Hello Mila! Wow it's really nice to hear from you again. I guess things are going pretty good for you these days since the time of the seminar. That was really a stroke of luck for you to be able to attend a seminar instead of the examination. I'll bet you were relieved to find out about the alternative to the examination. I know I would be. You know Mila it's really interesting to hear that you are studying Morse code, amateur radio and things like that. You must be interested in a lot of other things in that area also. Is that true? It is just very interesting to find you are studying such things. Are you planning to use your courses to assist in your pursuits of some interesting future? It would be nice to know. Maybe it's just curiosity for you. At any rate I find all you are doing very interesting. And I'm glad to know that you are studying these things. I'm interested in all sorts of things like that also. My father knows Morse code very well. During World War II he was in charge of communications on the big battle ships going around the atlantic ocean. During that time Hitler was causing a lot of damage with his U-boat submarines my father was involved in helping to guard the supply ships to Europe. Luckily he was ok but it was a very dangerous assignment. Later on he had radio sets at home with a large antennae through which he would communicate with people all over the world. It was very fascinating and I think it may have played a big role in my interest in technical things also, like computers and stuff. Anyway, I'm glad to know that you will be getting your license soon. And good luck with all that you pursue. It all sounds like a lot of fun. The wedding must been was very nice; formal,beautiful, and something to remember. It's interesting to see how people choose their wedding ceremonies. Some are simple and some are very lavish. For me, marriage is really of the heart and the ceremony is not so important. If I love a woman and she loves me, well that is good enough. Yet I know that many people like to have big ceremonies, prepare and spend lots of money. A simple ceremony would be just fine for me. Even though my father was in the service, my mother and he were married by a justice of the peace in the simplest of ceremonies.Nothing fancy at all. It only cost a few dollars to prepare the paper work. They have been happily married now for 47 years now and raised a fine family. So you see marriage is really in the hearts of the two people in love. You know what I would like to do. If I knew that there was going to be a lot of money spent on a one day ceremony, I would prefer to save the money, have a simple ceremony and a terrific honeymoon! I think a honeymoon in Europe would be great; or travelling to Brazil or the Netherlands! I would love to go to Scotland; to roam the green hills and watch the sheep herders; listen to the bag pipes and visit the old castles. Maybe my new bride and I could stay in a castle with servants and such for a few days. Then we could fly to England or Paris. Now that seems like a great way to celebrate a marriage. Anyway I just think it would be more fun, and an all around more enriching experience to utilise the money in that way. Well it's just my imagination at work. Hey how about Moscow! I hear they have a Mcdonald's there now! Can you believe that people stand in line all day just to get a hamburger there! And a meal at Mcdonald's (Moscow) costs a whole day's pay! Wow, maybe we could wear big fussy hats and learn to do some of those wild Russian dances! Hey Mila- What date is your birthday? You haven't told me. You only said that it was in April sometime. So let me know ok? Well recently I've been getting involved with more computer applications. I really like to use them in creative and artistic fields. Lately I have been working with some new programs for design called C.A.D. programs. That's short for computer aided design. It's an interesting new field. C.A.D. is used in everything from airplane design and modeling, to architectural design of buildings. I have also been exploring animation and computer video. I would like to experiment with music and animation at some point yet it requires a lot of experimentation and style which needs to be developed. Right now the computer application of music is quite substantial. Yet I am always interested in new things and think about where my present interest may lead. Mila, it is getting rather late in the day and I have to run off to work. It is really a pleasure to hear from you so write to me as often as you like. I will write to you as often as I can also. I am thinking of you and your family always and I am looking forward to seeing you on my return to the Philippines. My trip should be in a couple of months and I'll let you know the details as soon as I know myself ok? God Bless you Mila today and every day. Give my warmest regards to your family and friends. God luck in all that you do and don't forget to let me know the date of your birthday ok? Your friend from California, Donald.