** ACCENT ** A honky code t'add some little spice t'yo' text stashs... Accent snatch'd some text stash and regurgitates it t'appear as if it were bein' eyeball wid whuteva' accents are specified. It gots'ta run fum de desktop o' fum some shell. From de desktop ya' are presented wid a dialog wid icons representin' de various opshuns, and gots' yo' choice uh writin' t'de screen, t'a disk stash o' t'yo' printer. Ah be baaad... From some shell, ya' kin specify whuteva' flags ya' likes, and view de stash (fo' some reason, ah' aint been able t'redirect da damn honky code's output fum Gulam, if anyone be able t'redirect Accent's output to printa' o' disk fum some shell, please let me know how ya' dun did it. Right On! ). De accent opshuns are, dig dis: -J(apanese) -C(hinese) -G(er dude ) -I(talian) -P(ig Latin) -K(cocKney) -S(tutter) -L(isp) -D(nerD) -O(bscene/censo'ed) -R(andom) and -N(pass Nroff com dude ds) De N flag gots'ta allow ya' t'pass an nroff-fo'mat text stash drough Accent, and it gots'ta igno'e lines beginnin' wid "." (nroff com dude ds) "'" (comments) and wo'ds startin' wid de escape characta' "\". Dis opshun be not available when accent be run fum de desktop. You's may specify as dude y opshuns as ya' likes (nerd wid some lisp, stutterin' obscene greaser, etc.) and da damn flags may be lowercase o' downpuh'case, separated o' not (e. What it is, Mama!g. -GL, -g -L, -gL are da damn same). If ya' pass an invalid flag, Accent gots'ta patiently remind ya' uh whut de valid opshuns are. What it is, Mama! Accent wo'ks in medium and high resolushun (it won't let ya' run it in low res) and be fairly sheeit erro'-trapped. It will, however, blindly overscribble some stash if ya' select da damn output t'disk opshun and select an 'esistin' stash in de stash-selecto' (I assume dat ya' know whut youse doin'). You's kin leave da damn honky code by selectin' Cancel in de input stash selecto', hittin' control-C while da damn accented stash is bein' printed out (NOT recommended), by clickin' on "no danks" when Accent ax's if ya' "wanna gots' anoda' go", and one oda' way dat I'll leave fo' ya' t'discover. Ah be baaad... Also included in de archive be de Modula-2 source code fo' de dree basic modules dat make down Accent. It be written in Jefferson Software Modula-2, fo' which ah' also wrote most uh de libraries. If ya' are interested in learnin' some new language, JS Modula be a great way t'go, it costs less dan $50 fo' de "disk" version, and Jefferson Software offers sdownpo't on several online services, as sheeit as deir own sdownpo't BBS. Fo' mo'e info'mashun, git in touch wid me on GEnie (KBAD), BIX (kbad-ass, moderato' uh js.online), CompuServe (73637,1245), o' call JS BBS at (602)276-6102 (24 hours, 3/1200 baud, PC Pursuitable), o' git in touch wid: Jefferson Software 12416 N. 28d Dr. Ah be baaad... #18-236 Phoenix, AZ 85029-2434 (602)276-6102 Here are