My Dearest Sweet Precious Darling Guen; How wonderful are these moments because i have found some peaceful time to sit down and write you a nice letter. I know that it has been a very very long time and i hope that I have not become far from your heart. You know Guen no matter what I am going through or how busy life becomes you are always on my mind and in my heart. It is really true. Nothing has changed with respect to that. i am still here in my little town of Crockett with my kittie cat and working every day just as usual. And yet is is true that life has become very busy with a few surprises and I have been looking for those few moments when I could take the time to write to you. I know that you have been wondering and now I can't wait any longer. How are you Guen? I know that the storm was a very terrible thing to come to your country. When I first heard about it the news did not describe it as being much more than a normal tropical storm for your area. Every day the front pages of the news papers were filled with news of the Middle East and all the commotion over there. I don;t read the news papers Guen. I only see the head lines when i walk to work. The a few weeks later I saw the pictures in the paper of the ships damaged in the Zebu Harbor. I stopped and bought the paper and there i learned about the Mactan Bridge and all the trouble that the storm had caused. I really began to worry Guen. u worried that you were all ok. I worried that one of you might have drowned and i would have lost a dear friend. It was very hard for me that day. And then the very next day I received your most recent letter with the paper clippings showing the bridge and telling the story. WOW it was really something. But i must admit I was really only concerned about the condition of your family and you. Lots of things might have happened but i could only think of you and your family. Some how deep inside I had the feeling that all would be ok for you;that you would all work together and everything would be ok. But still I worried a lot. your letter was such a great gift when it came the very next day. I was so glad to see your hand writing and to know that you were all ok. What ever happened to the refrigerator? Is it working now? I know how important it was for you all and the little store. And how is the little store? Did it m,make it thought the storm ok? You know when I was thinking about the storm I wondered if the large building in front of your house would keep the winds away. But apparently it did not. I read where the roof came off your house. I certainly hope that no one was hurt. I would really feel bad if anything happened to you or any one of your family members. (Guen Darling i have not forgotten about you. In fact I think of you all the time Darling. It is really true. And your letter telling me that you are ok was a real blessing.) I guess it was seeing the paper clippings that help me to feel better also. Because I knew then that the paper company was still going. But I still am amazed when I see the photo of Down Town Cebu. It is so deep under water. And it looks like a place where you and i have been strolling before and holding hands. How are you Darling? Are you really ok? Is everyone safe and sound? I feel that if anything like a storm comes along most of you would be ok. but it's Lola and Lolo that really worry me. They are not as young as the rest of you and may need special attention. Are they ok? And if they are can you please give Lolo and Lola a very special hello for me along with everyone else ok? And hoe is my little friend Pepita? I worried a lot about her and her puppies. You know Guen, they are all so low to the ground while the water was up so high. Please tell me, are the puppies and Pepita ok also? Guen it is so good to hear from you that you cannot imagine. So please write to me soon ok? And tell me how everything is now that the storm has passed. I'll be waiting right here in Crockett for your very next wonderful letter. Anyway, I'll wait for your word on these things and hope that everything has turned out ok. Well Guen it is very early in the morning and I have found this to be a good time to find the moments to write to you. It is not late at night now. It is early in the morning. I came home from work very late and decided to just stay up and write to you. i just couldn't wait any longer. I 'm looking at the clock and it is 5:48 in the morning. Wow! But it is ok. I didn't get home from work until almost 4 a.m. It was raining and the traffic was very dense on the way to work. I had to stay later at work because I arrived late. The night was very busy and I finally got a break a little after 1:am. It is the Holiday season soon and people are doing their Christmas shopping so the traffic is very dense when I go to work. Guen Darling there is one thing I just have to tell you right now and i hope that feelings are not all in vain. Guen Darling i think of you ALL THE TIME. No matter what I am doing or where I am going you are always always always with me ;in my mind and in my heart. I just hope that I am not becoming a distant memory to you. It is so seldom that we meet someone in life that is worth treasuring everyday that we live. But in you Darkling i have found someone who will be with me always in my heart no matter what the situation or the time. How are you Darling Guen? Is everything ok these days? I know that you always tell me that you are fine with your loving parents and family. And indeed I know that that is true. Yet you know something Darling. When I am here and everything is fine things are just not quite right because you are so far away. Do you know that the other day i watched the videos again of us together. I watched as we went around in Bohol Island and took the trip to the beach where we had dinner. Do you remember those things Guen? There you were in the cave looking for spooky monsters underneath the rocks with you beautiful long hair trailing down. You look wonderful. i even watched the part when we were together on the bridge from "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Do you remember that Guen? That is when we were on our way to the Chocolate hills. I still have more of the video to see gain. i love watching the movies. It reminds me of the fun we had together. And it also reminded me of how nice it was to be with you; at the Coralandia, in Lapu Lapu and everywhere that we traveled together. I remember traveling to many places and how you would come by and visit in the afternoon. I t was wonderful. And I always tell myself of how nice it was to be with you and how important that time was to be together. We can write letter after letter and indeed I love everyone that you send. But nothing takes the place of being with you Guen. NOTHING. I wish that I could be two places at one time. I wish that you lived close by me now. I wish that I could be there right now with you. But indeed it is not so. And loving from a distance is so very hard. I have you in my heart and in my dreams all the time. And yet beingwith you is the most important thing of all. And when will I be able to return. I do not know. And that is a very depressing thought. I want to spend more time with you Guen. i want to spend as much time as possible with you. It is normal and right for that to be. that is how two people are supposed to be when they are attracted to one another. But as yet i just keep my mind on you steer my course as best as i can. I guess we can both understand how difficult it is to have such a strong attraction for each other and be so far apart. But we are both still alive and happy and nothing is cast in stone. Maybe one day, sooner than we both may think at this time, maybe I will be back to Cebu to see you again. Wouldn't that be nice. I know this for sure. If there is anything I would want for you is for you to be happy. That is THE most important thing. And no matter what comes of future times i wish your happiness most of all. I wish your happiness most of all. And that it is why I am so PROUD of you for continuing with your school. I saw the courses you are taking in your most recent letter and it sure seems like you have a full course of study. Keep up the good work Darling. Only good things can come from your education. It will mean so much for your future. I would really like to know what you are studying in your computer science and math classes. Can you give me a brief description in your next letter? The courses seem very interesting and must require a lot of study. And thank you for telling me about the cost of travel to and from school. I think I may be able to help you in this. i hadn't thought of that expense before . But now that you mention it i realize that travel to and from school must take some planning each and every day. As long as you can take care of your lunch and things i think I can help with your travel expense. If you can give me an approximate estimate of the cost for each semester that would be very nice. That way i can send it to you in one lump sum. I am SO PROUD OF YOU GUEN. The first two years of college should be pretty straight forward. As I recall the second two years is where the work really gets involved. So study well now and the second half of your college education should go a lot smoother. I really wish you the very best of luck in taking the general exam to enter your second two years. And of course GOOD LUCK in ALL your courses. I'm sure you will do very well. How are the funds holding out? i believe I sent you enough for two semesters. But you need to let me know far enough in advance of the third and forth semesters so i can send you the funds for them on time ok? For now though, just send me and estimate of the cost of travel for the next two semesters and I'll see what i can do ok? Well I guess I should begin to explain what has been going on with me lately to give you an idea of why it has taken so long for me to write. Life has been very good to me so far these days.(Except for missing you) Really it has. I am feeling quite good and have been involved in many interesting things lately. As you might expect most of my time outside of work has revolved around computers and music composition. Though I must admit that so many things have been happening that i haven't had all that much time to compose! I was asked to give a demonstration at a local college of how computers and music work together. I was sponsored by the college and a software company for a full day symposium. Lots of people showed up and I was all talked out at the end of the day. The demonstration involved demonstrating how computers could aid the young in learning music skills all the way to how professionals use computers and instruments to compose and create new forms of exciting things. It was a lot of fun and as a result the company gave me a lot of great software to use and enjoy. I met a lot of people during the show and many of them gave me even more software all of which I have been studying quite a lot over the past few weeks. I must have accumulated over 100 new programs and it has kept me in my studio late almost every night. I find that some of the most wonderful new programs are called Algorithmic Programs. These programs for music use different forms of what is known as A.I. or Artificial Intelligence. In other words, the programs don't just follow instructions, they sort of think and come up with their own ideas based on an Algorithm or format that they are given before hand. Sort of like this: If you were using a program to design an airplane to fly at certain height, speed and under what conditions, an A.I. program could enhance your own ideas and come up with a few of it's own. It's the same thing in a musical composition. When I play a given passage on a keyboard instrument, the computer has the ability to embellish the idea on it's own accord. And from these results even newer ideas are generated. All the programs are a bit different or "think" in different ways. So the combination of several of them is quite fascinating. Not only have i been working in this new area but i have also been very graciously introduced to the world of Desk Top publishing. And here again the computer is a marvelous tool. I have obtained a superior program written in West Germany. I have only just begun to work with it but some of it's capabilities are taking printed words and writing them on the surface of a three dimensional image such as a ball or a tree. The programming involve din it are really quite superior from anything else i have seen before in this are and it takes quite awhile to learn. So what is Desk Top publishing? Well it is simply publishing done on a desk top with the aid of a computer. Anything in print, from The Freeman, to books we read, to posters of out favorite rock stars are all forms of publishing. And this program i now have called CALAMUS from Germany gives a person the ability to do all these things right from a P.C. The only limitation thus far is that all the work that I will do will be in black and white. A color set up cost quite a bit of money and is not really necessary. So before i send this letter i think I'll experiment a little bit and see if i can make this letter represent a little of what I am talking about. Though you will have to excuse the result if it is not too fancy - I just started with it. The other thing is that all the instructions for the program are in German! So it may take a while to figure out a lot of the details.