Hello Guen!!! Well by now you have probably received the first installment for your college fund. If you have not received it yet than it should be coming shortly. It is a real pleasure to assist you in this way and I hope that college goes very well for you. Thank you for letting me know in advance as to when the tuition was needed. Having the funds on time or before hand is really important. And again, I hope that everything goes very well for you in college. I want to wish you a lot of Good Luck in your studies and I hope that you will be able to find some nice quiet areas to study away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Oh and by the way, a receipt for the costs would really be appreciated. That way I can budget the proper amount for each semester. At the moment I believe I have sent about enough for two semesters. Of course I do not know the price for your books and such so I will have to wait for the information on that. Whatever is left over from this preliminary amount you can a save for the following semester and I can make up the difference if needed. L.B.C. has informed me that it is better to have a direct delivery to you instead of a direct deposit to the bank. Apparently the bank may not be as efficient in making a deposit as you can be to make the deposit yourself. So I will mail the tuition to you directly ok? And now I would like to take few moments to thank Manny and Carmen, Regalado, Cheryl, Amiel, Edsel and of course you sweet Guen for sending me all those wonderful birthday greetings. It was so nice to read all the cards and letters. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. And of course the photo of you, Guen, was really cute! Thank you very much. How is Pepita doing? Has she had her puppies yet? I hear she has been getting sort of mean while she is pregnant. Well it's probably natural for her to have an "attitude" at a time like this. She is just thinking of her young ones and we have to respect her opinions on these things. When you can, give her a big hug for me ok? And tell her I said Hi! As for me, things are going quite well in a peaceful sort of way. I'm working, staying healthy and spending as much time in my studio as I can. I'm watering the plants and things are still blooming around here. It's very simple and very nice. Not much to say really except that life is quite nice. I think though that I would like to clear up something that maybe a bit misunderstood at this time. Guen, I know that we have built up quite a relationship during the time that we have been writing to each other. And that relationship has been really great, full of love and wonderful dreams for the future. Certainly a wonderful closeness has developed, not only between you and I, but also between myself and your family members. The original motivation behind our writing to each other was initially with the goal of marriage for the reasons we had at the time. And yet Guen it is quite clear to me that we cannot marry because of the difficulties which I have already mentioned in previous letters. The problem is of course mainly financial in nature and is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet to honour the time we have spent writing to each other I felt it was right to do what I could so we can both benefit from our time together. In other words, when I realised that we couldn't marry for very practical reasons, I was not satisfied to just leave things at that point. We have built a relationship. And even though our original goal cannot be realised there is still much to be gained from our time together. You may certainly have your own views on these things and those views may be different from mine. For me though, our time together was a great time of learning. I learned that two people can be very much in love while marriage is a much broader issue. Two people can certainly love each other even though they cannot marry. When two people marry, love is a very important and primary ingredient. Yet, in reality, when two people marry it is a complete combination of two people, their families, educations, religious beliefs, financial situations, sexual attitudes, general life experiences and even more. And marriage is a life long involvement so these things should really be considered before two people marry. Again, I know love is a very strong feeling that goes very deep. Love is indeed the very thing that makes life worth living. And this I firmly believe. And yet marriage is almost a separate thing unto itself of which love is a very important ingredient. We have been in love Guen and this fact is certainly true. But we cannot marry. Either I would have to quit my job and move to the Philippines or you would have to have the educated skills valuable for marriage life with me in the U.S.. Guen I always remember what you said about having your goals set on coming to the U.S. "For a better future". Well it is my firm belief that the success of that goal lies primarily in your education more than it does in simply marriage to me. You know Guen, with a fine education you may be able to come to the U.S. even without the need to be married to do so since that objective is really only a matter of money. I mean why should you be dependent on someone else to achieve your goals when you may ultimately have the tools to achieve them on your own? Isn't that really a better plan? What I mean is think about it for a bit ok? I am only saying that the more options you have for yourself the better off you will be in achieving what you desire. And right now education is the key. It will take four years to achieve your college degree. Four years is a very reasonable time, and you are at the perfect age, to significantly enhance your opportunities in life by this manner. Where you may have had limited choices in the past your four year degree opens doors which you may have never even considered before. To be quite honest I think that most of the truly successful Filipinos here in the U.S. achieved a degree before they arrived. Your future is really a lot brighter if you set your mind on the practical aspect of education first. Well I suppose there is a chance of finding some rich American who has so much money that he can support you and you may never have to work or worry for the rest of your days. You could just sit around, watch T.V. all day and get fat! YUCK! And of course all this is really only my opinion. You may think of things completely different and that my views are completely nuts. Well variety keeps the world an interesting place to live. As for me though, I have to look at the fact that I am now 39 years of age. And at this age it is not practical for me to wait four years without looking for a permanent partner who is suited for my situation. Guen, what I'm saying is that I think I should go ahead and continue my search. There is no lack of love for you involved here. I am just being practical about my situation and yours. In fact it is with all true honour and respect for our relationship, not only between you and I but also with your family, that I offer you the opportunity to obtain your degree. I feel it is only fair to do this after all that we have been through. I hope you can understand my thinking on this. I really would like to see you achieve your goals of finding that "Better Future". And even though it may not mean marriage between you and I there is much that I can do to help you achieve your goal. Is that ok? I certainly hope that you can understand my feelings on this. I really think this is quite fair and considerate of what we have gained so far between us. So keep in a light in your heart Guen. The world is a big and beautiful place. We cannot predict or determine the future all the time. Yet if we keep our hearts open we can enjoy life in ways that we may have never even imagined before. May the Good Lord bless you and your family now and forever. And may you always have a smile on your face and a song in your heart. And remember Guen-keep your mind on a miracle. Your man in Crockett Donald. P.S. I need the list of everyone's birthday again! You know Guen, I put the previous list you gave me in a special place so I wouldn't lose it and now I can't remember where that special place is! P.S.P.S. Oh and also, you can go ahead and use regular mail for your letters. It will save you a lot of money and since I don't plan on moving very soon I'm sure I'll receive all your mail. Donald