My Sweet Precious Darling Love, My wonderful Sweet Guen. I am writing to you once again even though I have just finished my last letter to you. Darling Love how can I express with these humble words how much I love you. Is there enough room in my heart to hold all the love that I feel for you? My heart has been so heavy for the past few months. I think and dream of you always and no one can ever be in my heart as you are my Sweet Tender Love. I dream of you and long to feel your tender touch; to look into your eyes and experience again the wonder of your cherished sweet smile. And yet my heart has been so heavy when I think of our future. I am but a humble working man who lives each day dreaming of our future together. And yet the reality of hardship stands also before me. I wonder so much how it will be. I am just a man without the ability to foretell the future. I can only long for the dream that I have. And that priceless dream is you Dear Love. And why has my heart been so heavy. What is that hardship that I also see? It is simply the the thought of us having to struggle to get by. It is knowing the reality that I can only give so much before the jar is empty. Darling Sweet Darling, I do think of our future together. And I have explained my sadness about the possibility of you missing your homeland and your family. Can we really make it work? I work each day to make the payments on this home, that I dream to be your home, and yet I know that I am near my limit. I hear so much of the hardship that others have faced in their marriages when the reality of financial problems set in and how hard it is. I do not want that for us. And that is why it was important for me to talk with you about it. I hope that you can understand. And I also hope that when I spoke of the necessity of your finding work here that you understand how very important it is. Can there ever be another Guen? Who can capture my soul with just one gentle smile as you can my Love? Yet I think that I was not even aware of how much I love you until I had to face the reality of how hard it may be. We come from different cultures. You are a religious woman whereas I am not a religious man. And will this be upsetting to us in the long run? I asked you in my other letter about your feelings about contraception. It is something that we really need to understand. So here I am worrying about our future and we're not even married! Isn't that something? I wonder about how you will feel in the years to come when you are in place that is so different from where you were raised. I wonder how the stars in our eyes will shine when we are faced with having to do so much with the little that I have left over after the bills are paid. And yet my love for you is so strong. But how can our love make big house payments for the next 30 years? With some extra income we could pay the house off early so we wouldn't have to work so hard all our lives. And how will there be enough money to save for the children's education? And what about things we want to do around the house? We cannot forget how important it is to have time to play. Yes, play time is important even for adults. All these things have been heavy in my heart Darling. So many things I have been thinking about. I admit that before now I never really thought as much about these things as I do now. This whole year I have been so wrapped up in love with you that I wasn't really able to see things as clearly as I maybe I should have. I have been doing some new things to try and find an answer to these questions that are in my heart. And these questions all center around what makes a marriage happy and last throughout the years. I have been talking with my father, made appointments with marriage counselors, had long discussions with my married friends, and even begun reading books on the subject of marriage. Isn't that something! And in every case they all say that feelings of love will come and go in marriage; what makes a marriage last is true love and what two people have in common. And this second part is the area we both know very little about. So I long to see you again Darling. My heart pines for you each and every day. I grow tired of talking with others and reading books. I need to see you my Love. You know Darling, you were the very first woman to ever write to me from another country, and from your very first letter I felt that special quality in you that later on so deeply won my heart. I carried that feeling with me and it drove me to seeing you when I was in Cebu. And when we met it was like a dream come true. Even now you are still in my heart Darling. Your love lives within me. Whenever I hear a love song I think of you Darling, it's true. I miss you so. So please don't be sad when I speak of things that are important. I want us to be happy Guen now and forever. My eyes are growing tired as it is very late in the evening. So for now I think I'll close this letter and prepare it for mailing to you in the morning. My heart and love is always with you Darling. Now and forever. Your Loving Man, Donald.