This is an extension of the history section from the regular documentation. I am adding to the history in this way so that I do not have to retype the documentation each time I make an update. V2.46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version fixes several bugs found in the original releases of V2.11 and V2.21. Following are the fixed bugs: - Crash the second time the tractor beam requester appeared. - Occasional deadlock on the appearance of info requesters. - Altered the way that combat between marines and crew members is handled. - Miscalculation in the end game scores. - Misinformation on who wins when the computer surrenders. - Endless loop caused by a regular weapons hit on armor plating. - Super drive addition caused by a hit on a 100% damaged ship. - Super crew addition caused by a hit on a 100% extra damaged ship. Release date : 21-Oct-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- V2.47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Endless loop caused by incorrect exit parameters on extra damage loop. - Proper transporting of marines. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------