Groups Online ======================
<1> Q Software Design - Pascal, C, Hypercard
<3> Dr. T User Group - Software Tech Support
<4> HIP Software - Macintosh Music Software
<5> Opcode Systems - Music Software & Hardware
<6> Coda - Music Software
<7> Buy Best! - Mail Order Music Equipment
uit to Main Menu
(57 minutes left) Command? 3=============================================
=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
<1> Dr.T Information
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Richard Viard
<#> Send Private E-mail to Bob Melvin - X-oR / E-oR
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Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
DrTInfo 489 04/10/89 14 Plain TEXT Document
D>ownload, N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (D,N,Q,C)? C
DRTSYSEX.ARC 11264 07/27/89 15 Non-Mac Application Or Document
A public domain utility for Atari ST written by Jim Johnson that let you
record a SYSEX dump and save it as a KCS .SEQ file.
COPUPDAT.ARC 97280 08/05/89 21 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New fonts and printer drivers for Copyist (Atari ST)
CONVERT.ZIP 14336 08/17/89 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Copyist conversion programs for IBM. CONVERT.EXE will transfer IBM
copyist.ME files to the Atari ST and vice versa. CONVERTS.EXE is the same
for .STR files. When you upload Copyist files to this board, Try to upload
them in Atari ST format since only IBM users can run CONVERT.
This program has poor user interface, no help or error prompts. (but hey,
it works!)
TUNUPDAT.ARC 107520 08/31/89 24 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Update install for Tunesmith Atari ST. See the README.NOW file for
installing the update. This will only work if you own a original Tunesmith
disk. This version fixes a problem with KCS1.7 and mega ST's. A list of
improvments from previous versions is included.
EMU_105.ARC 80896 09/22/89 5 Non-Mac Application Or Document
E-Mu Proteus Editor Update V 1.05. Fixes some minor problems. This is not
a running program but an update that installs to you master disk. See
README.NOW for instructions.
TIGR8_28.ARC 159744 09/22/89 43 Non-Mac Application Or Document
TIGER update dated 8/28/89. This is not a running program but an update
that installs to you master disk. See README.NOW for instructions.
INF_FIX.ARC 1024 10/18/89 9 Non-Mac Application Or Document
This contains COPYIST2.INF which fixes a problem with early Copyist Pro
1.6 which bombed when trying to load it in MPE. (Do not download this file
unless you have that problem!)
HR16PROF.ARC 6144 10/18/89 15 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Alesis HR16 XOR profile. Some quirks in the HR16 MIDI implementation
limits the profile functionality.
HIT_101.ARC 105472 11/16/89 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
HITMAN rev 1.01 for the Atari ST. This also uses the Installer to upgrade
your master disk. Make sure to read Installer TXT in this archive for
info. (If you are runing TOS 1.4, this will not work. Contact Dr.T's for
the upgrade)
K51218.ARC 54272 12/18/89 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
K5EDITOR Update for the Caged Artist Kawai K-5 Editor. This is not a
running program, but is installable - see the READ.ME file. Copy
protection scheme now allows desk accessories and asks for a key disk if
it doesn't find one. A kinder, gentler protection.
CUB_FIX.ARC 176128 02/08/90 9 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Update to Tiger Cub in Installer format. (copy the files to a SINGLE SIDED
disk and run the Install.PRG) a Readme file describes the changes.
PHANT115.ARC 96256 02/24/90 12 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Phantom V 1.15 . Contains also PHSMPTE which we recomend over Phantom.
This version is compatible with KCS and LEVEL2 V3.0
NEWDRVRS.ZIP 74752 04/30/90 0 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New Drivers for IBM Copyist. Adds support for some 24pin printers as well
as A4 paper support. Also fixes a problem with the user fonts printing
dots around the guitar grid.
NEWDRVRS.ARC 136064 05/03/90 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New drivers for Copyist Atari. These include A4 format (European standard)
and fixes for various 24 pin printers we were having problems with, as
well as a fix for some symbols not printing and dots apearing on the
guitar grid. The new MECONF needs to be ran after these profiles are
TBSIC107.ARC 126592 05/14/90 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
T-Basic version 1.07 update for Atari in installer format. Dearc to a
single sided disk (erase the ARC file) and run INSTALL.PRG. You will be
prompted to insert your master and backup disk. Make sure you do this from
a SS disk. This will not work under TOS 1.4 (the install that is) This
version adds file compatibility with KCS 3.0, a search feature, and a new,
faster save mode. (see README)
Press carriage return to continue...
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(56 minutes left) Command? P===========================================================
=== Professionals/User Groups Online ======================
<1> Q Software Design - Pascal, C, Hypercard
<3> Dr. T User Group - Software Tech Support
<4> HIP Software - Macintosh Music Software
<5> Opcode Systems - Music Software & Hardware
<6> Coda - Music Software
<7> Buy Best! - Mail Order Music Equipment
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=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
<1> Dr.T Information
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Richard Viard
<#> Send Private E-mail to Bob Melvin - X-oR / E-oR
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(56 minutes left) Command? X===========================
==== X-oR File Library ====
==== X-oR File Library ====
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Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
J106_N20.ARC 2048 11/20/89 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Roland Juno-106 Profile. 1st Pass (tested).
D>ownload, N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (D,N,Q,C)? C
DXORG108.ARC 7168 01/09/90 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
DX-7 Profile for older DX-7s. Has Version 1.1 X-or enhancements, and
corrects Transplant Section problem. Includes help file.
DXNEW108.ARC 7168 01/09/90 6 Non-Mac Application Or Document
DX-7 Profile for later-model DX-7s. Contains X-or Version 1.1
enhancements and help file.
MT32_108.ARC 18432 01/09/90 14 Non-Mac Application Or Document
MT-32 Profiles for Version 1.1 of X-or. Two Profiles, one which uses MT32
type banks, and one which uses D-110 style banks. Both have all version
1.1 enhancements and a Help file.
LXP1_J13.XOR 4096 01/13/90 12 Non-Mac Application Or Document
LXP-1 Profile Update. For version 1.1 of X-or, this fixes the LXP-1's bug
which caused some parameters to be wrongly changed when a patch was sent.
Not ARC'd.
V50_F01.ARC 26624 02/01/90 3 Non-Mac Application Or Document
The COMPLETE V-50 Profile Set. Includes Single Voices, Performances,
Performance Effects, Microtuning Tables, Program Change Tables, Rhythm
Machine Setup, Rhythm Sequences (Patterns, Songs), and Song Sequences.
All are up to version 1.1 standards, and all are completely tested. With
Help files.
RX11_F04.ARC 4096 02/05/90 6 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Profile for the Yamaha RX-11 Drum Machine. Originally programmed by Jim
Johnson... revised, updated, and tested by Bob Melvin. Do NOT use earlier
Profile (small bug - severe consequences). ARC'd with Help file.
D50_F05.ARC 8192 02/05/90 15 Non-Mac Application Or Document
D-50 Profile Correction. Fixes recent bug in D-50 Patch load. ARC'd with
Help file.
Z3_F16.ARC 10240 02/16/90 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Korg Z-3 Guitar Synth X-oR Profile, with Help file. Includes Sound and
Program editing. A beautiful Profile for an obscure synth!
CM32P_F1.ARC 5120 02/27/90 3 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-or Profile for Roland CM32P module. This is a fairly complete Profile,
with Help file. Programmed and fully tested by Caged Artist. CM64 could
also be programmed with this Profile (and the MT32 Profile).
M3R_F26.ARC 15360 02/27/90 15 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Profile update for Korg M3R synth. This fixes one small bug in the feb. 4
Profile, and adds fancier mouse channel tracking in Combi (Multi) mode.
Programmed & tested by Caged Artist. With updated Help File.
POLY6_M1.ARC 3072 03/05/90 2 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for the Poly-6 Synth with MIDI retrofit. Dust off those old
Poly-6s, with this Profile they actual become useful once again! ARC'd
with a Help file. Programmed & Tested by Caged Artist.
AJUNO_M1.ARC 6144 03/05/90 8 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for the Alpha-Juno-1 (MKS-50?) Synthesizer from Roland.
Handles everything an Alpha Juno is capable of - Sys-Ex-wise. ARC'd with
a Help file. Programmed and tested by Caged Artist.
FB01_M05.ARC 9216 03/05/90 20 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile Update for the Yamaha FB-01. This is a very slight update,
with a minor bug fix that may have been corrupting Config. files under
certain circumstances. Also, Getting a Config. Patch is improved to get
all Instrument Voices as well. ARC'd with Help file.
K1_MR05.ARC 9216 03/10/90 20 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Kawai K-1 X-oR Profile update. Fixes several small bugs. ARC'd with a
Help file. Programmed by Caged Artist.
D50NR1.ARC 7168 03/13/90 9 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Special D-50 Profile that ignores reverb data when getting a bank. If
this works for people who have been having problems, then Roland must have
changed something about how the Reverb data is sent. Please test and
leave a message for Bob Melvin.
VFX_MR13.ARC 14336 03/13/90 11 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for Ensoniq VFX SD V.1.37 or Ensoniq VFX V.2.01. Premiere
version of Profile (not finished, but very close). Programmed and tested
by Bob Melvin. (tested on the SD) ARC'd with Help file.
SIXT_NOV.ARC 2048 03/26/90 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Profile for the Sequential 6-Track. This is an old Profile, which some
people may not have received with their version 1.1 update (?)
EOR_MR12.ARC 76800 04/02/90 24 Non-Mac Application Or Document
E-oR. This one has greatly expanded limits in all areas, so you won't run
out of text table space or parameter object space or whatever. Other than
that, it's still the same. Use old resource file.
T1_APR04.ARC 23552 04/04/90 2 Non-Mac Application Or Document
T1/T2/T3 Profile for X-oR. This profile handles Korg T series instruments
Combis, Programs, Drum Kits and Global settings. Programmed and Tested by
Bob Melvin (thanks for the loaner, Korg USA Inc.). ARC'd with a Help
PROTXR1.ARC 20480 04/11/90 18 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New Proteus Profile for X-oR. This is the single edit buffer version,
most suited for those who use the proteus in poly mode, or those who have
a very large X-oR performance, and don't want 16 individual edit buffers
for presets. This version uses parameter change messages, which makes
editing slightly faster, and emulates the Proteus very closely (when you
change channels, you lose the patch you are editing). ARC'd with a Help
file. Programmed and tested by Bob Melvin.
PROXR16A.ARC 20480 04/11/90 23 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Proteus Profile for X-oR. This is the release version of the 16-edit
buffer profile for the Proteus XR, which uses the top 16 presets as
"virtual edit buffers," allowing you to edit all 16 channels
simultaneously and independently. NOTE: Users of previous pre-release
Profile...the patch format is larger, to allow for expansion - if you've
created a Library, it won't be compatible (leave me a message). ARC'd
with a Help file. Programmed and tested by Bob Melvin.
AKAIMB76.ARC 2048 04/12/90 2 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for the Akai MB-76 programmable Mix Bay. Submitted by John
O'Hara and cleaned up by Bob Melvin. This cleaned up version has yet to
be tested, but if you're reading this, it must have passed the test.
ARC'd with a Help file.
D110_A11.ARC 13312 04/12/90 28 Non-Mac Application Or Document
D-110 Profile Update. Includes better edit screen displays in both Patch
and Part Tone areas, and improved multi-timbral operation. ARC'd with a
Help file. Programmed and tested by Bob Melvin.
PROTEUS1.ARC 20480 04/12/90 23 Non-Mac Application Or Document
E-mu Proteus/1 (the original Proteus) Profile for X-oR. Developed from
the PROTXR1 Profile. ARC'd with a Help file. Programmed by Bob Melvin.
DPM3_A25.ARC 15360 04/25/90 3 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Preliminary Profile for Peavey DPM-3. Lacking a couple of bells and
whistles, but it is working and tested. Best with version 1.3 ROMs, but
1.2 will do. ARC'd with Help file. By Bob Melvin.
U220_A27.ARC 14336 04/27/90 16 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for Roland U-220 RS-PCM Sound Module. Complete super-duper
editing Profile ARC'd with a Help file. Programmed and tested by your
friendly local Caged Artist.
DSS1_MY3.ARC 4096 05/04/90 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for Korg DSS-1. Basic Editor/Librarian for DSS-1 Programs
only, written by Chuck Beury, slightly changed by Bob Melvin (contact Bob
if you have a problem). ARC'd with a Help file.
U20_MAY7.ARC 18432 05/07/90 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
X-oR Profile for the Roland U-20 RS-PCM Synthesizer. Preliminary version,
ARC'd with Help file. Programmed by Bob Melvin. Includes editing for ALL
U-20 functions (Keyboard Patch, Chords, etc.).
MX1000M7.ARC 10240 05/08/90 16 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New X-oR Profiles for the Matrix-1000. Profiles have version 1.1
improvements (init patches, machine init message, etc.) and fix one small
bug caused by version 1.1 differences. MX1000 Profile is for earlier ROM
versions, while MX1000B should work with ROM version 1.10 or later
(allowing direct access to the edit buffer instead of using patch #99 as
the edit buffer). Both profiles and their Help files are in this ARC file.
By Bob Melvin.
MX6_MAY7.ARC 8192 05/08/90 12 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New X-oR Profile for the Matrix-6. Now includes splits! All version 1.1
enhancements have been added, and a few minor bugs have been corrected.
ARC'd with a new Help file. By Bob Melvin.
XOR_V112.ARC 73728 05/10/90 47 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Latest version of X-oR (version 1.12) This corrects several minor bugs,
and may improve mouse click handling on Mega or newer ST machines. Library
printing is much faster. You must have Installer program to install this
program on your master disk (not included in this ARC file).
PAT360N9.ARC 3072 05/18/90 5 Non-Mac Application Or Document
OLD Profile for the 360 Systems MIDI Patcher (8x8). This is a very old
Profile which an X-oR user requested (it may have been ommitted from the
1.1 update disk).
GR50BTA2.ARC 18432 08/01/90 5 Non-Mac Application Or Document
This is today's GR-50 Profile. I've added system, patch chain, and I've
split the Part Tones away from the Guitar Tones. I can't find the Get Bank
bug, so there are 3 Get Banks now: GtrPatch, GtrTone and PartTone all have
slightly different routines - try all three (one only gets patches, one
gets tones, and the other tries to get both). Please try Get Patch and
Send Patch for all data areas - and test editing as well (tone edit should
be pretty well tested by now, but may not work yet for the Part Tones)
earch for characters in file names
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(54 minutes left) Command? P===========================================================
=== Professionals/User Groups Online ======================
<1> Q Software Design - Pascal, C, Hypercard
<3> Dr. T User Group - Software Tech Support
<4> HIP Software - Macintosh Music Software
<5> Opcode Systems - Music Software & Hardware
<6> Coda - Music Software
<7> Buy Best! - Mail Order Music Equipment
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=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
<1> Dr.T Information
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Richard Viard
<#> Send Private E-mail to Bob Melvin - X-oR / E-oR
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==== Dr.T Registered User File Library ====
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(53 minutes left) Command? L
Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
DrTInfo 489 04/10/89 14 Plain TEXT Document
D>ownload, N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (D,N,Q,C)? C
DRTSYSEX.ARC 11264 07/27/89 15 Non-Mac Application Or Document
A public domain utility for Atari ST written by Jim Johnson that let you
record a SYSEX dump and save it as a KCS .SEQ file.
COPUPDAT.ARC 97280 08/05/89 21 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New fonts and printer drivers for Copyist (Atari ST)
CONVERT.ZIP 14336 08/17/89 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Copyist conversion programs for IBM. CONVERT.EXE will transfer IBM
copyist.ME files to the Atari ST and vice versa. CONVERTS.EXE is the same
for .STR files. When you upload Copyist files to this board, Try to upload
them in Atari ST format since only IBM users can run CONVERT.
This program has poor user interface, no help or error prompts. (but hey,
it works!)
TUNUPDAT.ARC 107520 08/31/89 24 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Update install for Tunesmith Atari ST. See the README.NOW file for
installing the update. This will only work if you own a original Tunesmith
disk. This version fixes a problem with KCS1.7 and mega ST's. A list of
improvments from previous versions is included.
EMU_105.ARC 80896 09/22/89 5 Non-Mac Application Or Document
E-Mu Proteus Editor Update V 1.05. Fixes some minor problems. This is not
a running program but an update that installs to you master disk. See
README.NOW for instructions.
TIGR8_28.ARC 159744 09/22/89 43 Non-Mac Application Or Document
TIGER update dated 8/28/89. This is not a running program but an update
that installs to you master disk. See README.NOW for instructions.
INF_FIX.ARC 1024 10/18/89 9 Non-Mac Application Or Document
This contains COPYIST2.INF which fixes a problem with early Copyist Pro
1.6 which bombed when trying to load it in MPE. (Do not download this file
unless you have that problem!)
HR16PROF.ARC 6144 10/18/89 15 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Alesis HR16 XOR profile. Some quirks in the HR16 MIDI implementation
limits the profile functionality.
HIT_101.ARC 105472 11/16/89 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
HITMAN rev 1.01 for the Atari ST. This also uses the Installer to upgrade
your master disk. Make sure to read Installer TXT in this archive for
info. (If you are runing TOS 1.4, this will not work. Contact Dr.T's for
the upgrade)
K51218.ARC 54272 12/18/89 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
K5EDITOR Update for the Caged Artist Kawai K-5 Editor. This is not a
running program, but is installable - see the READ.ME file. Copy
protection scheme now allows desk accessories and asks for a key disk if
it doesn't find one. A kinder, gentler protection.
CUB_FIX.ARC 176128 02/08/90 9 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Update to Tiger Cub in Installer format. (copy the files to a SINGLE SIDED
disk and run the Install.PRG) a Readme file describes the changes.
PHANT115.ARC 96256 02/24/90 12 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Phantom V 1.15 . Contains also PHSMPTE which we recomend over Phantom.
This version is compatible with KCS and LEVEL2 V3.0
NEWDRVRS.ZIP 74752 04/30/90 0 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New Drivers for IBM Copyist. Adds support for some 24pin printers as well
as A4 paper support. Also fixes a problem with the user fonts printing
dots around the guitar grid.
NEWDRVRS.ARC 136064 05/03/90 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
New drivers for Copyist Atari. These include A4 format (European standard)
and fixes for various 24 pin printers we were having problems with, as
well as a fix for some symbols not printing and dots apearing on the
guitar grid. The new MECONF needs to be ran after these profiles are
TBSIC107.ARC 126592 05/14/90 7 Non-Mac Application Or Document
T-Basic version 1.07 update for Atari in installer format. Dearc to a
single sided disk (erase the ARC file) and run INSTALL.PRG. You will be
prompted to insert your master and backup disk. Make sure you do this from
a SS disk. This will not work under TOS 1.4 (the install that is) This
version adds file compatibility with KCS 3.0, a search feature, and a new,
faster save mode. (see README)
Press carriage return to continue...
==== Dr.T Registered User File Library ====
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(52 minutes left) Command? P===========================================================
=== Professionals/User Groups Online ======================
<1> Q Software Design - Pascal, C, Hypercard
<3> Dr. T User Group - Software Tech Support
<4> HIP Software - Macintosh Music Software
<5> Opcode Systems - Music Software & Hardware
<6> Coda - Music Software
<7> Buy Best! - Mail Order Music Equipment
uit to Main Menu
(52 minutes left) Command? 3=============================================
=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
<1> Dr.T Information
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Richard Viard
<#> Send Private E-mail to Bob Melvin - X-oR / E-oR
___ Dr.T Files
uit to Main Menu
(52 minutes left) Command? 5================================================
==== Dr.T Registered User TEXT File Library ====
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(52 minutes left) Command? L
Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
DrTInfo 489 04/10/89 11 Plain TEXT Document
D>ownload, N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (D,N,Q,C)? C
NEWSLETR.ARC 7168 07/24/89 26 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Our december 88 newsletter with Tips on all programs and a Question/Answer
PVGRICH.ARC 10240 07/24/89 35 Non-Mac Application Or Document
An article on composition and arranging using KCS and PVG (Programmable
Variation Generator) by Richard Viard.
KCSPVGRV.TXT 19456 08/10/89 30 Non-Mac Application Or Document
An article on Composition and Arranging techniques using KCS and PVG
written by Richard Viard.
TECH1089.TXT 47104 10/08/89 20 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Dr.T's Tech Support Messages from Day 1 to 10/7/89 in ASCII format.
GEN1089.TXT 36864 10/08/89 10 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Dr.T's General Messages from day 1 to 10/7/89 in ASCII format.
Press carriage return to continue...
==== Dr.T Registered User TEXT File Library ====
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(52 minutes left) Command? B=============================================
=== Dr.T Online User Group & Tech Support ===
<1> Dr.T Information
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Richard Viard
<#> Send Private E-mail to Bob Melvin - X-oR / E-oR
___ Dr.T Files
uit to Main Menu
(51 minutes left) Command? 7=========================================
==== Dr.T Technical Support Messages ====
can Dr.T Technical Support messages
can Dr.T Technical Support messages
uit to Main Menu
(51 minutes left) Command? S
Message numbers range from 11409 to 12496
Enter starting message number: 11409
Msg #11429 in *Dr. T
can Dr.T Technical Support messages
uit to Main Menu
(50 minutes left) Command? -===========================================================
=== Professionals/User Groups Online ======================
=== Professionals/User Groups Online ======================
<1> Q Software Design - Pascal, C, Hypercard
<3> Dr. T User Group - Software Tech Support
<4> HIP Software - Macintosh Music Software
<5> Opcode Systems - Music Software & Hardware
<6> Coda - Music Software
<7> Buy Best! - Mail Order Music Equipment
uit to Main Menu
(50 minutes left) Command? 6========================
========= Coda =========
<1> Coda Information
can/read <-> Delete
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Tom Johnson
---> Coda Public Files <---
uit to Main Menu
(50 minutes left) Command? L
Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
Finale 2.0-2 153600 04/21/90 5 Macintosh Document
D>ownload, N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (D,N,Q,C)? C
Finale 2.0-3 153600 04/21/90 6 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-4 153600 04/21/90 5 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-5 153600 04/21/90 5 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-6 29525 04/21/90 8 Macintosh Document
DEMO TUNES 47763 04/21/90 10 Macintosh Document
CODA Demo Songs.sit
This archive contains four songs for use with the MusicProse & Finale
Demos. They are actually in MusicProse format but Finale will read them in
as well. These will give you someplace to start when exploring the demo
TEMPLATES 61435 04/21/90 8 Macintosh Document
CODA Templates.sit
This archive contains 10 templates for use with MusicProse or Finale.
Included are 12-Bar Blues, Brass Quintet, Piano Vocal, Grand Staff, and
more! Why start totally from scratch?
Also included is the CODA Playback Template that adds new life to your
notation during playback. The Playback Template will play information such
as dynamics, articulations, tempo markings, and more!
MUSICPROSE 153600 04/23/90 4 Macintosh Document
MusicProse 1.01 DEMO (Segment 1 of 4 : join with others and unstuff)
MusicProse is the son of the Finale Music Notation Package! This is a
great demo of a great program that handles MIDI input for transcribing
music. 3 ways to enter music (mouse, computer keyboard, MIDI keyboard)!
This demo doesn't save or print. To receive this demo by US MAIL send a
blank 800K Initialized Disk with a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and a
not saying what you are requesting to: Joe Zobkiw, 150 Mass. Ave. Box 604,
Boston, MA 02115. Please follow these instructions for disk-by-mail.
MusicProse2 153600 04/21/90 3 Macintosh Document
MusicProse3 153600 04/21/90 3 Macintosh Document
MusicProse4 25315 04/21/90 3 Macintosh Document
FINALE 2.0 153600 04/23/90 4 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0 Demo (Segment 1 of 6 : join then auto-unstuffs)
This demo is of Finale version 2.0. The top of the line music notation
software package! MIDI compatible for easy entry! HyperScribe! You know
what this is...check out this demo! Demo version does not save or print.
To receive this demo by US MAIL send a blank initialized 800K disk and a
Self Addressed Stamped Envelope woth a note requesting Finale 2.0 demo to:
Joe Zobkiw, 150 Mass. Ave. Box 604, Boston, MA 02115
- Follow these instructions for disk-by-mail access.
Finale 2.0-2 153600 04/21/90 0 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-3 153600 04/21/90 0 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-4 153600 04/21/90 0 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-5 153600 04/21/90 1 Macintosh Document
Finale 2.0-6 29525 04/21/90 0 Macintosh Document
SION #) 326 07/03/90 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
QUIC 174 07/03/90 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Press carriage return to continue...
========= Coda =========
<1> Coda Information
can/read <-> Delete
<*> Send Private E-Mail to Tom Johnson
---> Coda Public Files <---
uit to Main Menu
(49 minutes left) Command? Q=== Macintosh Users at Berklee BBS ======================
=== Main Menu ===========================================
<*> Registration Info...
tats, Bulletins, etc.
uit to Main Menu
(48 minutes left) Command? A==========================
=== Atari File Library ===
=== SysOp: Irl Sanders ===
Please upload only files related to each section.
<*> Leave E-mail for Irl Sanders
equences, etc.
uit to Main Menu
(48 minutes left) Command? P=======================================
==== Atari Patches/Samples Library ====
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(48 minutes left) Command? L
Press CTRL-S to pause, CTRL-Q to resume, or CTRL-C to cancel.
Name Size Date Accesses File Type
---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
FBO1STDA.ARC 35072 01/28/89 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Yamaha FBO1 edit/lib that works as a desk accesory.
N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (N,Q,C)? N
CZ101LIB.ARC 93184 01/28/89 2 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Librarian for Casio CZ-101,1000,5000
N>ext, Q>uit, C>ontinuous, RETURN = Next (N,Q,C)? C
SYSXREC.ARC 30208 01/29/89 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
System Exclusive Data recorder/sender
KAWAILIB.ARC 2816 01/29/89 0 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Libarain for Kawai K1 in ST Basic. Kinda cheesy, but it works......
SONUSDX7.ARC 26240 01/29/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
10 DX-7 patche in Sonus format.
TX81ZLIB.ARC 84864 02/01/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Commercial quality editor-librarian for the TX81Z.
Edit voices, banks, even configuration setups .
DX7OMNI.ARC 491136 04/17/89 0 Non-Mac Application Or Document
170 (yup, 170!) banks of DX-7 voices, in Omni Banker format for the ST.
Omni-Banker has got to be one of the better all-synth librarians out there
today. It's even got support for the E-Mu Proteus (NOT RELEASED YET!).
Some of the banks may be duplicated (1 or 2), but definitely worth the
download. These files are from a system called East Coast MIDI, in NY.
CZANDFMT.STW 5632 09/08/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
File format used in CZ-ANDROID patch files on the Atari ST/Mega. I cracked
this format awhile back and used it as the basis for a conversion program
that takes CZ-ANDROID files over to CZ-RIDER format on the ST/Mega. It
has been validated with >100 random patch files and seems to hold up.
CZPHONIX.ARC 5632 10/09/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
FOUROPED.ARC 89088 10/14/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Nice editor-librarian for the TX81Z/DX11. This is an update of the
earlier program TX81LIBR by the same author, John Davis. Also works with
DX21. Public domain.
CZEDITOR.ARC 63488 11/24/89 1 Non-Mac Application Or Document
CZPHONIX CZ101/1000 Patch Editor and Librarian.
K1LISTER.ARC 4736 12/01/89 2 Non-Mac Application Or Document
This is a patch listing program for the public domain K1 librarian listed
here. Very basic but effective.
D50.DRT.SOW7 34688 02/10/90 2 Macintosh Document
D50 patches Dr. T format, all culled, tweaked or whole-cloth...heavy on
Brass, mallets, weird fx, pads...
DX-7 LIB.ARC 16384 02/11/90 6 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Shareware library for the DX-7 in Dr.T's format. (4 banks, very high
quality sounds)
TX81Z.ARC 20480 02/11/90 4 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Shareware library for the Yamaha TX81Z in Dr.T's format.(4 banks of very
high quality)
D50_LIB.ARC 36864 02/11/90 3 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Shareware library for the Roland D-50 in Dr.T's format.(2 banks of very,
very high quality)
D110_LIB.ARC 46080 02/11/90 5 Non-Mac Application Or Document
Shareware library for the Roland D-110 in Dr.T's foramt (3 banks of high
quality sounds)
D50.SYNTH 99615 02/24/90 1 Macintosh Document
D50 sounds Dr. T format, stuffed, 8 banks of assorted synth sounds, from
somewhere in LaSa, where children are rolling in the snow, far from the
world we know
D50GIT.SIT 21819 02/14/90 1 Macintosh Document
D50 patches Dr. T format guitar sounds, stuffed
SYNTHANY.DRT 15124 02/12/90 1 Macintosh Document
D50 sounds Dr. T format (stuffed) I downloaded the Synthany bank that was
in Opcode format and converted it to Dr. T format...
D50.BASS1.1 16547 02/11/90 1 Macintosh Document
d50 patches Bass sounds 1.1 Dr. T format
D50DRT.SIT 156706 02/16/90 1 Macintosh Document
D50 sounds, Dr. T format, stuffed 10 banks of assorted stuff picked up at
Wurlitzer, LaSalle, etc.
JAMES2.ARC 0 03/07/90 0 Macintosh Document
H@1hj(`JF_a0@ Jh`?X
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(47 minutes left) Command? B==========================
=== Atari File Library ===
=== SysOp: Irl Sanders ===
Please upload only files related to each section.
<*> Leave E-mail for Irl Sanders
equences, etc.
uit to Main Menu
(47 minutes left) Command? S=================================
==== Atari Sequences Library ====
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(47 minutes left) Command?
==== Atari Sequences Library ====
earch for characters in file names
uit to Main Menu
(46 minutes left) Command? G
Enter file name to get information about:
==== Atari Sequences Library ====