My Darling Sweet Precious Wonderful Guen, My Beautiful Darling from Cebu. Today the sun is shining, birds are building their nests outside the kitchen window and there is hope in my heart. Today I wish to greet you and your wonderful family with the warmest of sweet hello's. It will only be a few days now until my arrival to your home and I can hardly wait to see you. I have been waiting for this moment for what seems to be an eternity. I long to see you again Darling; to see your wonderful smile and to hear you lovely voice once again. Darling Guen, I know that my last letter was rather sad. I was feeling very sad about some things for quite a while. I had tossed and turned many nights in bed wondering about our future. Yet today there is a song in my heart and and a new dance in my footsteps. Darling Guen, the things that I mentioned are quite real concerns. They are not made up or of a fantasy. They are things that we really need to talk about and understand. Yet Darling, with all the gloominess that was in my mind for so long, today I realise that with love there is an answer to everything. And that is why my heart is so happy today. I have realised that there is a solution to almost everything that I mentioned and I would like to let you know what my new inspiration is on this ok? My precious Darling Guen, you know that I mentioned that here in the United States it is normal and common for both husband and wife to work outside the home so they can provide for their own future and the future of their children. These are new days and, in many ways, quite different from the days that my father and mother saw when they were first married. And the basic difference is that so many things are so much more expensive than they were in my father's time. I have been thinking of what a wonderful woman you are; from the very first letter that you wrote, to our wonderful meeting in your home, and all the wonderful letters that we have written to each other this year. So I was thinking and thinking of what was the thing that would solve the financial difficulty that I have been perceiving in the future as things are now. And I believe I have the answer. Darling the answer is so clear. Darling Guen, I know that our heart is true. you are filled with love for your loving man Donald and you want the best for us in the future. I know that your heart is so true and you would want the best for your future husband and family. So hear is my assessment of the situation for the future and my idea of how to overcome many obstacles that may seem to be in the way. Guen Darling, when you come to the United States it will be necessary that you have a skill that will be a true asset to your husband and family. It will be necessary for you to have a completed education so that you will be successful in American society. We are a highly technical society here in the U.S. and persons with a completed education have many more opportunities for success in their own lives here. A completed education for you will probably provide your future family with more benefits that you can probably imagine at this time. And if anything were to happen to your husband you would be able to help out in a much more positive way than if you do not finnish your college education. I hope that you can understand my reasoning on this. I know that you have been raised to have the skills that a loving wife can be proud of. You can take care of the home and children better than any other woman I am sure. And yet there is one thing that you will need to have before you come to the U.S.. And that is to finish your education. I understand that you may have not been able to finish college because of the financial situation with your family. There are many mouths to feed and only so much money every month. So your ability to finish college was very limited. I had dreamt of a day,when you come to the United States, of financing the completion of your college years here in an American college. And indeed that would be wonderful. Yet at the present time I cannot do so. So I will make you a proposal and please let me know how you feel about this. Guen Darling, if you would like to finish your college in the Philippines I will be more than happy to help finance it for you. I do not know the cost of this at the present time so we will have to look into it. I do not even know if you want to complete a college course. Nevertheless, completing college will most certainly be a major asset to your future husband and family, as well as a tremendous benefit to your family back in Cebu. Guen Darling, this is a modern world and we need to have modern skills to successfully achieve our goals. And so, if these things I have said make sense to you, and if you would like to pursue your college degree, I will be more than happy do do all I can to see that you have the opportunity to do so. I know that this will require a certain amount of desire, time and effort on your part. Yet I am willing to assist you in this. I understand that It will mean some time will go by before marriage to achieve this goal. Yet you are young Guen, and the benefits of a good solid college education will reap great rewards for you whether you are married or not. It will also give me some time to pay off the second loan on my house which will leave more money every month before assuming the responsibility of marriage. I know that this is not the fastest route to America and your dream of marrying an American man. Yet, I believe it is a solid step towards achieving your goals for the future. Of course you could always continue to write to other men hoping to find a man who is so wealthy that he will never need assistance from his wife. Yet I think you will find that that road is quite fruitless because there are so many women wanting to come to the U.S. and so few men who are that wealthy. And to me Darling you are my flower. You are my sweet precious love who is in my heart each and every day. There is no one who can replace you Darling Guen. You are the sunshine in my heart; the river of life that brings happiness to my soul. So what do you think Darling? Would you like to return to college? I will be more than happy to help you in this. You can choose any course of study that you wish. The benefits to us together and to help your family in the future are uncountable. And in time, if you have not yet completed your studies but have progressed a certain amount, then I also may be more financially free to assist you in an American education in the future. Think about it Guen, the world is a wonderful place and with the love that you and I share we can take advantage of the good things that this life has to offer. A college education is certainly one of those wonderful things. Here are some of the things I have been thinking about with respect to this proposal I make for you. Do you remember when we were together and we were visiting various areas in Cebu City? There was a college on the top floor of a building that your father Manny pointed out to me. Is this a good college? Or is there a better college in your local area? I was thinking that when we get together we could visit some of these schools, look at the catalogs of courses that are given and ask what the cost is for a complete course of your choice. It would be a lot of fun. If you find something that you like, some course of study that is useful in The United States, then you could open up an account at a local bank in your name. To this account I could send funds, as needed, for the college courses. I had thought that I could possibly fund the total amount at one time but I think that is not wise. It would be best to keep the money in an American bank where the value of the money is more stable. I understand that the Philippines is in a state of great change which may cause the value of money kept in a Philippine bank to actually lose value over time. For example: If the value of of a peso is 20 to 1 to an American dollar and later becomes 50 to 1, then depositing the full amount for your education in a Philippine bank is not wise. Yet if the money is held secure for your education in an American bank it will retain it's value when transferred, in needed amounts, to the account set up in your name. I think this is a good way to do it. So what do you think Guen? You know Darling, for so long I was so depressed when I thought about being able to get by in the future and be able to achieve the dreams of our hearts. And after much thought and concern I finally realised that this solution I am proposing to you is a great step for the future. It will mean patience and diligence, but it is certainly something that can be achieved. It is something that we can do together to provide for our future. I guess it's true Guen, Love really can conquer all. And if this plan is satisfactory with you we can talk about the details more when I see you again in your home. Remember Darling I will be arriving around the 15th of July. We will have about two weeks together and I am looking forward to it ever so much. Oh and bye the way, sorry that there was no postage money in my last letter. When I went to an L.B.C. office in San Francisco to mail my last letter the person behind the counter opened the letter and found the postage money inside. So I had to remove the money. It's no problem though because I can just go to another office to mail my letters. You see Guen. L.B.C. charges $10. dollars just to send money to you. So I have to be a little sneaky if I am sending you postage money. I have to conceal the money inside the letter and make sure that they don't inspect it before they send you the letter. That's how I have been able to send you postage money in the past. Anyway, I think that I will be able to fool them again this time and send you postage money. Oh, and bye the way, when you receive this letter, don't bother to write your reply ok? I may be seeing you before I receive your reply letter. Darling Guen, if there is anything I can tell you at this time with all honesty it that I truly truly love you. I dream of you in my future forever and yes, I must admit that I worry sometimes if I think that something may be getting in the way of our future happiness. But I don't give up Darling because I love you too much. I will think about things until I find an answer. So please do not be discouraged Darling of my last letter was a little sad. The sun is shining on the two of us and where there is a will there is truly a way. May the Good Lord Bless us now and always Darling Guen. You are my sweet and tender Love. You are the Love of my heart. And may we see the future ever brighter from this day forward. Your Loving Man Donald. P.S. I have just learned that the Catholic Church here in Crockett has a Mass every sunday at 5 pm for people from the Philippines! Isn't that GREAT! Hey, maybe I'll even start to go back to church again!