Welcome to Martin Powell's A M I G A S C R A B B L E Rules Of Play -------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Rules of play -------------------------------------------------------------- Scrabble is a game for 2, 3 or 4 players. Play consists of forming interlocking words, crossword fashion, on the scrabble board, using letter tiles with various score values. Each player competes for the highest score by using his tiles in combinations and locations that take best advantage of letter values and premium squares on the board. -------------------------------------------------------------- To Begin -------------------------------------------------------------- You are prompted to enter the number of people who are going to play. (At this time, there is no computer player support) You simply type the number in using either the numeric keypad or the number keys at the top of the main keyboard Next, you are prompted to enter the names of the players. (NOTE: The names will be translated into UPPER case characters) Once you have done this, you are presented with the main scrabble board. On the right hand side of the screen, you will see the names you entered, listed down the side. You will also be prompted to press a key/mouse button, for each player in turn. This part picks a random tile from the tile bag, to see who will place the first word. The player who has the first occurrence of the lowest tile in alphabetical order will go first. A starting set of racks will now be displayed. -------------------------------------------------------------- Method of Play -------------------------------------------------------------- The player to go will be prompted, and highlighted in the list. This player can choose from any of the available icons at the bottom of the screen. After click on either word and entering a word, change and changing at least one tile, challenge and being unsuccessful or passing; Play can pass onto the next player in rotation. In the Registered Version, the game will end when either all players pass three times each in succession, or a player gets all his tiles out of his rack, and there are no more tiles left in the tile bag. In this later state, the other players total score is reduced by totalling up the values on the tiles they may have in their racks. A grand total score sheet is displayed and the winner is declared. In the Un-Registered Version, the game will end after 15 words have been placed, or as in the Registered version, whichever is sooner. -------------------------------------------------------------- Shuffle -------------------------------------------------------------- Selecting this icon, will randomly shuffle the tiles in the current players rack for about 5 seconds. This can sometime draw your attention to a word you hadn't thought of. When shuffling is complete, the icon bar is re-displayed and the player continues his go. You can select the shuffle icon as many times as you like. -------------------------------------------------------------- Change -------------------------------------------------------------- Selecting this icon, will enable the user to place selected tiles back in the tile bag, and have fresh tiles returned in their place. A player can change as many tiles as he likes, but on completion, play passes to the next player.. To select a tile for changing, simply click the mouse on the tile, and it will change into a copyright tile. To deselect a tile, simply click on it again. Once you have selected all the tiles you wish to change, click on the proceed icon beneath the scrabble board, and you will see you new tiles appear. Play now passes to the next player. If you decide not to change any tiles, click on the cancel icon beneath the scrabble board, and you go will continue. -------------------------------------------------------------- Score -------------------------------------------------------------- Clicking on this icon will display an up to the minute score sheet, for all players. The first column under a players name is the score attained for the word placed on the particular go. The second column, is the running total score. Also, there is a record of the best word placed during this game, with details of who placed it and how much it scored. Finally, there is a count showing the number of tiles list in the tile bag. (NOTE: Once this counter reaches zero, players can no longer change tiles) -------------------------------------------------------------- Word -------------------------------------------------------------- This is the main icon in the game. When you click on this icon, you will be prompted to enter the word you wish to place on the board. NOTE: If you wish to use a BLANK TILE, just type a SPACE where you want it, ie: If your rack was R,T,I,P,blank,R,E You would enter the word "PRINTER" thusly "PRI TER" IF your word uses tiles already on the board, enter these letters in sequence also. If the letter on the board is a blank, just use the space key as before. If you make a mistake typing a word in, use the backspace key to edit it. If you just press return and don't enter a word, you will return to the icon bar. After entering the word and pressing return, you will be asked to select the start square. At this point, position the mouse pointer over the square that the word will start on. You will then be prompted to give the direction you wish the word to be placed. Click on either the ACROSS or DOWN icons below the scrabble board. If after all this, you don't have the tiles to make the word, you will be informed and returned to the icon selection bar. If the word you entered wont fit onto the board in the direction you specified, again, you will be informed, and prompted to pick a new start square. If all the above id ok, the tiles will be placed on the board, and the players score will be updated, and new tiles returned for the one used. All tiles placed in any one turn must be placed in one row, across or down the board. Diagonals are not accepted. The tiles placed must form at least one complete word. If at the same time, they touch other tiles in adjacent squares, they must also form complete words, crossword fashion. The players scores for ALL words made in this fashion Permitted words -------------- Any words listed in a standard dictionary are permitted,except those spelt with an initial capital letter, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes and words requiring apostrophes or hyphens. -------------------------------------------------------------- Legend -------------------------------------------------------------- Clicking on this icon, will display a key for the special squares, that are on the scrabble board. Just click the mouse button again, to return to the board. -------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge -------------------------------------------------------------- Click on this icon, if YOU think the word placed by the previous player is invalid, ie, doesn't make a word at all, or is illegal as described in the Permitted Words section. If you click on this button, you will be shown 2 new icons at the bottom of the scrabble board, Invalid and Valid. You must click on the appropriate icon. Clicking on Invalid means, that YOU made an invalid challenge, and thus loose you turn. Clicking on Valid means, that YOU made a valid challenge, and thus the previous player has his word removed from the board, and tiles placed back into his rack, Any new tiles received returned to the tile bag, and his score for the last word set to zero. Note. Use with caution, as there is no way back after clicking on challenge -------------------------------------------------------------- Pass -------------------------------------------------------------- Clicking on the Pass icon, means that you wish to give up you turn in trying to place a word. Use only if you cannot place a word. If all players pass 3 times in succession, the game is ended and the winner at that point is declared. -------------------------------------------------------------- The Menu Bar -------------------------------------------------------------- If you press the right mouse button, you will notice an options menu. The options in here are:- Load - (Disabled in the Un-Registered Version): This can be used at any time during a players turn, before clicking on an icon. The Number/Names of the players don't have to be the same as in the saved game, as all information is restored. Save - (Disabled in the Un-Registered Version): This can be used at any time during a players turn, before clicking on an icon. Play will resume, after saving. You can save as many time as you like. About - Gives information about the Game. Clicking the mouse button, restores the board and resumes play. Quit - Quits the game. -------------------------------------------------------------- Known Bugs -------------------------------------------------------------- None at this time. Please report any bugs or Ordering Information to either:- On the Internet - martinp@visionware.co.uk or Mr Martin Powell 125 Raisen Hall Road Longley Sheffield S5 7NE England -------------------------------------------------------------- Testing -------------------------------------------------------------- So far, This game has only been tested on:- Standard A1200 - 2meg Chipram Standard A600 - 1meg Chipram Standard A500 - .5meg Chipram & .5meg Fastram Further test results welcome at above addresses.