Dearest Bebie, How wonderful it is to receive your lovely letters and photos in the mail. Every letter that you write to me is wonderful. Even the little ones that you send. It is a true blessing to come to know each other as we have. I have just received your most recent letter and I am so surprised that the time has flown so quickly. Nine months have passed and I was hardly aware of it. Bebie, I have to let you know that I really appreciate you and the things that you do. I must admit to you that I have been rather lonely lately. I want to return to the Philippines. I want to find a darling loving woman. I wish so much for a wonderful family with the woman that I love. I want to meet you. You have asked that I return in May to celebrate our one year of writing to each other. I think that may be very possible. I will do my best to make my return trip within that time frame. Bebie you have come to mean very much to me. I tell my friends about you and how every letter from you has been filled with a special magic. It is really amazing how so much can be achieved through our correspondence. I am ever so glad that we have met. Not only do I think that we would have fun together in the short term, I also believe now that we may very well have a fine and fulfilling future in store for us. I will do all I can to come and see you ok? So hang in there Bebie and I'll keep you posted. Recently I have been working a lot at writing music and being involved with computer music folks. Yet I am never satisfied with my own work. There is always something more to learn and I can hear it when things need improvement. I took a break for a while from writing because I was asked to become a consultant in San Francisco for a computer music organization. It was a lot of fun at first until I realized how much time it was taking and how little writing I was actually getting accomplished. Even the song I promised you was put on hold because of my involvement. So recently I excused my self from the heavy consultation task and just went back to writing while still maintaining the contacts I had made. So I feel more at home now although every day I still get messages on my my pc (personal computer) at home from people around the world. I've been assisting a fellow in Israel who is a computer music consultant there. He is really quite energetic and I like that a lot. So I'm sending him a package of software to help get him going. Well so far Israel is not really the center of the hottest dance music. So I guess this may be a good start for him. At least he'll have some tools at his disposal. Hello Bebie. It is so nice to hear from you. you really seem like a nice gal. You write to me so often and I always enjoy your letters, postcards and photos. You know I would really like to get to know you well. You can write to me about any little thing that crosses your mind. It will be fun to get to now the "secret mysterious workings of Bebie Bernal". Hmm, that sounds like a t.v. show. Personally I am usually at home working on some new project. There are so many fascinating things to explore that I could probably live 12 lifetimes and never get bored. This life I'm studying dance music. Maybe next life I'll come back as a small fury burrowing marsupial that a farmer will catch in a cage. I could spend all day harassing the farmer's dog from inside my my own personal chicken-wire condominium. Recently my work has expanded a whole bunch. I used to have 63 computer companies to support. Now I think it's somewhere around 100. Somewhere along the line I lost count. Yet it's still the same kind of work- quite fascinating really. People call me with all sorts of computer type problems; everything from an earthquake wiping out the building to somebody pushing the wrong button and making lots of people bang their heads. Hey Bebie- how about calling me some time.Do you remember my phone number? Here it is again ok. U.S. 1-415-787-1152. I can usually be reached between 12 and 3 pm in the afternoon. I really think that talking with you on the phone would be great fun. You don't even know what I sound like. I may have a rough gravely voice like a middle aged cowboy or I may even sound like one of those weird middle eastern Billy Boys. You never know do you? So now I've got your curiosity up. Call me ok. I'll be home in the evenings on sunday and monday night for the next month or so. So call me ok. Promise me and give me your word of honour. Oh and by the way,you can call me collect so you don't have to worry about the bill. I'm getting pretty tired because it's late at night and I need to get some sleep so I guess I'll sigh of for now.Keep writing to me Bebie. Your letters really make my day. And I'll get that tune out to you just as soon as it's done. I'm thinking of you always. Your faithful and enduring friend Donald. P.S. And a very happy Valentines Day Bebie. You are my very special friend.