My Darling Sweet Precious Guen, Today is another beautiful day and a wonderful time to write to you once again. Well it won't be long now. I have the tickets already for the trip to Cebu so it's just a matter of time. I'll be showing up some time around the 15th of July and we'll be spending about two weeks together ok? It sounds like a whole lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to getting together with you once again. There will be many pleasant times with you and your family and it will be really great to see them all again. During our time together Guen, it will be necessary for you and I to have plenty of time to talk with each other ok? There are a lot of things for us to discuss that are very important. We need to discuss several things that have a very big effect on the future of a married couple. And our talks together are for you and I alone ok? There is no doubt that the two of us have fallen very much in love over the last few months of writing and the few days of seeing each other. And yet it is still important to see beyond the stars that are in our eyes and really consider our future in a practical way. I believe that the sign of a good marriage is a great amount of peace shared each and every day. And for peace to exist we need to understand what are the things we have in common as well as the things that we may not share in common. Common ground is an important part of any relationship and is especially true in marriage. So when we get together Guen it will be important for the two of us to discuss how we ernestly feel about a variety of subjects so that we can make a practical decision based on how we really see the future together. There is a time for love Darling, and there is a time for forethought. We are both filled to the brim with love. Yet love does not feed children or pay the bills every month. So let's spend enough time together to talk of sweet things and practical things as well. And remember, we must try to perceive marriage as it will be ten,twenty, and thirty into the future a best as we can. I won't bother to discuss any of these things now because I believe it is better for you and I to discuss them when we are together. In any case, it is a very big thrill for me to see you and your family once again Guen. I can hardly wait. I am counting the days. I know that when I see you, you will be as beautiful as ever. I long to see you wonderful smile and and to hear your sweet gentle voice once again. May God bless you and your wonderful family. I'll be seeing you very soon. Your Loving Man Donald.