===================== MANUAL FOR DOOM EDITOR UTILITY Version 3.01 ===================== CREDITS ======== This program was written by Brendon Wyber (b.wyber@csc.canterbury.ac.nz). It was based on findings published by someone else (roggerfff@aol.com). Three cheers for roggerffff!!! Hip Hip Horray! Hip Hip Horray! Hip Hip Horray! COPYRIGHT ========== DOOM is owned by ID software. The DEU is released into Public Domain by myself, the author, Brendon Wyber. This means you can do anything you want with it. However it would be considered polite if you did the following things: * If you alter this executable, call it something else. I would like to be the only person to release DEU named programs. * ... and... Give me credit. E.g. Bob's Amazing Doom Editor, Version 1.00. Copyright 1994 Bob Bobbingbob. All rights reserved. [Derived from DEU v3.00 by Brendon Wyber.] * Refrain from using the source to make an editor for the ShareWare version. id doesn't want shareware editors around. PLEASE ADHERE TO THIS REQUEST, OTHERWISE id MAY TAKE TERRIBLE VENGENCE UPON US. VERSION HISTORY ================ Version__ Released___ Notes______________________________________________ 1.00 Never Really sucked! 2.00 26 Jan 93 First release. Had two programs DDIR and DEDT and used text THING DATA files. 3.00 29 Jan 93 Second Release. Merged DDIR and DEDT into one program. Replaced THING DATA files with PWAD files. Released with source code. 3.01 29 Jan 93 Bug fix, can now edit levels higher than 3. WAD Files ========== The DEU works by editing the database that DOOM uses to store its information about each of the levels. These database files are called WAD file. There are two types of WAD files. IWAD File: This is the main data base file. It contains all the information about the graphics, sound, level maps, etc of the game. There is only one IWAD file. That is called DOOM.WAD and it must be in the current directory when DOOM is run. PWAD File: This is a specail patch of the IWAD file. It contains updates about the IWAD file. PWAD files created by DEU will contain an updated map of a game level. PWAD files can be called anything. When running DOOM, DOOM must be told to load a PWAD file. This us done with the -FILE parameter. E.g.: DOOM -FILE E1M1.WAD will load the normal doom game and the use the E1M1.WAD file to patch the data base. Note: More than one PWAD file can be loaded. E.g.: DOOM -FILE E1M1.WAD BOB.WAD TOM.DM PWAD files are small so they can be easily shared. RUNNING DEU ============ To run DEU just type in DEU [] Where the first arguement is the name of the main DOOM wad file. Following that is a list (seperated by spaces) of any PWAD files created before. You should then be presented with the prompt. The following commands are available. Note the first word of each command can be appreviated to its first letter. ? This command displays a list of the available command with their valid command syntax. BUILD This will make a completely new IWAD main file (all 10Megs of it) with the given file name. Not really neccesary now. Note this includes all the differences from the PWAD files. In order for DOOM to run using this file it must be called DOOM.WAD and be in the DOOM directory. EDIT This command will call up the Thing editor for the given map, allowing the user to edit it. There resulting level will then be saved into a PWAD file of the given name. The created PWAD file will then be added to the list of PWAD files already opened. (See below). LIST [OptionalOutputFile] This command will list the structure of the directory of a opened file. More for interests (and debugging) sake. If an output file is given it will then write the list to that file instead. MASTER [OptionalOutputFile] This will list the Master directory of the IWAD and any PWAD files, all mixed together. More for interests (and debugging) sake. If an output file is given it will then write the list to that file instead. QUIT This quits the program. WADS This will list all the opened wad files at the moment. They are ordered in order of old to newest, where the newer patch WAD files may overwrite the previous ones. RUNNING THE THING EDITOR ========================= The Editor will only edit the objects in the Map NOT the actual Map itself. The editor will let you insert, delete and edit things in there. When the editor starts up it should display the Map. In the centre of the map is a cross hair with marks your current position. Little x's represent the things. Red one are enemies, green ones are player start poistions, and the rest are white. There are also three onther areas. Title Bar: If this changes colour you are being prompted for a question. LowerLeft: This displayed the available options. Lower Right: This displays data on the slecting thing if the cross hairs is on one. Otherwise it displays the default object. The following keys are available: Cursor keys: To move around the map. Space Bar: To toggle the movement between three speeds: slow, med, fast. MINUS and PLUS: To zoom in and out of the Map. E: To exit the editor. Q: To quit the editor, forgetting any changes. Will prompt you for a Y. T: Edits either the current object or the default object. Will lead you through a large menu system. Delete: Deletes the current object if there is one. Insert: Inserts an object the same as the default object. ============== End of DEU.TXT ==============