1 BATCH Format: BATCH\n\n Receive multiple files from the sender. This function is only available when the remote program supports multiple file sends. The filename is sent as part of the transaction, so no filename is needed for this command. This command can only be used when the remote system is sending in batch mode.\n\nSee also: SEND, RECEIVE. 1 BUFFER Format: BUFFER {CLEAR | ON | OFF | SAVE | STATISTICS}\n\n Controls the capture buffer for Xmodem. The capture buffer is an area of memory where incoming text can be stored for later viewing or saving. The BUFFER commands turn buffering on and off, clear and save the buffer, etc.\n\n NOTE: The BUFFER commands are currently unimplemented.\n\n ALSO NOTE: Some buffer commands, such as BUFFER ON and BUFFER OFF, will be available as single keystroke commands while connected. 2 CLEAR Format: BUFFER CLEAR\n\n Clear the buffer, erasing all saved text irrevocably. The buffer is cleared initially. 2 ON Format: BUFFER ON\n\n Start buffering text from the remote system. A warning will sound when the buffer is nearly full. When the buffer is completely full, it will start overwriting information on a first in-first out basis. 2 OFF Format: BUFFER OFF\n\n Stop buffering incoming text. This does not clear the buffer, or affect already buffered information in any way. It also does not save the buffer to disk. 2 SAVE Format: BUFFER SAVE \n\n Save the buffer to the disk. This also clears the buffer. 2 STATISTICS Format: BUFFER STATISTICS\n\n Show information about the buffer, as to whether or not it's on, how full it is, how much space is left, etc. 1 COPY Format: COPY {}\n\n Copies the source file to the destination file. If the destination file is unspecifed, it assumes that the file is being copied from another directory to a file of the same name on the current directory.\n\n This command is currently unimplemented. 1 CONNECT This command puts the program into "talk" mode. Keystrokes will be sent directly to the remote computer, and characters from the remote system will be displayed on the screen. Currently, the Atari ST simulates a VT-52 (aka H19 and H29) terminal. Other emulation modes are scheduled but unimplemented. To escape from "talk" mode, type the escape character followed by a 'c'. For other options, type a '?' instead of the 'c'.\n\nThe following topics deal with the possible characters that can come after the escape character. 2 disConnect Format: C\n\n Returns to the main prompt. 2 Echo-toggle Format: E\n\n Toggles the echo state. When echoing is ON, then characters typed at the keyboard will be immediately echoed. This is usually used when talking 'nose to nose' with another computer. Remote timesharing systems almost always echo the keystrokes for you.\n\n See also: SET ECHO 2 Buffer-toggle Format: B\n\n Toggles the buffer. When on, all characters displayed on the screen also go to a special 16K buffer that can be saved on disk for later use using the BUFFER SAVE command. When off, characters written to the screen cannot be saved.\n\n See also: BUFFER, BUFFER SAVE 2 Status Format: S\n\n Prints the standard connect message, telling the state of the echo, and how full the buffer is, if buffering is enabled. 2 Break(!) Format: !\n\n Send a BREAK signal to the remote system. Often used when talking to IBM mainframes, this command disrupts communications for a time, usually causing the line to hang up. 2 escape-character Format: \n\n Typing the escape character twice sends it once to the remote system. 2 Help(?) Format: ?\n\n Prins a quick summary of the above commands and prompts for a kaystroke. 1 DELETE Format: DELETE {...}\n\n Remove the specified files or groups of files from the disk. 1 DIRECTORY Format: DIRECTORY {...}\n\n Display the filenames matching the optional filespec. If no filespecs are given, display all filenames. 1 DIAL Format: DIAL, or\n DIAL , or\n DIAL \n\n If no argument is given, DIAL performs exactly the same as the PHONEBOOK command. If the argument is a telephone number, it is dialed immediately. If the argument is a number between 1 and 60, it is taken as an index into the phone book, and the indicated number is dialed. If the argument is an alphanumeric string (like "Mom" or "Delphi"), then a matching entry is looked for in the phonebook and dialed. Note that abbreviations ARE allowed.\n\n See also: PHONEBOOK 1 ERASE Format: ERASE {...}\n\n See DELETE. 1 Escape-Char This is the character typed at the keyboard to exit from "talk" mode. It is usually a control-right bracket (^]), although it can be changed to any other key with the SET ESCAPE command. 1 EXIT Leave this program and return to what you were doing before. 1 HELP Format: HELP { { {...}}}\n\n If you got here by typing HELP, then it should be noted that specific help is available by typing, for example, HELP SET. Abbreviations ARE allowed; H BU CL would give help on the BUFFER CLEAR command. 1 MAIL Format: MAIL \n\n When this command is implemented, it will send a text file using the XON/XOFF protocol to the remote system, sort of a reverse buffer operation. 1 PHONEBOOK This command enters the phone book module of XMODEM, which is largely self-documenting. If you don't have a FONEBOOK.DAT file on your current directory, it will ask if you want one created. The PHONEBOOK will not run without this file. Also, be sure to save any changes to the phonebook by hitting 'S' before exiting or dialing a number. 1 QUIT See EXIT. 1 RECEIVE Format: RECEIVE \n\n This is the command used to receive a file from a remote system using the XMODEM protocol. The filename is required, and must not be a wildcarded name. To receive multiple files, use the BATCH command. \n\nSee Also: BATCH, SEND 1 RENAME Format: RENAME \n\n Renames a file. Does not, however, copy a file, so renames must take place entirely on the selected drive. 1 SEND Format: SEND \n\n This command sends a file to a remote system, usually already in a receive state. If the name is wildcarded, SEND sends files in BATCH mode, which does not require the name to be specified at the other end (it sends the name). If you're not sure whether the remote system supports BATCH sends, then send only using unambiguous file names.\n\n(Example: SEND XMST.PRG just sends that one file, but SEND *.DOC will send all files ending in .DOC, in BATCH mode.)\n\n See also: BATCH, RECEIVE 1 SET Format: SET