Welcome to Martin Powell's A M I G A S C R A B B L E HISTORY Well, It all started out, when I had a few friends around, one night. One of my mates said, I'm good a "Thinking" Games, and we new that he was talking out of his head, so we challenged him to a game of Scrabble. Well as the night drew on, we were nowhere near finishing the game, and another of my mates had to leave, so I said I'd try and keep the board as is, until next week. BUT, Mothers being mothers, tidied up the board while I was at work, the next day, DAMN!!!, I was winning as well. Back to square one. Then I thought, "Hang on, we all have amigas, we can play scrabble on that, and save the game to disk, so we can continue at any time, and we would be right where we had left it." So that Saturday, I went down to the local Computer store, to get a copy of Scrabble for the Amiga..... No such luck, the spotty assistant said, "I don't think there is a version out at the moment, sorry" WHAT!!! Will we ever prove that our mate is not as clever as he thinks he is??? Anyway, after searching for about 4 months, I turned up nothing, zero, zilch! So I though, what the hell, write my own. And that is what I did. It took:- 4 months of coding 68K of source code 86K of music 360K of samples 74K of graphics 4 Play testers and about 2 tonnes of coffee But I think it was worth it, as in the first fully functional release version, I beat my mate in a head to head 252 points to 193 points!!!