********************** *** Dungeon module *** ********************** - Get event button working - Some way of marking explored regions - Multiple levels per dungeon - Brush editor - Text feature - Some sort of zoom feature - Better AREXX random dungeon generation - Position markers - Bounding boxes for area commands - Double buffer the scrolling routines ******************* *** Name module *** ******************* - Male/Female/City name selector *********************** *** Treasure module *** *********************** - A way to share treasure with characters - Generate magic items as well ******************* *** City module *** ******************* - Different types of cities (with seperate data files) - Calculate # of profs in city based on population - ARexx port (SETNAME, SETNUM, GENERATE) ************************ *** Character module *** ************************ - needs encumb, curses, talents, languages, spells, items, etc. - Turning undead script - Do? button for explaining XP additions - Level advancement script - Have "Import" clear the running XP - The 'Load/Party' and 'Save/Party' menu should load/save character information in the different character files. The party file should only contain player names and names of the files containing those characters' data. The name used during the last 'save/character' (or load/character) should be used to save character data during 'save/party'. If no individual character save or load occured, the default name should be used instead. ************************ *** Encounter module *** ************************ - Snapshotting ARexx script ******************** *** Clock module *** ******************** - Clock running at scaled time - Random time alarm - Day of the week gadget - Re-design the alarm window to make it more intuitive (for example a second CYCLE gadget that switch between 'remaining time/period' just below the 'absolute/relative/periodic' gadget). - Finish ARexx port *********************** *** Game Log module *** *********************** - External log if Game Log is not running - Log time is last edited ******************* *** Dice module *** ******************* - Finish ARexx port ***************************** *** ImpPro Shared Library *** ***************************** - More utility windows for ARexx input functions - Fix the die string interpreter **************** *** Launcher *** **************** - Different types of dock buttons (eg. Help files) - Refresh screen without restarting - Menu item to snapshot ALL modules currently running - Button delay a la Toolsmanager *************** *** General *** *************** - Combat module! In progress. - Calendar module - Warning message if you quit a module before saving data - ImpPro launcher log file of some sort - Calendar and configurable month and day names - Some sort of solution for multiple module data sharing - Printing ability for most modules - Be able to minimize all of the modules - Data retaining ARexx snapshot scripts - Name the Multiview ARexx ports