My Darling Precious Wonderful Sweet Ever Loving Thrill of My Life Terry, When Birds Sing in the Morning they sing a sweet song of our love. When dew drops gently settle on morning peddles they remind me of the sweet caress of your kiss. Darling Terry, if I tell you I love you every moment of every day it is simply because it is true. You are the beating within my heart, my laughter in the day, and my sweet dream of bliss as the night owl keeps watch over your dearest Donald. How could I have every known that I would be blessed as wonderful as this. There is nothing as great or as wonderful as the love you have brought into my life. I feel as young as a new born fawn, and as strong as a lion guarding his lair. Like the oceans which bring endless new waves upon the shore, each day brings a new adventure of you into my life. You have brought passion and joy, hope and new life to a man who has waited for you for so long. After all the scientists lay down their pencils in frustration and all the theologians search the verses for a meaning, the simplest of children can answer the greatest mystery of them all. Yes My Sweet Darling Terry - our love is simply meant to be. Our love is as great as great can be, and as sure as the mountains. If I could write a novel about the miracle I feel in your touch no library could hold all my wondrous thought of you. I LOVE YOU TERRY DARLING. AND I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS WILL. Your Faithful and Loving Man, DONALD.