***************************************************************** * * * Manual N_MOUSE 1.2 08/04/91 * * * * (C) Noud van Kruysbergen * * * ***************************************************************** N_MOUSE.LZH contains: - N_MOUSE.ACC, the accessory program - N_MOUSE.RSC, the resource belonging to it - N_MOUSE.INF, a info file that contains the default settings - N_MOUSE.TXT, this manual This program is a accessory, so copy them all (except N_MOUSE.TXT) to your boot disk (usually drive A or C). Reboot and N_MOUSE is activated. The menu entry 'Mouse Control' in the leftmost (accessory) menu is added. N_MOUSE is a accessory that takes control of the mouse. You can speed the mouse, invert it, show the mouse coordinates, change buttons etc. Options: - Double Click: this sets the double click speed of the mouse buttons. 0 is slow, 4 is (very) fast. - Mouse Buttons: you can change the functions of the mouse buttons. Noramlly the left mouse button is the most important one, and the right button is rarely used. If you want to change these two than select the 'RL' option, meaning that the right (R) and left (L) mouse button functions are changed. Selecting 'LL' makes both mouse buttons behave like the left button, and 'RR' makes them both behave like a right button. This 'RR' option is a dangerous one, because you cannot activate programs or select menu's: there is no left button any more! That is why a alertbox appears when you select 'RR' whether you really want this option to be selected. There is a way to escape if you selected 'RR' or any other option and want to switch back to 'LR' again: press one of the Shift keys and select 'OK' , the default button. Things will be like normal again. - Mouse Speed: the speed of the mouse can be changed. The 'V/2' option slows the mouse down to half its speed. The 'V*#' options speeds the mouse with factor #. This factor is editable (0-9). V*2 means that hte mouse speed is doubled. V*0 would mean the mouse is dead, so a alertbox appears telling you that this would disable the mouse and restoring the value to the normal V*1. 'V*V' make the mouse behalve in a quadratic way: moving the mouse 1 pixel remains 1 pixel, moving it 2 pixels becomes 4, moving it 3 becomes 9 etc. This options is especially usable with big screen monitors. - Show Coordinates: this options shows the coordinates on screen all the time. This is done by writing to the screen directly. The coordinates are shown like +0000:+0000, which is mouse x position : mouse y position. The '+' is added because the position can be negative (see 'Show Zero'). When the left button is pressed a 'L' appears on the ':' spot. 'R' or 'B' (both) appear when the right button or both buttons are pressed. - Mouse Scroll. This is a nice feature that enables auto- scrolling. When you're editing a textfile in Wordplus or any other GEM editor, you have to select a tiny button to scroll the file with the mouse. When 'Mouse Scroll' is activated you can scroll down by moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen, and up by scrolling it to the top. You can also move the cursor to the left by moving the mouse to the left side of the screen and to the right by moving it to the right side. The text will be scrolled as long as you keep the mouse on the edge of the screen. - X continuous: don't stop at the horizontal edge of the screen, but move to the other side. If you select this option the mouse does not stop at the left edge of the screen, but 'rotates' to the right side of the screen and vice versa. - Y continuous: the same function for the vertical axe. When you move the mouse to the top of the screen it will appear at the bottom and the other way around. - Disable menu. When I am editing a file it happens every now and then that I am moving the mouse by accident. If it enters the menu zone, then a menu flips down and I have to move out of the menu and click at the left button. In order to avoid this you can select the 'Disable Menu' option. The mouse will not enter the menu zone unless you press the right mouse button at the same time you're entering. - Options. Some of the above functions need some extra informa- tion. This 'Options' options shows a new resource, and the next options: - Show Zero X and Y. Normally the mouse zero point is at the left top of the screen. Editing the Zero X and Y values sets a new zero point. Entering '320' and '200' set the zero point at the middle of the standard 640*400 monochrome resolution. Moving the mouse to the left top of the screen now shows the coordinates -0320:-0200. This option is usable when drawing graphs: you can set the mouse zero point to the (0,0) point in the graph. - Don't Scroll. When 'Mouse Scroll' is selected the auto- scrolling mode is enabled. If you want to scroll up however you'll probably enter a menu when you're moving the mouse up. This is very annoying. So I added the 'Don't Scroll' positions: between these two positions there is no auto- scrolling. So when you enter 0020 to 0300 there is no auto- scrolling when the mouse is moved to the top of the screen between these two positions. Set these values in such a way that there is no overlap between the scrolling-positions and the menu, or just don't enter a menu! - Show in Font. The information written to the screen when 'Show Coordinates' is selected can be done in one of the three fonts shown. Simply select the one you prefer. - Show Y Up. Normally the Y axe from 0 to 400 is from the top to the bottom of the screen. With this option the coordinates shown are from the bottom to the top, so the normal way for humans. - Scroll X. When 'Mouse Scroll' is selected, you can select whether you what scrolling in the hirozontal direction by selecting this option or not. The same is true for - Scroll Y in the vertical direction. - Invert X. This option inverts the mouse direction in the horizontal way. Moving the mouse to the right makes the mouse on the screen move to the left and vice versa. - Invert Y does the same for the Y direction. - Show Location. There are 9 screen positions selectable where the mouse coordinates can be shown when the 'Show Coordiantes' option is selected. - Main. Return to the main resource. - Save. The options selected at this moment can be saved. The file N_MOUSE.INF is opened when it exists or created when it does not exist. The current settings are saved to this file and the next time you boot up these will be the default setttings. Only the first 32 bytes of N_MOUSE.INF are of importance: the rest is merely to explain what means what in this file, but can be deleted. - Info. A resource showing my name and things like that. - OK. Activate the options selected and return to the desktop. There are a few things that need some further explaining, because there are possible interactions. Activating 'Mouse Scroll' auto- matically disables the 'X Continuous' and 'Y Continuous' options. A continuous mouse does not allow scrolling in horizontal way! When 'Scroll X' is selected 'X Continuous' is deselected when 'Mouse Scroll' is selected. When 'Mouse Scroll' is deselected the old 'X Continuous' state is set again. Error messages appear when you do not have a monochrome monitor or the resource N_MOUSE.RSC is missing. N_MOUSE is not installed in those cases. When N_MOUSE.INF does not exist at booting time the accessory default settings will be used. N_MOUSE is supposed to work on all ST's that allow line A opcodes. If this sounds too technical for you then just try and see if it works. N_MOUSE only works in monochrome mode. The (pixel) size of the screen should not matter. N_MOUSE installs two new mouse vectors and a VBL routine. This is done using the XBRA method with ID 'NMC2'. N_MOUSE is strictly PD: feel free use it and copy it. This program is tested within selected circumstances, and did a fine job. I can not be held responsible for the (mis)use of N_MOUSE however. If there are any problems, ideas, comments or suggestions, please let me know. Updates will only be available when there are good ideas from the people that actually use the program! Noud van Kruysbergen NICI PO Box 9104 6500 Nijmegen the Netherlands email:kruysbergen@nici.kun.nl * * * *** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *** * * **** * * *