Earth's Moon, average384,000 km.(1.3 light sec.)?The Moon'sis 3,476 km.has a mass only 1.25% ofEarth's. Surface gravity onMoon is only .165 ofEarth's. Due to tidal friction with Earth, its rotation rate has become synchronized withEarth so that only one face is visible from Earth. Forsame reason,Earth is gradually slowing downeventually, millions of years from now,length of our day will last a month. The Moon has no atmosphereno water. Rocksminerals onMoon have fewer heavy metals than those of Earth, but more light metals such as aluminumtitaniumThe Sun, average150 million km.(8.3 light min.)?TheofSun is 1,392,000 km.its mass is 332,000x that of Earth. Compared to most stars inUniverse, our Sun is only an average sized type G star. It is located in one ofspiral arms of our Galaxy,takes about 200 million years to complete one orbit aroundGalaxyMercury, average150 million km.(8.3 light min.)?This closest planet toSun has aof 5,000 only 5.6% as massive asEarth. Named afterRoman god of speed, Mercury has a year of only 88 days. Its airless surface is covered with craters likeMoon. Once thought to keep one face towardSun, Mercury actually rotates on its axis every 58.6 daysis tidally locked toEarth, notSunVenus, average150 million km.(8.3 light min.)?The 2nd planet outward fromSun was named aftergoddess of lovebeauty. Itsis 12,180 km. (similar to that of Earth)its mass is 82% that of Earth. When far enough away fromSun to be visible, Venus is by farbrightest star-like object insky. Its dense atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide with no oxygen. Its surface temperature (nearly 500 C) is higher thanmelting point of lead. Clouds, probably of sulfuric acid, preventsurface of Venus from being seen; however, radar astronomy has produced maps ofsurface,atmospheric probesunmanned lander spacecraft have begun to uncovermysteries of Venus. The year of Venus lasts 224.7 terrestrial days, while it takes 243 days to turn once on its axis. The time between sunrises on Venus is 118 daysMars, average230 million km.(13 light min.)?The 4th planet fromSun was named afterRoman god of war. Mars has aof 6,760 km.has 11%mass ofEarth. It has a thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide with a small amount of nitrogen. The surface of Mars is heavily cratered,shows evidence of surface erosion by air-born dust. Some features appear to have been formed by flowing water, at some time in its distant past. Its polar caps are frozen carbon dioxide. It has two small moons, named DeimosPhobos ("panic""fear"), afterchildren of Mars. Mars rotates around its axis in 24.6 hourstakes 687 days to complete one orbit aroundSunJupiter, average780 million km.(43 light min.)?The 5th planet fromSun lies outsideasteroid belt. Jupiter islargest planet (142,700 km.)most massive (318x that of Earth) but it is composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, methaneammonia. For this reason it is called a gas giant. Jupiter may have a super compressed core of solid metallic hydrogen. One can regard Jupiter as a star which didn't quite turn on when it condensed out ofnebula which gave rise toSolar System. Jupiter has a large family of moons, 4 of which can be seen with binoculars (Ganymede, Callisto, Io,Europa). Several other Jovian moons can be seen through a telescope. Jupiter takes only 10 hours to rotate once around its axiscompletes one orbit aroundSun in 11.9 yearsSaturn, average1,430 million km.(79 light min.)?In Roman mythology, Saturn wasfather of Jupiter andruler of Time6th planet fromSun has aof 120,900 95x as massive asEarth. Because oflargebright ring system surrounding it, Saturn is an extraordinary sight through a telescope. Like Jupiter, Saturn is composed mainly of gases. Saturn's moon Titan is2nd largest satellite inSolar System, larger thanplanet Mercury (Jupiter's Ganymede is slightly larger). Titan has an extensive atmosphere containing methane. Saturn has several other satellites, 9 of which can be seen through large telescopes. Saturn rotates around its axis once in about 10 hourscompletes one orbit aroundSun in 29.5 yearsUranus, average2,900 million km.(2.7 light hrs.)?The 7th planet outward fromSun, Uranus has aof 46,700 km.a mass 15x that of Earth. In both RomanGreek mythology, Uranus wasgrandfather of Jupiter (Zeus)waspersonification ofSky. Almost invisible tonaked eye (5.7), Uranus can be seen as a tiny disk through a telescope. Space probes have revealed a faint ring system around it. Uranus, with 5 moons, completes one orbit in 84 yearsNeptune, average4,500 million km.(4.2 light hrs.)?Named afterRoman god ofsea, Neptune is8th planet outward fromSun. It has aof 49,500 17x as massive asEarth. Too faint to be seen withnaked eye, it was not discovered until 1846, when both Adams (English)Leverrier (French) independently predicted its position. Neptune has 2 known large satellites. Neptune completes one orbit in 165 yearsPluto, average5,900 million km.(5.4 light hrs.)?Pluto, named afterRoman god ofunderworld, is9thlast known planet outward fromSun. Itsis only 2,200 is 380x less massive than Earth. Extremely faint (approx. 15), Pluto is visible only through large telescopes. It was discovered, after an extensive search, on long-exposure photographic plates in 1930. Its year has been calculated to be 248 Earth-years,its orbit is highly eccentric, taking it insideorbit of Neptune for about 20 years. Pluto has a rotation period of 6.39 daysits one satellite, Charon, named afterboatman of Hades, is gravitationally locked to PlutoComet Halley, visible Sept 1985 through Aug 1986. It ismost famous comet because of its past spectacular appearances andfact that it returns regularly every 76 years. Observed since antiquity (at least 249 B.C.), this comet wasfirst whose apparition was predicted (by Halley)Aries -1stAries",location of this symbol, iszero point of the ecliptic longitude scale. It marksvernal equinox, orlocation ofSun onfirst day of spring near March 21st whenperiod of daylightdarkness are exactly equal. At this point,ecliptic crossescelestial equator. In antiquity,location offirst point of Aries was inconstellation Aries (about 1000 BC). Because ofprecession ofEarth's axis of rotation, it has since moved intoconstellation Pisces. Near 2700 AD it will crossborder into Aquarius. A complete cycle ofprecession ofequinoxes takes 25,800 years, so in 24,800 AD,constellations andsigns ofzodiac will once again be in alignment as they were atdawn of astronomyTaurus - 2ndTaurus30Gemini - 3rdGemini60Cancer - 4thCancer90point markslocation ofsummer solstice,location ofSun onfirst day of summer, near June 21. On this daySun passes directly overhead for observers ontropic of CancerLeo - 5thLeo120Virgo - 6thVirgo150Libra - 7thLibra180. It marksautumnal equinox,location ofSun onfirst day of fallis near September 21st, whenperiod of daylightdarkness are exactly equal. At this point,ecliptic crossescelestial equatorScorpio - 8thScorpio210Sagittarius - 9thSagittarius240Capricorn - 10thCapricorn270point markslocation ofwinter solstice,location ofSun onfirst day of winter, near December 21. On this daySun passes directly overhead for observers ontropic of CapricornAquarius - 11thAquarius300Pisces - 12thPisces330Andromeda "The Chained Woman" (/) is best seen in early evenings of September, in Northern latitudes. It represents a woman in chains. She was to be sacrificed to a monster as a punishment for her mother's arrogance, but she was rescued by Perseus. The Great Nebula in Andromeda (M31) is one ofclosest galaxies to our ownAntlia "The Pump" (/)Apus "The Bird of Paradise" (/)Aquarius "The Water Bearer" (/) is a Zodiac constellation. The Y-shaped formation iswater-jug. The Arabs called it "the tent". The Egyptians believed Aquarius causedyearly flooding ofNile with its water jug. In Greek myths, it represents Ganymede, cup-bearer ofgods. Aquarius is best seen from August until November. Look fordeep sky objects, M72M73Aquila "The Eagle" (/). In Greek legend, Jupiter assumedform of an Eagle to bring Ganymede, cupbearer ofgods, to Olympus (see Aquarius). The Persians, Hebrews, Arabs,Romans all knew this constellation asEagle. The Milky Way passes through AquilaAra "The Altar" (/)Aries "The Ram" (/) is a Zodiac constellation. It is often called Prince ofZodiac. A common myth of Aries is that ofGolden Ram which saved two Greek children from their cruel stepmother. Its fleece was sought by Jasonhis band of Argonauts. 2000 years ago, Aries rose in March. Now it rises aroundend of September due to precession ofEquinoxes, and"first point of Aries" (right ascension = 0) is actually inconstellation PiscesAuriga "The Charioteer" (/). The bright star here is Capella (/). One legend says Auriga was a son ofgod Hermes,a master horse-tamer. Another story makes Auriga a deformed king, who inventedchariot. Auriga is always above Taurus in northern latitudes. Look fordeep sky objects M36,37,38 Bootes "The Herdsman, or Bear Driver" (/). Legends say Bootes represents Arcas, who inventedplow (Ursa Major) which he follows or chases aroundsky. Bootes has also been called a dog, a wolf, andGuardian of Heaven. Bootes is followed by two hunting dogs, which form Canes Venatici Caelum "The Graving-tool" (/) Camelopardalis "The Camel" (/) Cancer "The Crab" (/) is a constellation ofZodiac. Note Praesepe,Beehive Cluster. The Crab attacked Hercules as he foughtLernean Hydra,so it was placed inheavens bygoddess Juno Canes Venatici "The Hunting Dogs" (/)constellation representshunting dogs of Bootes,Herdsman. M51,Whirlpool Galaxy, is in Canes VenaticiCanis Major "The Big Dog" (/). The bright star here is Sirius (/). In Northern latitudes, Canis Major rises around Christmas time,sets by May. Canis Major isHunter's (Orion's) dog. Notestar cluster, M41Canis Minor "The Little Dog" (/). There are two myths about Canis Minor. One makes it to be Mera,dog of Icarius, who had been killed. Mera found Icarius' body, which no one else had discovered. The faithful dog was then placed inheavens. Another story says Canis Minor isdog of Actaeon, who was punished for spying ongoddess Diana. The brightest star in Canis Minor is Procyon (/)Capricornus "The Sea-goat" (/) is a Zodiac constellation. The Greeks believed Capricornus to be Pan,God of Nature. Whengods were attacked bymonster Typhon, Pan transformed himself into a goat with a fish's tail. Jupiter placedimage intoskyCarina "The Keel" (/). Part ofold constellation ArgoCassiopeia "The Queen" (/). Cassiopeia wasQueen of Ethiopia andwife of Cepheus. She once claimed to be more beautiful thansea-goddess Thetis. Angry, Thetis then sent a horrible sea-monster to terrorizepeople of Ethiopia. To savelandKingQueen had to give their daughter, Andromeda, tomonster. The Arabs called this constellationHand orKneeling Camel. The Egyptians called itLeg,Eskimos called it a Stone Lamp, andGreeks thought of it as a Key. A rich region ofMilky Way passes through CassiopeiaCentaurus "The Centaur" (/). Proxima/,invisible companion tobright star /, iscloset star tosolar system, 4.3 awayCepheus "The King" (/). Cepheus wasKing of Ethiopia andspouse ofill-fated Cassiopeia. He also was an adventurer onQuest ofGolden Fleece. The Chinese referred to Cepheus asInner Throne ofFive Emperors. The Arabs called him a shepherdCetus "The Whale" (/) representssea-monster that ravagedcoast of Ethiopia as a punishment to Cassiopeia. Cetus has also been calledEasy Chair,Dusky Monster, andChaos ofDeep. In Chaldean myths, Cetus represents Tiamat, a ferocious demonChamaeleon "Chamaeleon" (/)Circinus "The Compasses" (/)Columba "The Dove" (/)Coma Berenices "Berenice's Hair" (/). Berenice wasbeautiful Queen of an ancient King of Egypt. WhenKing had to go on a dangerous journey, Berenice vowed to dedicate her beautiful hair to Venus, Goddess of Love, if only her husband would return safely. Sure enough,King had good luck,returned safely, so Berenice cut off her golden hairput it onaltar in Venus's temple. Later,beautiful tresses were missing, butpriest said that Jupiter, King ofGods, had taken itfrom it had madeconstellation Coma Berenices. The north galactic pole is in Coma. The Coma Cluster of Galaxiespart ofVirgo Cluster are in Coma. Try 'Deep Sky' optionCorona Australis "The Southern Crown" (/)Corona Borealis "The Northern Crown" (/) representsbeautiful crown of diamondsgods gave to a woman named Ariadne, who had been deserted by her husband, Theseus. The Shawnee Indians called this groupCelestial Sisters, andArabs saw it as a DishCorvus "The Crow, orRaven" (/). According to Greek legend,crow was getting a cup of water for Jupiter,dawdled onway. On its return, it lied to Jupiter aboutdelay,was punished for its lying by being put inheavens behind Crater,Cup, which it always follows, but can never drink from. The Chinese called CorvusRed Bird, andHebrews knew it asRaven. It has also bornetitles of: Great Storm Bird, Bird ofDesert, Bird ofGreat Seed, andStorm WindCrater "The Crater, orCup" (/). Crater has been calledCup of Apollo, Hercules, Achilles, Medea, Bacchus,even Noah. Forancient Egyptians,rising of Crater meant thatflooding ofNile had reached its peak,would soon recede. In England, it was known asTwo-handed PotCrux "The Cross" (/). Probablybest known constellation insouthern hemisphereCygnus "The Swan" (/). The brightest star here is Deneb (/). Cygnus representsgod Jupiter, who visited a woman named Leda inform of a silvery swan. The Egyptians called CygnusFlying Eagle andGreeks called it simplyBird. Cygnus is best seen inwestern sky in wintertime, when it appears in an upright postition Delphinus "The Dolphin" (/). There was a musician named Arion, who was on board a ship of pirates. They were preparing to kill Arion but with his music, Arion summoned a school of dolphins, who carried him away to safety. The God ofSea then putdolphin inheavens as a reward!Dorado "The Swordfish" (/) contains part of , a satellite ofMilky Way Galaxy"Draco "The Dragon" (/). According to Greek myth,Garden ofHesperides was guarded by a dragon that did not sleep. Hercules, on his many labours, slewbeaststoleGolden Apples it guarded. The body was hurled into heaven, where it became entangled inaxis ofheavens. The north pole ofecliptic is in Draco#Equuleus "The Colt" (/)$Eridanus "The River" (/) has been known to representRivers Po, Euphrates, Jordan, andNile. AsRiver Po, it isriver into whichboy Phaethon fell after being knocked fromsky while trying to drivechariot ofSun. epsilon/may have a planetary system%Fornax "The Furnace" (/)&Gemini "The Twins" (/). The two bright, Castor (/)Pollux (/) have been called "Twins" in many regions. To Arabs they were "two Peacocks", to Egyptians, "two Sprouting Plants",to Hindus, "twin Deities". As twin youths,Greeks saw Gemini asbrothers CastorPollux, sons of JupiterLeda. Beingproducts of an immortal-mortal union, Pollux was immortal, but Castor wasn't. When Castor died, Pollux was so grief-stricken that Jupiter allowed both brothers to live forever together inheavens. There is a record of a lunar occultation in Gemini observed aboutmiddle of4th Century B.C'Grus "The Crane" (/)(Hercules "Hercules,Hero" (/) is an ancient constellation.Phoenicians worshiped it as their god Melkarth. The Greeks called itPhantom andMan upon his Knees. For most, it is Herculesgreat Hero who is remembered for his twelve labors. On his death, Jupiter exalted him by placing him inheavens. Noticeglobular cluster M13.Sun is presently heading towards a point in Hercules in its 20 million year journey aroundMilky Way)Horologium "The Clock" (/)*Hydra "The Sea Serpent" (/) was a terrible monster that lived inmarshes of Lerna. Hercules killed it as one of his labors. The Egyptians saw it asheavenly couterpart of their River Nile+Hydrus "The Water Snake" (/),Indus "The Indian" (/)-Lacerta "The Lizard" (/).Leo "The Lion" (/) isLion inZodiac. Leo is an extremely ancient star group. It was very important toEgyptians, because whenSun passed through it, flooding ofNile began/Leo Minor "The Little Lion" (/)0Lepus "The Hare" (/) wasanimal that Orion loved to hunt. For this reason, it was placed near him insky. The Crow andHare are seldom insky together, which relates to an ancient belief thatHare detestedcall ofRaven. The Arabs once called this constellationThrone ofGiant,also calledfour brightest four camels drinking fromRiver (Eridanus). The Egyptians refered to Lepus asBoat of Osiris1Libra "The Balance, orScales" (/). The ancient HebrewsIndians knew Libra ascelestial balance. The Greeks connected it to Scorpio, making Libraclaws ofScorpion. The name Libra was assigned byRomans, who thought of it asbalance of Astraea, who weighedfate of all mortals2Lupus "The Wolf" (/)3Lynx "The Lynx" (/)4Lyra "The Lyre" (/) representsLyre that Apollo gave to Orpheus, whose magic music charmed all things, livinginanimate. In Bohemia it was calledFiddle, andBritons called it King Arthur's harp. /isfamous "double-double" star, andRing Nebula (M57) is located between /5Mensa "The Table Mountain" (/) contains part of 6Microscopium "The Microscope" (/)7Monoceros "The Unicorn" (/)is a relatively new constellation. It was devised in 1564. The Chinese asterism "Four Great Canals" occupies this space. Monoceros represents a unicorn, a mythical beast resembling a horse with a spiralled horn on its head8Musca "The Fly" (/)9Norma "The Level" (/):Octans "The Octant" (/);Ophiuchus "The Serpent Bearer" (/). The Giant is represented as standing onScorpion,holdingSerpent. In Greek myths, he is Aesculapius,God of Medicine. He became so skilled, that he could restore the deadalarmed Pluto, God ofDead, so he asked Jupiter to removemanplace him inskyPegasus "The Winged Horse" (/) sprang fromblood of Medusa, after she was killed by Perseus. He was tamed only bymortal named Bellerophon, who killedChimera while riding Pegasus. Hot-headed,hero tried to ride Pegasus to Heaven but Jupiter disapproved,caused Bellerophon to be thrown. Pegasus continued his journey toheavens, where he remains. The Great Square of Pegasus an important star-group to know?Perseus "The Champion" (/) wasson of Jupitera mortal woman, Danae. He grew up on a small island which was ruled by an evil King, who wished to marry Danae. In order to prevent Perseus from interfering,King senthero on an impossible quest to kill Medusa, a horrible monster. Perseus succeeded,on his return trip, he rescued Andromeda, who was to be sacrificed to a sea monster. They were married,Perseus then saved his mother fromevil King. Later, heAndromeda were placed inheavens. Notedouble star cluster hchi/@Phoenix "The Phoenix" (/)APictor "The Painter, orEasel" (/)BPisces "The Fishes" (/) isFish ofZodiac, opposite Virgo insky. It representsgoddess Venusher son Cupid, who were briefly transformed into fish as a disguise to hide frommonster Typhon as he approached. The Egyptians regarded Pisces as an unlucky constellation. The Fishes were considered a tribal symbol ofJews,they were alsosymbol ofearly ChristiansCPisces Austrinus "The Southern Fish" (/)DPuppis "The Stern" (/) is part oflarge ancient constellation Argo NavisEPyxis "The Compass" (/)FReticulum "The Net" (/)GSagitta "The Arrow" (/) has been regarded as either Apollo's, Hercules', or Cupid's arrowHSagittarius "The Archer" (/) isArcher ofZodiac. It is best seen insouth in July for observers inNorthern hemisphere. An easily recognized asterism (used asconstellation outline) in Sagittarius is called "The Teapot". Sagittarius represents a centaur, or half-human, half-horse creature. The centaur's name was Chiron,he was one ofwisest beings on Earth. He was killed by a poisoned arrow,Jupiter placed him inheavens as a memorial. Sagittarius is sometimes said to be huntingScorpion, sometimesBull. The center ofMilky Way Galaxy lies behinddense cloud of, gas,dust in SagittariusIScorpius "The Scorpion" (/) isScorpion ofZodiac. Its opposite is Taurus. In ancient Egypt, whenSun was in Scorpio, it was regarded as an evil omen, bringing disease. In Greek legend, Juno,Queen-goddess summonedScorpion to kill Orion, which it did. Because of this, they were both placed insky, but on opposite sides, so they are never inheavens atsame time. Contains many bright nebulaestar clusters. Antares (/) is a giant red star, andbrightest star in ScorpioJSculptor "The Sculptor" (/)KScutum "The Shield" (/)LSerpens Caput "The Serpent's Head" (/) is one oflargest constellations. It represents a large snake (or two snakes) held by OphiuchusGiantMSerpens Cauda "The Serpent's Tail" (/) is one oflargest constellations. It represents a large snake (or two snakes) held by OphiuchusGiantNSextans "The Sextant" (/)OTaurus "The Bull" (/) is a Zodiac constellation. It is by far one ofmost ancient star groups. Over 4000 years ago,Sun was in Taurus duringVernal Equinox. Centuries before Christ,Babylonians, Persians,Egyptians worshippedBull as a sign of immortality. In Greek legend Taurus representsbull which carried offmaiden Europa toisland Crete. It was really Jupiter in disguise, andpair had many great children. Notefamous cluster,Pleiades, andsupernova remnant, M1,Crab Nebula. Aldebaran (/) isbrightest star in TaurusPTelescopium "The Telescope" (/)QTriangulum "The Triangle" (/) is very old,was formerly named byGreeks "Deltolon" because of its similarity toGreek letter Delta (). It has been associated withTrinity andMiter of St. PeterRTriangulum Australe "The Southern Triangle" (/)STucana "The Toucan" (/). The Small Magellanic cloud lies in Tucana. Recent radio astonomical evidence indicates that it is a small spiral galaxy that has been torn into 2 irregular fragments bycombined gravitational attraction of our Galaxy, and TUrsa Major "The Big Bear" (/)is undoubtedlybest-known constellation. It is popularly calledBig Dipper,has also been referred to asPlough orWain. It is a very important constellation to know, becauselast two of"bowl" ofDipper point straight to Polaris (/),North Star. In Greek mythology,Big Bear is Callisto, a nymph whom Jupiter lovedwas transformed into a bear to protect her from Juno, Jupiter's justifiably jealous wifeUUrsa Minor "The Little Bear" (/). The Pole Star (/) istip oftail ofLittle Bear,is a very important star, as it is very close toNorth Pole during20th century. In Greece,Little Bear represents Arcas,son of Callisto, who wasGreat Bear, Ursa MajorVVela "The Sails" (/) is part ofancient constellation ArgoWVirgo "The Virgin" (/) is a Zodiac constellation. In Greek myths, it represents Astraea,Virgin Goddess of Justice. In Egypt, Virgo is related to Isis,fertility goddess. The great Virgo Cluster of Galaxies is innorthern edge of VirgoXVolans "The Flying Fish" (/)YVulpecula "The Little Fox" (/)B33/28 4.6,K1, 233Alpheratz "head or horse's navel" or Sirrah, /358 2.1,B8, 102. Purplish in colorCaph "camel's hump orhand", /432 2.3,F2, 45@/496 3.9,K0, 49>Algenib "wing", /886 2.8,B2163, >500>/1013 4.8,M2, 2177/1038 4.4,M3, 112/1280 4.6,A2, 148/1404 4.5,A2, 142/1522 3.6,K1109, 251S/1581 4.2,F9, 23+/2151 2.8,G2, 21@Ankaa, /2261 2.4,K0, 84@/2262 3.9,A7, 45/2772 4.7,B8, 109@/2834 4.8,A0, 121S/2884,5 3.7,B9A227, 109/2905 4.2,B1/3360 3.7,B2, >500/3369 4.4,B535, >500/3546 4.4,G8, 88/3627 3.3,K329, 116Schedar "breast", /3712 2.2,K064, 204. Pale rose in color/3901 4.8,B2@/3919 4.6,G8, >500Deneb Kaitos "tail ofwhale", /4128 2.0,K0, 53. A yellow star, sometimes called "Difda"@/4150 4.4,A0, 71/4180 4.5,B5/4188 4.8,K0, 148/4502 4.1,K1163, 88Achird, /4614 3.4,G012, 19B/4656 4.4,K5, 172/4727 4.5,B520/5112 4.8,M0, >500/5394 2.5,B02, 204/5395 4.6,G8, 64/5448 3.9,A5267, 84/5516 4.4,G8, 362J/5737 4.3,B75848 4.3,K2B/6186 4.3,K0, 121@/6595 3.3,G81, 155/6805 3.5,K1, 80/6811 4.3,B7, >500Mirach "girdle", /6860 2.1,M080, 67@/6882 3.9,B67, 251Marfak "elbow", /6961 4.3,A7, 233B/7087 4.7,G8, 217B/7106 4.5,K0, 142B/7318 4.7,K08, 466B/7964 4.8,A3, 172/8491 4.7,K023, 251/8512 3.6,K0, 80Ruchbah "knee" or Ksora, /8538 2.7,A5, 88UPolaris, present north star, /8890 2.0,F718, 466. Known to medieval Arab astronomers as "Alruccaba". It is approaching Earth at 10 miles per second@/9053 3.4,M0B/9270 3.6,G7, 217@/9362 4.0,K0, 105/9408 4.7,G9, 155/9826 4.1,F8114, 4951/9927 3.6,K3, 155$Achernar, /10144 .5,B3, 125B/10380 4.4,K3, 80?/10516 4.1,B2, 130/10700 3.5,G8, 11B/10761 4.3,G8, 142/11171 4.7,F3, 71Baten Kaitos "whale's belly", /11353 3.7,K0, 105. Topaz-yellow color/11415 3.4,B3, 326QMetallah, /11443 3.4,F6222, 57Mesarthim "minister", /11502 4.8,A18, 125B/11559 4.6,K0, >500Sheratan "sign", /11636 2.6,A5, 44@/11695 4.4,M4, 296$/11937 3.7,G8, 56/11973 4.8,F037, 116+/11977 4.7,G848/12111 4.5,A31, 9350/12216 4.0,A2/12274 4.0,M0, 466+/12311 2.9,F0, 68BAlrescha "the cord or knot", /12447 4.3,A0, >500. Pale green colorAlamak "badger or boot", /12533 2.3,K310, 251%/12767 4.7,B9Hamal "head ofsheep", /12929 2.0,K2, 67. Yellow color. Approaching Earth at 9 miles per secondQ/13161 3.0,A5, 148/13611 4.4,G6, 148Q/14055 4.0,A1, 84$/14228 3.6,B8Mira, /14386 3.0,M7119, 13665/14872 4.7,K4192, 296+/15008 4.1,A3, 65/15089 4.5,A52, 142/15318 4.3,B9, 109$/15371 4.3,B5/15798 4.8,F4, 93/16582 4.1,B2, >50016754 4.8,A2, 116$/16815 4.1,K0, 86?/16895 4.1,F820, 4035/16908 4.7,B3Kaffaljidhma, /16970 3.5,A32, 63+/16978 4.1,B9/17081 4.3,B7/17094 4.3,F0, 71$/17206 4.5,F6, 4539/17361 4.5,K1, 121?Miram, /17506 3.8,M328, >50041/17573 3.6,B8125, 96?16/17584 4.2,F2249, 136%/17652 4.5,G8, 125?17/17709 4.5,K7, >500$/17824 4.8,K0, 105?/17878 4.0,G452, 17218242 4.0,M7, 251+/18293 4.8,K3, 296$Azha "ostrich nest", /18322 3.9,K1, 99?/18411 4.7,A2, 362/18519,20 3.8,A22, >500/18604 4.7,B6$Acamar, /18622,3 3.0,A4A1, 93Menkar "snout", /18884 2.5,M1, 362. Orange color?/18925 2.9,G857, 20418970 4.8,G9, >500$/18978 4.1,A4, 55?/19058 3.4,M4, 296?Algol "demon" or Gorgona, /19356 2.1,B8 (variable, eclipsing)82, 72. Situated inhead ofMedusa held in Perseus' hand. Approaching Earth at 4 miles per second?/19373 4.1,G0, 35?/19476 3.8,K0, 99?/19656 4.6,K1, 142Botein, /19787 4.4,K2, 121%/20010 3.9,F8, 43$Zibal, /20320 4.8,A5, 13020644 4.5,K2, 407$/20720 3.7,M36, 25120794 4.3,G8, 20?Algenib "side" or Mirfak, /20902 1.8,F5, 204O/21120 3.6,G6, 20421291 4.2,B9O/21364 3.7,B9, 192O/21389 4.5,A0?34/21428 4.7,B3, 181?/21552 4.4,K3, >500O5/21754 4.1,K0, 272$17/21790 4.7,B9F/22001 4.7,F5, 54$/22049 3.7,K2, 11?/22192 4.2,B5$/22203 4.3,B8O10/22484 4.3,F9, 5122663 4.6,K1, 296?/22928 3.0,B5, 20423089 4.8,G0?/23180 3.8,B1, 142?/23230 3.8,F5, 163$Rana, /23249 3.5,K0, 29OElectra, 17/23302 3.7,B6, 163. One ofPleiades23319 4.6,K2, 116OTaygeta, 19/23338 4.3,B6. One ofPleiades /23401 4.6,A2106, 272OMaia, 20/23408 3.9,B8. One ofPleiades23475 4.5,M2, 233OMerope, 23/23480 4.2,B6. One ofPleiades$/23614 4.4,M2OAlcyone, /23630 2.9,B7, 407. One ofthe Pleiades$/23754 4.2,F3, 55F/23817 3.9,K1, 65OAtlas, 27/23850 3.6,B8, 125. One ofPleiades24160 4.2,G9, 130?Atik, /24398 2.9,B113, 326+/24512 3.2,M2, >500$32/24555 4.8,G87, >500$/24587 4.7,B6?/24760 2.9,B09, 362?Menkhib "shoulder", /24912 4.0,O7, >500$Zaurak "star ofboat", /25025 3.0,M0, 326O/25204 3.5,B3, >500$/25267 4.7,B6, 217F/25422 4.6,M2, >500O/25490 3.9,A1, 109O37/25604 4.4,K0, 251?/25642 4.3,A0F/25705 4.5,M4?48/25940 4.0,B3, 163$Beid "egg", /26574 4.0,F2, 99?/26630 4.1,G084, 192?52/26673 4.7,G5, >500O/26912 4.3,B326961 4.6,A2$/26965 4.4,K183, 16)/26967 3.9,K1, 125F/27256 3.4,G8, 251!/27290 4.3,F4, 53OHyadum I, /27371 3.7,K0, 116$/27376 3.6,B9F/27442 4.4,K2, 49O/27697 3.8,K0110, 155O64/27819 4.8,A7, 192O/27934 4.2,A7, 130O68/27962 4.3,A22, 172O/28024 4.3,A8, 91$43/28028 4.0,K4, 407O71/28052 4.5,F0, 466O/28100 4.7,G7, 233OAin, /28305 3.5,G9, 163O/28307 3.8,K0337, 86O/28319 3.4,A7337, 11228527 4.8,A6, 62O/28910 4.7,A8, 125$/29085 4.5,K0, 116?58/29094 4.3,K4, 204OAldebaran "the hindmost", /29139 0.9,K5(red giant, variable),122, 60. 43 timesdiameter ofSun,receding from Earth at 30 miles per second. Pale rose colorO88/29140 4.3,A5, 91$/29248 3.9,B2$/29291 3.8,G8, 233!/29305 3.3,A0, 181O90/29388 4.3,A6120, 136O/29488 4.7,A5431, 163$Sceptrum,53/29503 3.9,K2, 74$54/29755 4.3,M4, 407O/29763 4.3,B3, 192 /29875 4.5,F2, 72$/30211 4.0,B5 /30614 4.3,O9, >500500500$/31109 4.4,F4, 251500 7/31278 4.5,A11500O/32301 4.6,A7, 172<11/32549 4.7,A0, 181Hoedus II, /32630 3.2,B3, 148 /32831 4.6,K3, 2510/32887 3.2,K5, 296$Cursa "footstool", /33111 2.8,A3, 65. Topaz-yellow in color!/33262 4.7,F7, 38$/33328 4.3,B2, >5000/33802 4.5,B85000/34816 4.3,B034968 4.7,A0, >500<22/35039 4.7,B2<29/35369 4.1,G8, 296500<32/36267 4.2,B5, >500/36371 4.8,B5O119/36389 4.4,M2, >500500<42/37018 4.6,B1, >500500. Receding from Earth at 16 miles per second5000/38393 3.6,F697, 25/38656 4.5,G850, 4660/38678 3.6,A3, 67500/39003 4.0,K0, 192!/39014 4.4,A7, 121A/39060 3.9,A5, 53O136/39357 4.6,A0, 1550/39364 3.8,G8, 125<56/39400 4.8,K1, >500/39425 3.1,K2, 116A/39523 4.5,K1, 181500orange star is receding from Earth at 11 miles per second/40035 3.7,K0115, 1480/40136 3.7,F1, 49Menkalinan "shoulder", /40183 1.9,A2185, 80/40239 4.3,M3, >500/40312 2.6,A04, 14840409 4.7,K1, 68/40494 4.4,B240657 4.5,K2, 148/40808 4.0,K0, 17250042818 4.8,A0, 407&Propus "forward foot", /42995 3.3,M3, 233/43039 4.4,G8, 1817/43232 4.0,K3, 25132/43378 4.5,A2, 93/43785 4.4,K0, 130Furud "bright single one", /44402 3.0,B2, >500. Light orange color&Tejat Prior, /44478 2.9,M3122, 163Mirzam "roarer", /44743 2.0,B1, 172/44762 3.9,G7, 1727/44769 4.4,A513, 130Canopus or Suhel, /45348 -.7,F0, 116. Canopus is often used by argonautsastronauts for navigation&/45542 4.2,B6, 3627/45725 4.6,B37, 155/45813 4.5,B4, 251713/46300 4.5,A0, 466/46328 4.3,B025/46933 4.5,A0, 130&Alhena, /47105 1.9,A0144, 88/47174 4.8,K352, >500/47205 4.0,K1, 5647306 4.4,A0/47442 4.4,K1, 251D/47670 3.2,B8715/47839 4.7,O73, >500&Mebusta "outstretched arm", /48329 3.0,G8, 192&30/48433 4.5,K0, 466&/48737 3.4,F5, 59Sirius "scorcher", /48915 -1.5,A111, 9.brightest star insky, has a white dwarf companion717/49161 4.8,K4, 251718/49293 4.5,K0, 19249878 4.6,K4, 142/50013 4.0,B1&/50019 3.6,A379, 155A/50241 3.3,A7, 63D/50310 2.9,K150337 4.4,G6, 130315/50522 4.4,G51, 233&38/50635 4.7,F07, 76/50778 4.1,K4, 148/50877 3.9,K2, >500/51199 4.7,F2, 96/51309 4.4,B3, >500Adhara "the virgins", /52089 1.5,B2, >500. Pale orange/52877 3.5,K7, 136&Mekbuda "contracted arm", /52973 3.8,F7, >500/53138 3.0,B3Muliphein, /53244 4.1,B8Wezen "weight", /54605 1.8,F8, 296&/54719 4.4,K22, 4667/55185 4.2,A2, 204X/55865 3.8,K0, 20455892 4.5,F0, 6827/56014 4.7,B3/56139 3.9,B256456 4.8,B8&/56537 3.6,A3, 6956577 4.8,K3, 17256618 4.6,M3, 272D/56855 2.7,K3, 102&Wasat "middle", /56986 3.5,F2, 53/57061 4.4,O957150 4.7,B2240X/57623 4.0,F6, >500321/58142 4.6,A1, 272&/58207 3.8,G9, 102Aludra "the virgins", /58350 2.5,B5. Pale redGomeisa "watery-eyed", /58715 2.9,B8139, 172&/58946 4.2,F0220, 53/58972 4.3,K3130, 1726/59294 4.5,K1, 112D/59717 3.3,K5, 16359890 4.7,G3, 142&Castor "horseman", /60178,9 0.8,A2A12, 49. One oftwins of Gemini&/60522 4.1,M0, 23360532 4.5,F6, 6060863 4.6,B83861330 4.5,B8Procyon "foremost dog", /61421 0.4,F55, 11. Approaching Earth at 2 miles per second61429 4.7,B861555,6 3.8,B6B510, 3267/61935 3.9,K0, 136&/62044 4.3,K1, 181&/62345 3.6,G8, 125&Pollux "pugilist", /62509 1.1,K0201, 35. One oftwins of Gemini, this star is receding from Earth at 2 miles per secondD1/62576 4.6,K3, 181D3/62623 4.0,A263032 3.6,K2, >500X/63295 4.0,K0, 192D/63462 4.5,B0DAzmidiske, /63700 3.3,G3, >50063744 4.7,K0, >50063922 4.1,B064440 3.7,K1, 10564503 4.5,B2, 27264740 4.6,B164760 4.2,B0D11/65228 4.2,F7, 14265456 4.8,A2, 130/65575 3.5,B3, >50065818 4.4,B13965810 4.6,A2, 155728/65953 4.7,K4, 36266141 4.4,K2, 136DNaos, /66811 2.3,O5D/67523 2.8,F6, 937/67594 4.3,G266, >500D16/67797 4.4,B5V/68243,73 1.7,B1WC41, 192D19/68290 4.7,G971, 10568456 4.8,F5, 59X/68520 4.4,B668553 4.5,K3, >50068601 4.8,A5, >50068980 4.8,B169142 4.4,K1, 326 /69267 3.5,K4, 27270060 4.5,A7, 57331/70272 4.3,K4, 142/71129 1.9,K371155 3.9,A0, 125/71243 4.1,F5, 62TMuscida "muzzle", /71369 3.4,G5143, 362/71701 4.4,K1, 91X/71878 3.8,K1, 78T/73108 4.6,K1, 204*/73262 4.2,A1, 99*/73471 4.4,K2, 9373634 4.1,A6, 181E/74006 4.0,G7, 18174180 3.8,F3, 105V/74195 3.6,B3 Asellus Borealis "northern ass", /74198 4.7,A1106, 20474272 4.8,A5*/74280 4.3,B374375 4.3,B174395 4.6,G179, 466 Asellus Australis "southern ass", /74442 3.9,K0, 130E/74575 3.7,B1 /74739 4.0,G7, 19274772 4.1,G5, 64*/74874 3.4,G5, 121*12/74918 4.3,G8, 251V/74956 2.0,A12, 6475063 3.9,A1, >500*/75137 4.4,A0, 23375311 4.5,B3E/75691 4.0,K3, 99*/76294 3.1,G9, 93TTalitha "3rd vertebra", /76644 3.1,A74, 4376728 3.8,B8 Acubens "the claws", /76756 4.3,A5, 13676805 4.7,B5, 163T/76827 4.8,M3, 23376943 4.0,F5, 4777258 4.5,G8, 109T/77327 3.6,A1, 20477912 4.6,G7, 15578004 3.8,K2, 163X/78045 4.0,A2, 64T/78154 4.8,F63, 58T15/78209 4.5,AmT/78362 4.7,Am57E/78541 4.6,K4, 251VAlsuhail, /78647 2.2,K4, 14878764 4.7,B278791 4.5,F9, 13679351 3.4,B279447 4.0,B3*/79469 3.9,B927, 12179940 4.6,F5, 51Miaplacidus, /80007 1.7,A2, 155338/80081 3.8,A33, 7880230 4.3,M1, 130Tureis, /80404 2.3,A8, 1923/80493 3.1,K7, 130*26/80499 4.8,G8, 142*27/80586 4.8,G8232, 148E/80874 4.7,M1, 326./81146 4.5,K23, >500E/81169 4.7,G8, 86V/81188 2.5,B2, 251*Alphard "solitary one" or Cor Hydrae "heart ofHydra", /81797 2.0,K3283, 148. Orange in color, this star was called "Red Bird" byChinese81799 4.7,K3, 10981817 4.3,K3, 192T23/81937 3.7,F023, 80*/81997 4.6,F6, 45/82150 4.5,K3, >500T24/82210 4.6,G4, 78.Alterf "the glance", /82308 4.3,K5, 163. Red colorT/82328 3.2,F6, 48V/82434 3.6,F3, 50*/82446 4.6,A3, 121T26/82621 4.5,A2, 130/10/82635 4.6,G882668 3.1,K5, 14883183 4.1,B583425 4.7,K3, 29683446 4.4,A5, 172*/83618 3.9,K2, 125.Subra, /83808 3.5,A5, 9683944 4.5,B983953 4.8,B6/84367 4.8,A8, 62.Algevbi "head oflion", /84441 3.0,G1, 326. Yellow color84810 3.7,G5, 121T/84999 3.8,F2, 80/85123 3.0,A8, 121T/85235 4.6,A3, 102*/85444 4.1,G7, 155.Alshemali or Rasalas "lion's head", /85503 3.9,K2, 130. Orange color85622 4.6,G5, 466V/86440 3.5,B5./86663 4.7,M2, 192*/87504 4.6,B9/21/87696 4.5,A7, 65./87737 3.5,A0, >500.31/87837 4.4,K3N/87887 4.5,A0, 217.Regulus "little king", /87901 1.4,B7178, 72. It is receding from Earth at 2 miles per second*/88284 3.6,K0112, 12188955 3.9,A2, 96.Adhafera, /89025 3.4,F0, 192TTania Borealis, /89021 3.5,A2, 109/89080 3.3,B889388 3.4,K316, 121.40/89449 4.8,F6, 63.Algieba "mane", /89484,5 2.3,K1G75, 148. Approaching Earth at 24 miles per second89682 4.6,K3, 407TTania Australis, /89758 3.1,M0, 9389890 4.5,B37, 407/30/90277 4.7,F0*/90432 3.8,K4, 181//90537 4.2,G9, 14890589 4.0,F2, 38/90610 4.3,K4, 13690772 4.7,A9, 27290853 3.8,F2, 32691312 4.8,A7, 105./91316 3.9,B1, 29691375 4.7,A1, 23391465 3.3,B491942 4.5,K3, 125/37/92125 4.7,G2, 15592139 3.8,F4, 81/92305 4.1,M0, 36292397 4.7,K4, 20492449 4.3,G252, 142/93030 2.8,B093070 4.6,K4, 163V/93497 2.7,G5, 148*/93813 3.1,K2, 116/93845 4.5,B2/46/94264 3.8,K0, 136T/94334 4.7,A1, 23394510 3.8,K1154, 55.54/94601 4.5,A1, 217/94890 4.6,K1, 130Alkes "cup", /95272 4.1,K0, 105. Orange color95370 4.4,A3, >500TMerak "loin", /95418 2.4,A1, 62.61/95578 4.7,M0, 102.60/95608 4.4,A1, 192TDubhe "bear", /95689 1.8,K0, 86.northern "pointer" staryellow star is approaching Earth at 5 miles per second./96097 4.6,F2276, 11296566 4.6,G8, 59T/96833 3.0,K196918 3.9,G4, >500/97277 4.5,A2, 6497534 4.6,A6, >500.Zosma "girdle", /97603 2.6,A4191, 68.Chort, /97633 3.3,A2, 125.72/97778 4.6,M3, 326./98058 4.5,A7, 172TAlula Australis "southern wing", /98231 4.4,G03, 24TAlula Borealis "northern wing", /98262 3.5,K3, 163T55/98353 4.8,A2, 130/98430 3.6,G8, 136./98664 4.1,B9, >500/98718 3.9,B5, 296./99028 3.9,F4, 63/99211 4.1,A5, 116.87/99998 4.8,K3, 217"Giansar "the poison place", /100029 3.8,M0, 125. Yellow color*/100407 3.5,G7, 121100673 4.6,B9/100841 3.1,B9/100889 4.7,B9./100920 4.3,G8, 172*/101431 4.7,B9/102070 4.7,G8, 109W/102212 4.0,M1, 233T/102224 3.7,K2, 1728/102249 3.6,A7102350 4.1,G5, 296.93/102509 4.5,A7, 1488/102584 4.7,K4, 251.Denebola "lion's tail", /102647 2.1,A3264, 40bluish star is approaching Earth at 2 miles per second102776 4.3,B3WZavijava "angle or corner", /102870 3.6,F9512, 31W/102964 4.5,K3, 148*/103192 4.3,B9, 326TPhekda "thigh", /103287 2.4,A0, 116W/104321 4.7,A5, 155/104671 4.3,Am, 155/104841 4.7,B2W/104979 4.1,G8, 84/105211 4.2,F2, 62105382 4.5,B6269/105435 2.6,B2269, 125Alchiba "tent", /105452 4.0,F2, 47. Orange colorMinkar, /105707 3.0,K2, 121/105937 4.0,B3, 102/106490 2.8,B2, >500TMegrez "bear's tail", /106591 3.3,A3190, 53Gienah "wing of raven", /106625 2.6,B8, Yellow in color8/106849 4.1,M5, 71/106911 4.3,B5/106983 4.0,B2WZania, /107259 3.9,A2, 20411/107383 4.7,G8/107446 3.6,K3, 125 5/107950 4.8,G6, 86Acrux, /108248,9 1.1,B0B14, 407/108381 4.4,K2, >500/108483 3.9,B2Algorab "raven", /108767 3.0,B9, 136. Pale yellowGacrux, /108903 1.6,M31118/109026 3.9,B5/109085 4.3,F2, 63 Asterion, /109358 4.3,G0, 28Kraz, /109379 2.7,G5, 96"/109387 3.9,B6, 2518/109668 2.7,B2/109787 3.9,A2, 136W/110014 4.7,K2173, 163110073 4.6,B8/110304 2.2,A12, 204WPorrima "goddess of prophecy", /110379,110380 2.9,F0, 5, 33110458 4.7,K0, 130/110829 4.7,K0, 918/110879 3.1,B2, 217110956 4.7,B3Mimosa, /111123 1.3,B0372111915 4.3,K3, 163111968 4.3,A7, 58/112078 4.6,B4/112092 4.0,B2W/112142 4.8,M3, 155TAlioth, /112185 1.8,A0, 362star, intail of"Big Bear" is approaching Earth at 7 miles per secondWAuva, /112300 3.4,M3, 148 Cor Coroli "heart of Charles II", /112413 2.9,A0, 12136/112769 4.8,M18/112985 3.6,K2, 109W/113226 2.8,G8, 76113703 4.7,B5/113791 4.3,B141/113996 4.8,K5, 407W/114330 4.4,A11, 125114529 4.6,B8, 233/114710 4.3,G0, 268/114911 4.8,B8W/115521 4.8,M2, 296 20/115604 4.7,F3, 172W61/115617 4.7,G6, 28*/115659 3.0,G8, 121/115892 2.8,A2, 53116087 4.5,B3116243 4.5,G6, >500TMizar "the horse", /116656,7 2.1,A1, 69. A naked eye double star with Alcor. Mizar is itself a double star. Test for good eyesight (use 9 viewing angle)WSpica "ear of corn", /116658 1.0,B1, 142brilliant white star is receding from Earth at 1 mile per secondTAlcor "the rider", 80/116842 4.0,A5, 72.naked eye double of AlcorMizar was considered a test of good eyesight by Arab astronomers ofmiddle ages. (Use 9 view angle)W69/116976 4.8,K1, 55117440 3.9,G9, 272W74/117675 4.7,M2, 163WVindemiatrix "grape gatherer", /118098 3.4,A3, 74 24/118232 4.7,A5, 96/118716 2.3,B1T83/119228 4.7,M2, 2331/119756 4.2,F3, 64119834 4.7,G8, 181 /120136 4.5,F6, 55/120307 3.4,B2TBenetnash "mourner", or Alkaid "governor", /120315 1.9,B3, 93star, attip ofBear's tail is approaching Earth at 7 miles per second2/120323 4.2,M5, 105/120324 3.0,B2 /120477 4.1,K5, 2963/120709 4.6,B5, 192120933 4.7,K5, 1254/120955 4.7,B4"10/121130 4.7,M390, 233/121263 2.6,B2 Muphrid "solitary star", /121370 2.7,G0, 30121474 4.7,K0, 99/121743 3.8,B2/121790 3.9,B2/122223 4.3,F6, 251W/122408 4.3,A3129, 136Hadar, /122451 .6,B1, 362/122980 4.4,B2*/123123 3.3,K2, 67/123139 2.1,K0, 50"Thuban "dragon", /123299 3.7,A0, 181. Pale yellow color. Pole star whenpyramids were built123569 4.8,G8, 192W/124294 4.2,K3, 148 /124675 4.5,A8, 326WSyrma, /124850 4.1,F6, 76:/124882 4.3,K2 Arcturus "leg", /124897 0,K1, 34. Golden yellow in color. 24 timesdiameter ofSun /125161 4.8,A939, 68 /125162 4.2,A0, 722/125238 3.6,B22/125288 4.3,B6W/125337 4.5,A2, 192125442 4.8,F0, 163/125473 4.1,A0, >500125823 4.4,B7*51/125932 4.8,K4, 812/126341,54 3.7,B2A7, >500 /126660 4.1,F7, 452/127381 4.4,B2 /127665 3.6,K3, 112U5/127700 4.3,K459, 172 Seginus, /127762 3.0,A733, 130/127972 2.3,B1 /128167 4.5,F2237, 482/128345 4.1,B5Rigil Kentaurus "left leg" or Toliman, /128620,1 -.5,G2K121, 4. A faint companion, Proxima Centauri, isclosest star tosolar system. /is3rd brightest star insky/128898 3.2,Ap, 582/129056 2.3,B1/129078 3.8,K2, 112129116 4.0,B3 /129247 4.4,A21, 362129456 4.1,K5, 233W/129502 3.9,F2, 72 /129972 4.6,G8, 72 Pulcherrima "beautiful", or Izar "girdle", /129989 2.7,K03, 204W109/130109 3.7,A0, 88*58/130694 4.4,K4, 2962/130807 4.3,B51Zubenelgenubi "southern claw", /130841 2.8,A3, 56. Pale yellow color /131156 4.6,G87, 21UKochab "star ofNorth", /131873 2.1,K4, 84. One oftwo "Guardians" ofpole, this reddish star is receding from Earth at 10 miles per second116/132052 4.5,F0, 692/132058 2.7,B2/132200 3.1,B2132813 4.6,M5, 326W110/133165 4.4,K0, 130 Nekkar "herdsman", /133208 3.5,G8, 881/133216 3.3,M3, 512/133242 4.7,B5, 362 /133582 4.5,K2, 181 44/133640 4.8,F9, 382/133955 4.1,B3, 2722/134481 3.9,B92/134505 3.4,G8, 761/134759 4.5,A0, 109/135379 4.1,A3, 62R/135382 2.9,A1, 326 /135722 3.5,G8, 1092/135734 4.3,B81, 2511Zubenelschmali "northern claw", /135742 2.6,B8, >500pale-emerald star is approaching Earth at 22 miles per second22/135758 4.3,G9, 1812/136298 3.2,B1/136415 4.5,B5, 3262/136422 3.6,K517, 2332/136504 3.4,B21, 3622/136664 4.5,B4137058 4.6,A092, 272 Alkalurops "herdsman's club", /137391 4.3,F0,109, 84UPherkad "calf", /137422 3.1,A3, >500"/137759 3.3,K2, 81Nusakan, /137909 3.7,F0, 102R/138538 4.1,K1, 862/138690 2.8,B2, 407137/138716 4.6,K1, 121/138749 4.1,B6, 121138769 4.5,B3, 2331Zuben Elakrab, /138905 3.9,G8, 80M/138917,8 3.0,F0F04, 155Gemma "bud", or Alphecca "bright one ofdish", /139006 2.2,A0, 721/139063 3.6,K3, 742/139127 4.3,K4, 1921/139365 3.7,B22/139521 4.7,G8, 102139664 4.6,F5, 541/139997 4.7,M0, 812/140008 4.8,B5M/140159 4.5,A1, 296/140436 3.8,B9, 99MCor Serpentis "heart ofsnake", or Unukalhai "neck ofsnake",/140573 2.7,K258, 62pale-yellow star is is receding from earth at 2 miles per secondM/141003 3.7,A231, 80M/141004 4.4,G0, 35M/141477 4.1,M0, 155M/141513 3.5,A0, 4662/141556 4.0,B9I1/141637 4.6,B3/141714 4.6,G3, 233M/141795 3.7,A2, 80R/141891 2.9,F2, 39M/141992 4.8,K4, 217U/142105 4.3,A3, 204I2/142114 4.6,B2, >5001/142198 4.2,G8, 91(/142373 4.6,F8, 53I/142669 3.9,B2M/142860 3.9,F6202, 39I/143018 2.9,B1, 326/143107 4.2,K2101, 1362/143118 3.4,B215, 407IDschubba "forehead", /143275 2.3,B0143454 2.0-11.0, recurrent nova, Be9/143474 4.6,A71, 1429/143546 4.7,G8, 148I/144070 4.8,F51, 689/144197 4.7,Am, 93(/144206 4.8,B9IAcrab, /144217 2.6,B1, 362"/144284 4.0,F8, 642/144294 4.2,B2I/144470 4.0,B1I/144608 4.3,G3, 155/145328 4.8,K0, 105/145366 4.7,M5102.9, 163(/145389 4.3,B9, 163IJabbah "forehead", /145502 4.0,B341, 109I13/145482 4.6,B2R/145544 3.9,G2, 112;Yed Prior "following star", /146051 2.7,M0, 96146624 4.8,A0, 1059/146686 4.0,G8, 74;Yed Posterior "hand", /146791 3.2,G9, 76I/147084 4.6,A5, >500IAl-Niyat "outworks of heart", /147165 2.9,B2(/147394 3.9,B5, 109(/147547 3.8,A942, 136/147675 3.9,G8, 58;/147700 4.5,K0, >5009/147971 4.5,B4(/148112 4.6,B928, 80;/148184 4.4,B2;/148367 4.6,A3, 116"/148387 2.7,G8, 64IAntares "rival of Mars", /148478 1.0,M1(red giant, variable), 136. Antares has 10 timesmass ofSun, but 300 times the, if placed incenter ofsolar system,orbit of Mercury, Venus, EarthMars would lie UNDERsurface of AntaresI22/148605 4.8,B2148703 4.2,B2;/148786 4.3,G8120, 233(Rutilicus, or Kornephoros, /148856 2.8,G7, 136;/148857 3.8,A01, 326;/148898 4.5,A7, 116/149324 4.2,K0, 96I/149438 2.8,B0, 163149447 4.3,K6, 148(/149630 4.2,B9, 326;/149757 2.6,O9, >500(/150680 2.8,G0, 32RAtria, /150798 1.9,K2, 105(/150997 3.5,G8, 96/151249 3.8,K5, 130I/151680 2.3,K2, 148;20/151769 4.7,F7, 204I/151890 3.1,B1I/151985 3.6,B2I/152236 4.7,B1I/152334 3.6,K4, 116;/152614 4.4,B8, 112/152786 3.1,K3, 74/152980 4.1,K4, >500;/153210 3.2,K2, 105U/153751 4.2,G5, 326(/153808 3.9,A0, 116;Sabik, /155125 2.4,A2, 63I/155203 3.3,F3, 53"Nodus I, /155763 3.2,B6, 142(Ras Algethi "kneeler's head", /156014 3.5,M55, >500(Sarin, /156164 3.1,A39, 74;41/156266 4.7,K2, 326/156277 4.8,K2, 233(/156283 3.2,K3, 130(69/156729 4.7,A2, 181;/156897 4.4,F1, 53M/156928 4.3,A2, 116;/157056 3.3,B2/157244 2.9,K3, 96/157246 3.3,B118(/157779 4.5,B94, >500;44/157792 4.2,A3, 72;45/157919 4.3,F5, 155157950 4.5,F3, 102;/157999 4.3,K2, 407/158094 3.6,B8ILesuth "sting", /158408 2.7,B2/158427 3.0,B2, 466(Masym "wrist", /158899 4.4,K3, 204ISargas, or Shaula "the sting", /158926 1.6,B295"Rastaban "dragon's head", /159181 2.8,G24, 251. Yellowish in color/159217 4.6,A0, 233159433 4.3,K0, 181I/159532 1.9,F1, 121;Rasalhague "head of serpent charmer", /159561 2.1,A5, 49sapphire-hued star is approaching Earth at 20 miles per secondM/159876 3.5,F0, 109;/159975 4.6,B8/160032 4.8,F3, 74I/160578 2.4,B1M/160613 4.3,A2, >500=/160635 3.6,K2, 130(/160762 3.8,B3, >500"/160922 4.8,F5, 72;Cheleb "shepard's dog", or Cebalrai, /161096 2.8,K2, 99I/161471 3.0,F2, 172H3/161592 4.5,F7, 93(/161797 3.4,G534, 25;Marfic "elbow", /161868 3.8,A0, 84161892 3.2,K242, 81"Dziban, /162003 4.6,F530, 60"Grumium "dragon's jaw", /163588 3.8,K2, 93(/163770 3.9,K1, >500;/163917 3.3,K0, 155H4/163955 4.8,B9, 326(/163993 3.7,G8, 155"Eltanin "dragon's head", /164058 2.2,K5140, 130. Orange color(/164136 4.4,F2, 466M/164259 4.6,F2, 68;66/164284 4.6,B2(93/164349 4.7,K0, >500;67/164353 4.0,B555, >500;68/164577 4.5,A2, 155HNash, /164975 4.7,F4/165024 3.7,B2=/165040 4.4,A7, 91HAlnasl "arrow tip", /165135 3.0,K0, 130. Yellowish color;70/165341 4.0,K02, 16165634 4.6,G8, 142;71/165760 4.6,G8, 155;72/165777 3.7,A454, 69(/166014 3.8,B9, >500P/166063 4.5,K0, 142(102/166182 4.4,B2, 326UYildun, /166205 4.4,A1, >500H/166937 3.9,B8, 272H/167618 3.1,M34, 72167818 4.7,K3, 99=/168339 4.4,K44, 204HKaus Media "middle of bow", /168454 2.7,K358, 69M/168723 3.3,K2, 564/168775 4.3,K2, 296HKaus Australis "southern bow", /169022 1.9,B9, 142. Orange colorK/169156 4.7,G9, 217(109/169414 3.8,K2, 130P/169467 3.5,B3P/169767 4.1,G8, 121HKaus Borealis "North bow", /169916 2.8,K1, 62=/169978 4.6,B7"/170000 4.2,A0, 272"/170153 3.6,F7, 25K/170296 4.7,A3, 130/170845 4.6,G8, >500K/171443 3.9,K3, 204"45/171635 4.8,F7, 251=/171759 4.0,K0, 934Vega "falling bird", /172167 0,A063, 25. Surrounded by infra-red emitting disk of dustsolid material. It may have a planetary system inprocess of formation. Vega is2nd brightest star inskyis approaching Earth at 20 miles per second172555 4.8,A5, 93K/172748 4.7,F253, 130H/173300 3.2,B84/173648 4.4,Am44, 105(110/173667 4.2,F664, 63K/173764 4.2,G5, 172(111/173880 4.4,A5121, 102=/173948 4.2,B24Sheliak "tortoise", /174638 3.5,B746, >500=/174694 4.4,F5, 326HNunki "the sea's edict", /175191 2.0,B2"/175306 4.7,G935, >500(113/175492 4.6,G436, 2514/175588 4.3,M486, >500MAlya, /175638 4.6,A522, 109H/175775 3.5,K1, 296413/175865 4.0,M5Deneb Okab "eagle's tail", /176411 4.0,K1131, 1164Sulafat "turtle", /176437 3.2,B9177, 155/176638 4.8,B9, 10512/176678 4.0,K1, 155HAscella "armpit", /176687 2.6,A21, 130H/177241 3.8,G8, 74H/177716 3.3,K1, 74/177724 3.0,A0159, 72/177756 3.4,B9, 102/177873 4.6,K1, 204/178253 4.1,A2, 91/178345 4.1,K0, 204H/178524 2.9,F2, 1254/180163 4.4,B228, >500Y1/180554 4.8,B439, 192"Aldib, or Nodus II "2nd of4 knots", /180711 3.1,G9, 1024/180809 4.4,K0100, 251/181276 3.8,G9, 136HArkab Prior "tendon", /181454 4.0,B9H/181577 3.9,F0, 78H/181615 4.6,B2HArkab Posterior "tendon", /181623 4.3,F2, 109HRukbat "knee", /181869 4.0,B8"/181984 4.5,K3, 217"/182564 4.6,A2, 163/182640 3.4,F3109, 45/182835 4.7,F2, 407Y/183439 4.4,M0, 233Albireo "beak ofhen", /183912 3.1,K335, 192. Beautiful double star, yellowblue/184006 3.8,A5, >5008/184171 4.7,B3/184406 4.5,K3178, 72H52/184707 4.6,B9, >500/184930 4.4,B5, >500"/185144 4.7,K0, 18/185395 4.5,F448, 58/185734 4.7,G8, 466GSham, /185758 4.4,G190G/185958 4.4,G8, 296Tarazed "soaring falcon", /186791 2.7,K3, 204/186882 2.9,B92, 109G/187076 3.8,M2, >500Altair "flying eagle", /187642 .8,A7165, 16/187796 4.2,S6, 272/187929 3.9,F6, 326H/188114 4.1,K0, 93"Tyl, /188119 3.8,G7, 204=/188228 4.0,A0, 204Y13/188260 4.6,B9, 362/188310 4.7,K0, 142H/188376 4.7,G5, 53Alshain, /188512 3.7,G8175, 42. Pale orange colorH59/188603 4.5,K3, 233/188947 3.9,K046, 217H/189103 4.4,B3G/189319 3.5,M0, 251H62/189763 4.6,M4, 116189831 4.8,K5, 163Y15/189849 4.6,A4, 109=/190248 3.6,G6, 19"/190940 4.5,K3124, 192/191692 3.2,B9, 27231/192577 3.8,K2338, 466192685 4.8,B3133/192696 4.3,A3, 155Y23/192806 4.5,K3, 407Gredi, /192876 4.2,G3378, >500/192907 4.4,B97, >50032/192909 4.0,K3, 233Algedi or Giedi "goat", /192947 3.6,G8378, 96/193432 4.8,B9, 155Dabih "slayer's lucky star", /193495 3.1,F8, 326=/193924 1.9,B2245Sador "hen's breast", /194093 2.2,F8141, >50039/194317 4.4,K3, 233/194943 4.8,F2250, 6941/195295 4.0,F5, 233=/195627 4.8,F1, 125/195725 4.2,A7, 86 /195810 4.0,B6, 13047/196093 4.6,K2118, >500,/196171 3.1,K066, 71 /196180 4.7,A3, 217 Rotanev (from Venator reversed, Piazzi's assistant), /196524 3.6,F51, 11671/196574 4.3,G8, 326 Sualocin (Nicolaus reversed), /196867 3.8,B943, 407. Pale yellow=/197051 3.4,A7, 93,/197157 4.5,A7, 67Deneb "tail ofhen", also known as Arided, /197345 1.3,A2, >500brilliant white star is approaching Earth at 4 miles per second /197461 4.4,A7, 251/197692 4.1,F4, 3352/197912 4.2,K0, 217 /197964 4.3,K1, 125Gienah "wing", /197989 2.5,K055, 57Albali "good fortune", /198001 3.8,A1, 1553/198026 4.4,M3, 407198084 4.5,F8, 71/198149 3.4,K0, 43/198183 4.5,B51, 407/198542 4.1,K5, >500,/198700 3.7,K1, >500/198743 4.7,A3, 172Y31/198809 4.6,G7, 9157/199081 4.8,B5/199629 3.9,A1, 3266/199951 4.7,G6, 9659/200120 4.7,B120/200761 4.1,A1, 192/200905 3.7,K4, 46624/200914 4.5,M0, 14863/201251 4.6,K4, 407/201381 4.5,G8, 192#/201601 4.7,F0353, 116/202109 3.2,G891, 121#/202275 4.5,F5, 56/202444 3.7,F21, 59#Kitalpha, /202447 3.9,G0, 1556/202627 4.7,A1, 99,/202730 4.4,A5, 76/202850 4.2,B9, 296/202904 4.4,B215, 172Alderamin "right arm", /203280 2.4,A7207, 48/203387 4.3,G8, 99>1/203504 4.1,K136, 233=/203608 4.2,F6, 28/204075 3.7,G4, 32636/204381 4.5,G5, 142>2/204724 4.6,M1, 251Sadalsuud "luckiest oflucky", /204867 2.9,G036, >500Alphirk "star offlock", /205021 3.2,B113, 233/205435 4.0,G8, >500:/205478 3.8,K0, 62/205637 4.7,B2Situla "water jar", /205767 4.7,A7, 272Nashira "fortunate one", /206088 3.7,F0, 1129/206165 4.7,B2, 407/206453 4.7,G8, 116Azelfafage "horse's foot", /206672 4.7,B3C/206742 4.3,A0, 80>Enif "nose", /206778 2.4,K2143, >500yellow star is receding from Earth at 3 miles per second/206826 4.7,F62, 67>9/206859 4.3,G5, 407>/206901 4.1,F5, 93Arrakis, /206936 4.1,M220, >50011/206952 4.6,K0, 407Deneb Algiedi "goat's tail", /207098 2.9,Am, 37/207260 4.3,A2, 251/207330 4.2,B3, >500'/207971 3.0,B8, 251,/208450 4.4,F0, 163,/209100 4.7,K4, 11/209409 4.7,B7'/209688 4.5,K3, 251Sadalmelek "king's lucky star", /209750 3.0,G2, 272/209790 4.3,A38, 102/209819 4.3,B9'Alnair, /209952 1.7,B7, 57>/210027 3.8,F5, 40C/210049 4.5,A2, 109>Baham "young animal", /210418 3.5,A2, 67>/210459 4.3,F5, 466/210745 3.4,K1, 19224/210807 4.8,G7, 192211073 4.5,K328, 163'/211088 4.8,G8, 362/211336 4.2,F0, 80-1/211388 4.1,K3, >500Ancha "hip", /211391 4.2,G8, 155S/211416 2.9,K3, 125Sadachbia "luck star of hidden things", /212061 3.8,A0, 71-2/212120 4.6,B6, 81-/212496 4.4,G8, 155/212571 4.7,B1S/212581 4.5,B9-4/212593 4.6,B9, >500>35/212943 4.8,K0182, 130'/213009 4.0,G6, 136/213051,2 3.8,F6F32, 148'/213080 4.1,M4, >500/213306 3.8,F541, 296-5/213310 4.4,M0, >500C/213398 4.3,A0, 155-6/213420 4.5,B2-/213558 3.8,A1, 81/213998 4.0,B9, 130-9/214454 4.6,A8, 148C/214748 4.2,B8:/214846 4.2,A9-11/214868 4.5,K3, 326>Homam, /214923 3.4,B8, 142'/214952 2.1,M5, 407>/214994 4.8,A1, 13666/215167 4.7,K4, 251>Matar "fortunate rain", /215182 2.9,G290, 192>/215648 4.2,F6145, 63>/215665 4.0,G8, 78'/215789 3.5,A3, 74/216032 4.0,M0, 155>Sadalbari "good luck ofexcelling one", /216131 3.5,G8, 81/216228 3.5,K0, 80C/216336 4.5,A0, 76/216386 3.7,M2, 192216446 4.7,K3, 181Skat, "wish", /216627 3.3,A3, 86C/216763 4.2,G8, 155CFomalhaut "fish's mouth", /216956 1.2,A3, 22'/217364 4.1,G8, 84217382 4.7,K4, >500/217675 3.6,B6, 217B/217891 4.5,B6>Scheat "upper arm", /217906 2.4,M2253, 1483/218031 4.7,K0, >500>Markab "saddle", /218045 2.5,B9, 86. It is approaching Earth at 2 miles per second'/218227 4.3,F51, 19286/218240 4.5,G9, 116>55/218329 4.5,M1, 204>56/218356 4.8,G8, >50088/218594 3.7,K1, 32689/218640 4.7,G2, 81/218658 4.4,G21, >500'/218670 3.9,K1, 1097/219080 4.5,F0, 64/219215 4.2,M1, 326/219449 4.2,K049, 67S/219571 4.0,F1, 76B/219615 3.7,K0, 91/219688 4.4,B5J/219784 4.4,K1, 76/219916 4.8,K03, 136>Kerb, /220061 4.6,A5, 8898/220321 4.0,K0, 91>/220657 4.4,F8, 9199/220704 4.4,K5, 466B/220954 4.3,K1, 204>70/221115 4.6,G7, 204J/221507 4.4,B9101/221565 4.7,A1@/221760 4.7,A2, >500222095 4.7,A2, 204/222107 3.8,G8218, 65/222173 4.3,B8, 296B/222368 4.1,F7, 43Alrai "shepard", /222404 3.2,K1, 48. Yellowish/222439 4.1,B947, 181B/222603 4.5,A7, 116/222661 4.5,B9, 80J/223352 4.6,A074, 84/224014 4.5,G2, 142>/224427 4.7,M3, >500224490 4.8,M730B/224617 4.0,F4, 181S/224686 4.5,B9:/224889 4.8,K3, 192B30/224935 4.4,M3, >5002/225132 4.6,B9, 466The North Celestial PoleThe South Celestial Pole4/173582 4.7,A33, 124. Part offamous "double-double" /, separated from its neighbor by 208 seconds of arc. A good test of eyesight (Use 9 view angle)4/173607 5.1,A52, 124. Part offamous "double-double" /, separated from its neighbor by 208 seconds of arc. A test of good eyesight (Use 9 view angle)U/148048 5.0,F0, 91The Small Magellanic Cloud, a small irregular galaxy which is a satellite ofMilky Way Galaxy. It is 25,000inand is 180,000awayThe , a small, somewhat irregular spiral, containing about 25 billion solar masses at aof 160,000. It has suffered a near collision withmuch larger Milky Way Galaxy. A tidally generated arm of actually intersects our galaxy invicinity ofsolar systemNebulosity surroundingPleiades, by reflection of light from dust clouds. Although only 6 or 7 ofPleiades can be seen withnaked eye, over 200 are revealed in a large telescopeZ/40, Oval nebula, brighter edges, 60x38 seconds of arc 10.2nebula, 11.521,000 C.= 3260`/55,= 7,800,000, mass = 30 billion suns]/104,= 150, 3.0cluster at aof 19,000^/205,= 2,200,000small galaxy (16,000) is a satellite of M31,is a member oflocal group^/221 (M32).= 2,200,000small galaxy (8,000) is a satellite of M31,is a member oflocal group_/224 (M31),Great Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda. 2.2 millionawaygalaxyour own Milky Way Galaxy aretwo largest members oflocal group of galaxies. M31 is 130,000in, whileofMilky Way is 100,000. M31 containsmass of 300 billion suns while our Galaxy weighs in at a modest 200 billion suns\/225, 5.5in,= 17009.120_/247,= 8.4 million, mass = 18 billion suns. Member ofnearby Sculptor group of galaxies_/253,= 8.4 million, mass = 20 billion suns. Member ofnearby Sculptor group of galaxies[/281, 40emission nebula associated with 8.6star 5005]/288,= 148, 7.2cluster at aof 41,000_/300,= 8.4 million, mass = 17 billion suns. Member ofnearby Sculptor group of galaxies]/330]/362,= 65, 6.8cluster at aof 41,000\/457, 6.2= 22007.5about 100\/559, 18= 89707.3about 60\/581 (M103), 5.5= 37507.4looseabout 60_/598 (M33),= 2,300,000late type Sc spiral isthird largest member oflocal group; only 60,000 in, 8 billion timesmass ofSun_/628 (M74),= 25,000,000, mass = 46 billion suns\/637, 3.9in,= 45007.1loose20 Planetary Nebulae 650651 (M76) oval nebula, brighter edges 157x87 seconds of arc12.2nebula, 16.660,000 C.= 8200\/663, 8.2in,= 26007.180_/676\/744, 23in,= 72009.425\/752, 45in,= 34007.0loose70\/869, h Persei, part ofdouble cluster in Perseus. 77in,= 73404.4, fairly rich350\/884, Persei, part ofdouble cluster in Perseus. 77in,= 73404.7300\/956\/957, 22in,= 74707.240\/1027, 7.5in,= 37507.5loose11\/1039 (M34), 7.5in,= 14305.580_/1068 (M77) isnearestbrightest Seyfert galaxy,= 52,000,000, mass = 27 billion suns_/1097,= 52,000,000, mass = 10 billion suns_/1232. Member ofEridanus group of galaxies\/1245, 11in,= 16,0006.940]/1261,= 42, 8.5cluster at aof 95,000^/1291,= 26 million_/1313_/1316\/1342, 12in,= 27007.1very looseirregular40_/1365,= 65,000,000, mass = 30 billion suns\/1444, 7.5in,= 65006.415\/1502, 7.5in,= 37505.315\/1513, 52in,= 15,0008.8 loose40\/1528, 21in,= 28006.280\/1545, 23in,= 43008.025_/1553_/1566\/1582\/1647, 42in,= 73606.3very looseirregular30\/1662\/1664, 23in,= 74308.025\/1746, 43in,= 33006.060[/1770, in \/1778, 10in,= 36007.8loose10\/1807[/18141816, in \/1817\/1820, in [/1829, in ]/1851,= 72, 6.0cluster at aof 54,000\/1857,= 60, 8.1cluster at aof 43,000\/1893, 9in,= 26008.0loose20]/1904 (M79)\/1912 (M38), 21in,= 36007.4100Z/1952 (M1),Crab Nebula, a remnant ofsupernova of 1054.Crab has buried in its center a rapidly rotating neutron star which iscollapsed core ofstar that becamesupernova.neutron star is called a Pulsar because ofextremely regular pulses which it emits, both in radio wavesin light. 360x240 seconds of arc8.4nebula, 15.9100,000 C.= 910[/1955, in \/1960 (M36). 13in,= 38006.3, fairly rich60[/1962, 1965, 19661970is a rich region of star formation in [/1968, in [/1974, in [/1976 (M42),Great Nebula in Orion, is 1300away in an adjacent arm of our Galaxy. M42 covers an area of over a degree square inskyis 23across. A group of 4 young hot,Trapezium, dominatescenter of this nebula. Easy to find inSword of Orion, this nebula is a fine object in 7x50 binoculars,can even be seen withunaided eye[/1980 is a .25 across nebula, illuminated by a small cluster of type O, including Orionis (37043)[/1983, in [/2014, in Bright Diffuse Nebula 2068 (M78). Small emmission nebula in Orion, illuminated by type B8 star 38563[/2070, in [/2074, in \/2099 (M37), 27in,= 47006.2, fairly rich150\/2112, 21in,= 62008.690\/2129, 20in,= 10,5009.8loose28\/2168 (M35), 31in,= 26005.3150\/2169, 3.6in,= 26006.4loose18[/2175 is a 30" across emission nebula 3260away containing7.4type O6 star 42088\/2186, 14in,= 98009.3 30\/2215, 17in,= 71008.620\/2232[/2244\/2250\/2251, 18in,= 58008.535\/2252[/2264,Conus Nebula, is an emission nebula 1x.5 degrees in size. It is illuminated by a 4.7type O7 star\/2281, 24in,= 54006.730\/2286, 25in,= 57008.050\/2287 (M41), 22in,= 25005.050\/2301, 11in,= 25005.8loose60\/2323 (M50), 12in,= 26006.9100\/2324, 59in,= 23,0008.830\/2331\/2343, 14in, 69408.015\/2345, 17in, 49008.360\/2353, 18in, 31005.3loose25\/2354, 52in, 71008.960\/2360, 11in, 31009.5, very richconcentrated50\/2362, 8.5in, 470010.5loose40\/2367\/2374\/2383\/2384\/2396_/2403,= 11 million, a member ofM81 group of galaxies\/2414\/2421, 7in, 31009.4, fairly rich50\/2422, 27in, 37004.5loose50\/2423, 35in, 59006.9loose60\/2437 (M46), 42in, 59009.2, fairly rich150Z/2438, annular in form, 68 seconds of arc in, 11.3nebula.16.874,000 C. 5400\/2439, 14in, 54007.1, very richconcentrated50Z/2440 is irregular in form, 54x20 seconds of arc in, 11.7nebula,contains a 16.556,000 C. 17,600\/2447 (M93), 26in, 36006.0, very richconcentrated60\/2451, 12in, 9003.650\/2453, 15in, 15,0009.420[/2467 is a small emmission nebula 3260away\/2477, 45in, 62005.7, very richconcentrated300\/2482, 22in, 41008.750\/2506, 22in, 750011.5, very richconcentrated50\/2516, 78in, 43003.0, very richconcentrated80\/2527, 24in, 36008.050\/2539, 37in, 59008.2, fairly rich150\/2546, 26in, 22004.650\/2547, 14in, 31005.1loose50\/2548, 27in, 31005.3, fairly rich80\/2567, 12in, 41008.3, fairly rich50\/2571, 7in, 31007.5, very looseirregular25[/2579\/2587, 11in, 62009.1, very looseirregular30\/2627, 19in, 82008.3, fairly rich40\/2632 (M44) Praesepe,Beehive Cluster 12.7in, 5200. This 3.7loose75\/2658\/2682 (M67) is 12in,27006.1, fairly rich65]/2808,=98. 5.7cluster at aof 26,000Z/2818 is oval in shape with brighter edges, 40 seconds of arc in, 13nebula, 11,800_/2841, type Sb at aof 20 millionZ/2867 oval, brighter edges, 13x11 seconds of arc in, 9.7nebula, 2600_/2903,=26 million, mass = 50 billion suns\/2910, 12in, 71008.2, fairly rich30\/2925, 18in, 57008.1loose30_/2997, type Sc at aof 25 million_/3031 (M81) Type Sb,= 10 million, mass = 150 billion suns, largest member ofM81 group of galaxies\/3033, 13in, 76008.420a/3034 (M82) is an exploding irregular galaxy,= 10 million, mass = 10 billion suns, member ofnearby M81 group of galaxiesa/3109,= 7 million\/3114, 8.5in, 9804.4100^/3115. Type E7/S0 intermediate form galaxy.= 20 million , mass = 100 billion sunsZ/3132 annular form, 84x53 seconds of arc in, 8.2nebula, 10.641,000 C. 1300]/3201,=68, 7.4cluster at aof 15,000Z/3211, 14 seconds of arc in, 11.8nebula, 6800\/3228, 38in, 43006.5, fairly rich12\/3293, 3.3in, 1507.5loose50\/3330a/3351 (M95).= 32 million, member ofM96 group of galaxies_/3368 (M96). Type Sa,= 32 million, largest member ofM96 group of galaxies^/3379 (M105).= 32 million, mass = 13 billion suns, member ofM96 group of galaxies\/3496_/3521,= 28 million, mass = 80 billion suns\/3532, 30in, 17003.3, fairly rich130\/3572, 5in, 34008.8loose30Z/3587 (M97),Owl Nebula\/3590, 3.3in, 39007.9, fairly rich25_/3621,= 16 million_/3623 (M65). Type Sa,= 30 million, mass = 200 billion suns, member ofM66 group of galaxies`/3627 (M66). Type SBb,= 25 million, member ofM66 group of galaxies_/3628. Type Sbp,= 25 million, member ofM66 group of galaxies. Edge-on view\/3680, 18in, 56008.626\/3766, 4.9in, 17005.1, very richconcentrated60Z/3918, 13 seconds of arc in, 8.4nebula, 14,000\/3960, 30inat aof 17,0009.0, very richconcentrated50_/4038\/4052, 25inat aof 86009.050\/4103, 8inat aof 31007.8loose25_/4192 (M98)`/4214,= 12 million, member ofCVn-I group of galaxies_/4236,= 8 million, mass = 23 billion suns, member ofnearby M81 group of galaxies_/4244. Late type Sc,= 11 million, mass = 60 billion suns, member ofCVn-I group of galaxies_/4254 (M99).= 48 million, member ofVir-S group of galaxies_/4258 (M106).= 13 million, mass = 50 billion suns, member ofCVn-I group of galaxies_/4303 (M61). Late type Sb,= 48 million_/4321 (M100). Late type Sb,= 48 million, member ofVir-S group of galaxies\/4349, 22inat aof 49008.1, very richconcentrated100Z/4361 oval, 81 sec. of arc in, 10.8nebula. 12.838,000 C. 4300]/4372,= 110, 7.8cluster at aof 20,000^/4374 (M84).= 48 million, member ofVir-E group of galaxies^/4382 (M85).= 48 million, member ofVir-E group of galaxies_/4395,= 12 million, member ofCVn-I group of galaxies^Giant/4406 (M86).= 48 million, mass = 1300 billion suns, member ofVir-E group of galaxies\/4439, 3.9inat aof 45009.2loose10`/4449,= 12 million, member ofCVn-I group of galaxies\/4463, 3.9inat aof 45008.5, fairly rich20^Giant/4472 (M49),= 48 million, mass = 1500 billion suns, member ofVir-E group of galaxies^Giant/4486 (M87),= 48 million, mass = 3500 billion suns, largest member ofVir-E group of galaxies. It is one oflargestbrightest of all known galaxies. It is an intense radio sourceis ejecting a jet of radio emitting material from its nucleus_/4501 (M88),= 48 million, member ofVir-S group of galaxies^/4552 (M89),= 48 million, member ofVir-E group of galaxies`/4559. Late type SBc,= 31 million, member ofComa-I group of galaxies_/4565_/4569 (M90). Type Sb,= 48 million, member ofVir-S group of galaxies_/4579 (M58). Type Sb,= 48 million, member ofVir-S group of galaxies]/4590 (M68),= 42, 7.6cluster at aof 37,000_Giant/4594 (M104),Sombrero galaxy, edge on flat disk with very large nuclear bulge.= 41 million, mass = 1300 billion suns. It is a member ofVirgo group of galaxies\/4609, 3.6inat aof 30008.920^/4621 (M59)`/4631 Type SBd,= 14 million, mass = 20 billion suns^/4649 (M60),= 48 million, member ofVir-E group of galaxies^/4697.= 41 million, member ofVir-Y group of galaxies_/4725 (M25),= 31 million, member ofCVn-I group of galaxies_/4736 (M94),= 39 million, mass = 10 billion suns, a member ofCVn-I group of galaxies\/4755, 2.9inat aof 98005.2, very richconcentrated50_/4826 (M64),= 39 million, mass = 9 billion suns, a member ofCVn-I group of galaxies]/4833,= 23, 6.8cluster at aof 17,000\/4852, 11inat aof 39008.8loose40_/4945. A member ofM85 group of galaxies]/5024 (M53),= 55, 6.9cluster at aof 65,000_/5033. Type Sc,= 31 million_/5055 (M63),= 24 million, mass = 155 billion suns, a member ofM101 group of galaxies_/5102, Type S0,= 13 million, mass = 10 billion suns, a member ofCVn-I group of galaxies_/5128, Type E0,= 16 million, mass = 200 billion suns, a member ofM85 group of galaxies]/5139. Omega Centauri,brightest cluster insky.= 150, 3.0cluster at aof 16,000_/5194 (M51),Whirlpool Galaxy, Type Sc,= 13 million, mass = 50 billion suns, a member ofM101 group of galaxies_/5236 (M83). Type Sc,= 12 million, mass = 120 billion suns, a member ofM85 group of galaxies]/5272 (M3),= 110, 4.5cluster at aof 45,000\/5281, 3.6inat aof 43008.0loose20]/5286,= 36, 8.5cluster at aof 37,000Z/5307, 15x10 sec. arc in, 12.1nebula. 7800\/5316, 18inat aof 52008.4loose50_/5457 (M101). Type Sc,= 15 million, mass = 160 billion suns, largest member ofM101 group of galaxies\/5460, 24inat aof 27006.3loose25\/5617, 26loose59008.5, fairly rich50\/5662, 8.5inat aof 36008.2loose30\/5749, 15inat aof 51509.016\/5822, 69inat aof 59006.4loose120\/5823, 16inat aof 59008.5, fairly rich80Z/5882, 7 sec.arc in, 10.5nebula. 3720]/5897,= 110, 7.3cluster at aof 45,000]/5904 (M5),= 130, 3.6cluster at aof 27,000\/5925, 23inat aof 32008.365]/5927,= 60, 8.8cluster at aof 10,000]/5986,= 59, 7.0cluster at aof 45,000\/5999, 14inat aof 12,0009.2, fairly rich100\/6025, 5.9inat aof 21006.7, fairly rich120\/6067, 27inat aof 62006.7, fairly rich120\/6087, 21inat aof 36006.0loose35]/6093 (M80),= 55, 6.8cluster at aof 36,000]/6121 (M4),= 95, 5.2cluster at aof 7,500\/6124, 20inat aof 27006.3120\/6134, 20inat aof 75007.760\/6152, 57inat aof 65007.760Z/6153, stellar in appearance, 28x21 sec.arc in, 11.5nebula. 5900\/6167, 18inat aof 35006.4110\/6169]/6171 (M107),= 46, 8.9cluster at aof 10,000\/6178, 5.5inat aof 47007.110\/6192, 5.2inat aof 26008.7, fairly rich80\/6193, 29inat aof 49005.030\/6200\/6204, 7.8inat aof 54008.725]/6205 (M13), Great Globular Cluster in Hercules.= 98, 4.5cluster at aof 22,000\/6208, 83inat aof 13,0009.650Z/6210 oval, anomalous, 20x13 sec.arc in, 9.7nebula. 12.540,000 C. 2600]/6218 (M12),= 98, 6.0cluster at aof19,000\/6231, 5.5inat aof 12008.5120\/6242, 5.5inat aof 19008.1, fairly rich40\/6250]/6254 (M10),= 85, 5.4cluster at aof 16,000\/6259, 33inat aof 75008.6100]/6266 (M62),= 46, 7.0cluster at aof 22,000]/6273 (M19),= 65, 6.8cluster at aof 22,000\/6281, 2.6inat aof 9808.6loose25]/6293.= 42, 8.8cluster at aof 47,000Z/6309, oval, with brighter edges, 19x10 sec.arc in, 11.6nebula. 14.142,000 C. 6200\/6322, 12inat aof 34007.070Z/6326]/6333 (M9), 49, 7.4cluster.= 26,000]/6341 (M92), 88, 5.1cluster.= 36,000]/6352, 46, 7.9cluster.= 13,000]/6355, 9.6]/6356, 82, 8.6cluster.= 34,000]/6362, 95, 7.1cluster.= 22,000\/6383 5.9in, 34005.512]/6388 55, 7.1cluster.= 41,000]/6397, 100, 4.7cluster.= 7,000\/6400 3.9in, 22008.9loose25]/6402 (M14), 55, 7.4cluster.= 23,000\/6405 (M6), 13in, 19005.350\/6416 11in, 19008.525\/6425 17in, 74009.225]/6441, 46, 8.4cluster,= 28,000\/6451 8.2in, 47008.350\/6469 33in, 94008.040\/6475 (M7), 22in, 12403.250\/6494 (M23), 33in, 45006.9120[/6514 (M20),Trifid Nebula\/6520 3.3in, 22008.1, very richconcentrated25[/6523 (M8),Lagoon Nebula[/6530\/6531 (M21) 8.5in, 30006.550]/6541, 52, 5.8cluster.= 14,000Z/6543, oval, inhomogeneous, 22 sec. arc, 8.8nebula, 11.135,000 C.= 1700\/6546 19in, 56008.620Z/6567, oval, concentrated, 11x7 sec. arc, 11.7nebula, 15.048,000 C.= 6500\/6568Z/6572, oval, concentrated, 16x22 sec. arc, 9.6nebula, 41,000 C.= 2500]/6584, 49, 8.3cluster.= 41,000[/6595\/6603 (M24), 19in, 16,0004.6, very richconcentrated50\/6604[/6611 (M16), 39in, 54006.4, very looseirregular55\/6613 (M18), 22in, 62007.5loose12[/6618 (M17),Omega Nebula. 20in, 3260, this 7.5, very looseirregular35]/6624, 42, 8.6cluster.= 41,000]/6626 (M28), 75, 6.8cluster.= 15,000Z/6629, oval, concentrated, 16x14 sec. arc, 10.6nebula, 13.640,000 C.= 7140\/6633 9.5in, 16004.9loose65]/6637 (M69), 68, 7.5cluster.= 23,000Z/6644, 2 sec. arc, stellar in appearance, 12.2nebula, 8180\/6645 22in, 75008.5, very richconcentrated75]/6656 (M22), 110, 6.3cluster.= 10,000\/6664 39in, 75008.9loose25]/6681 (M70), 59, 7.5cluster.= 65,000\/6694 (M26), 26in, 12,8009.3, fairly rich20\/6705 (M11), 16in, 57006.3, very richconcentrated200\/6709 9.0in, 26008.1loose40]/6715 (M54), 55, 7.1cluster.= 49,000\/6716 6.2in, 31006.920Z/6720 (M57),Ring Nebula in Lyra. Annular nebula, 83x59 seconds arc in9.3nebula, 14.775,000 C.= 2150]/6723, 49, 6.0cluster,= 33,000\/6738Z/6741, annular, 9x7 sec. arc, 11.7nebula, 16.758,000 C.= 6500_/6744Z/6751, oval, inhomogeneous, 21 sec. arc, 12.2nebula, 13.332,000 C.= 8180]/6752, 98, 6.0cluster.= 32,600\/6755 19in, 36508.3loose50]/6779 (M56), 33, 8.8cluster.= 45,000Z/6790Z/6803, oval, concentrated, 5 sec. arc, 11.4nebula, 14.147,000 C.= 5670]/6809 (M55), 82, 4.4cluster.= 19,000\/6811 41in, 94009.2loose50Z/6818, annular, 22x15 sec. arc, 9.9nebula, 1551,000 C.= 2800_/6822Z/6826, oval, inhomogeneous, 27x24 sec. arc, 8.8nebula, 10.838,000 C.= 1700\/6830 5.9in, 26009.0loose20]/6838 (M71), 32= 18,000Z/6853 (M27),Dumbell Nebula]/6864 (M75), 88, 8.6cluster.= 78,000\/6866 5.5in, 31008.8loose50\/6871 43in, 39005.660Z/6879, oval, concentrated, 5 sec. arc, 12.1nebula, 15.241,000 C.= 7800\/6882\/6883 17in, 50007.820\/6885 22in, 37009.135Z/6886, 9x6 sec. arc oval nebula, conc., 12.2nebula, 16.652,000 C.= 8180Z/6891, oval, concentrated, 15x7 sec. arc, 11.4nebula, 11.644,000 C.= 5670Z/6905, oval, inhomogeneous, 44x37 sec. arc, 11.9nebula, 14.240,000 C.= 7140\/6910 5.9in, 26006.7loose40\/6913 (M29), 11in, 31007.1loose20\/6940 55in, 94008.2100_/6946]/6981 (M72), 42, 8.6cluster.= 59,000\/6994 (M73), 78X8 seconds of arc,1300, part ofCirrus NebulaZ/7009, oval, annular, inhomogeneous, 44x26 sec. arc, 8.4nebula, 11.752,000 C.= 1400[/7023Z/7027, anomalous, 18x11 sec. arc, 10.4nebula, 17.186,000 C.= 3600\/7039Z/7048, oval, with brighter edges, 60x50 sec. arc, 11.3nebula. 18.3110,000 C.= 5410\/7063]/7078 (M15), 88, 5.2cluster.= 49,000]/7089 (M2), 100, 5.0cluster.= 51,500\/7092 (M39), 7.2in, 8155.225]/7099 (M30), 75, 6.4cluster.= 41,000\/7160 9.8in, 45006.625\/7209 25in, 43007.6loose50\/7235\/7243 15in, 26007.4loose40_/7331[/7380\/7654 (M52) 13in, 38107.3120Z/7662, annular,oval, inhomogeneous, 32x28 sec. arc, 8.9nebula. 12.578,000 C.= 1800\/7686 24in, 55008.035\/7790 16in, 90007.1loose25^/7793