Document CS1x- Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Release 01.00 © Udo Gantner 1996/97 1. Introduction ------------ This synthesizer of Yamaha is extremly hot !!! After I had bought that thing and had heard all the demosongs, I was totally inspired. This synthesizer for now is unbeatable in value against price. After I've worked through the included Blue-Book and the tutorium, I realized that are still more possibilities than I'd exspected. The paticular thing of this synthesizer is the Performance-Mode. This mode enables you to layer up to four voices to one midichannel while using the rest of midichannels with the XG-Mode. This means, that you can create a sound by layering up to four voices, control it with one midichannel and you still have 12 midichannels left for use with other samples. What other synthesizer can do that ?? This program is for those of you, who like that Performance-Mode and like to create Performances on your own. 2. Installation ------------ The installation is verry easy: A.You have to create a directory on your harddisk and to put an assign on that directory with "CS1xed:" or to format a disk and name it "CS1xed". B.Than you have to copy CS1x-Editor and the directories "System", "Dok" and "SysexDump" to "CS1x-ed:" C.Thats all 3. The program CS1x-EDITOR ------------------------ The creation of a performancebank with CS1x-Editor bases on following idea. You have a `Referencebank' and a `Userbank', by those you built your own Performance- bank. At programstart the `Userbank' is filled with 128 Initperformances. You can pick one Initperformance and edit its parameters or you can copy one Performance after the other from the buffer of the `Referencebank' to the `Userbank' and work with them. You can allways fill the buffer of the `Referencebank' with Performancebanks you load from disk or receive from CS1x by midi. By this way you can collect Performances for your own "Best off" - banks or create totally new Performances. 3.1. CS1x-Performance-Editor-Window ------------------------------ 3.1.1. The Menu Project Load Bank This menuitem enables you to load a Performancebank into the buffer of the `Referencebank'. It opens a filerequester, by that you can pick your favoured Bank. !! Attention: You can only load files you saved with CS1x-Editor as Performancebank before !! Save Bank This menuitem is for saving the performancebank existing in the buffer of the `Userbank'. If during the use of CS1x-Editor no `Userbank' has been saved before, automatically a filerequester opens which enables you to fix path and filename. Else if a `Userbank' has been saved before, automatically its path and filename is used and a securityrequester aks you to overwrite that file. Save as ... This menuitem is equal to `Save Bank' and enables you to archive a `Userbank'. It opens a filerequester, which enables you to fix path and filename. If a file still exists a securityrequester opens and aks you to overwrite that file. Load SMF0 By that menuitem you can load performancebanks stored as standart-midifile-format (short SMF0) into the buffer of the `Referencebank'. It opens a filerequester too. Print Bank Prints the names of the performances in the buffer of the `Userbank' with programnumber. Info Infos about this program Quit Quits this program. A securityrequester appears! Edit edit performance The performance chosen in the listview-gadget of the `Userbank' will be copied into a temporary buffer and the `Performance-Common-Window' will be opened test performance The performance chosen in the listview-gadget of the `Userbank' will be copied into a temporary buffer and will be sent via midi into the currentbuffer of CS1x. The `Performance-Test'-Window opens and you are able to test the performances by mouse and keyboard of the computer. copy left -> right A: current performance - The performance chosen in the listviewgadget of the `Referencebank' will be copied to the place chosen in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank'. B: whole `Referencebank'- The whole `Referencebank' will be copied into the buffer of the `Userbank'. reset performance The current performance of the `Userbank' will be reset to defaultvalues (Initperformance) Transfer send bank A: ->CS1x - The performancebank of the `Userbank' will be transmitted via midi to CS1x B: ->Disk - The performancebank of the `Userbank' will be saved as Bank-Sysex-Dumpfile to disk. A filerequester opens. request bank This menuitem enables you to request for the performancebank stored in the Userbuffer of CS1x. The received performancebank will be stored into the buffer of the `Referencebank'. This procedure takes a lot of time, because each of the 128 performances has to be requested before it could be received. send performance A: ->CS1x Current - The performance chosen in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank' will be copied into the Currentbuffer of CS1x. B: ->Disk - The performance chosen in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank' will be saved to disk as Current-Sysex-Dump. A filerequester appears. request curr. performance This menuitem enables you to request for the performance stored in the Currentbuffer of CS1x. The received performance will be stored into a temporary buffer of CS1x- Editor and then copied to the chosen place of the `Userbank'. !! Attention: You first have to pick the performance which could be overwritten in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank' before you request for the current performance. The other way you will lose the performance you picked in the listview- gadget and you will be glad if you have stored this performancebank, you have in work, before. Help about CS1x-Editor This helpfile. 3.1.2. The Gui I tried to get the structure of the gui (graphic userinterface) as clearly arranged as possible. But sometimes, because of the high count of parameters, it was not possible to prevent the impression of an overloaded gui. Most of the time you have to manage with textgadgets and sliders. The sliders are used to change the values of the parameters and the textgadgets display you their current value. Some gadgets enable you to put in a number. In this case you don't need to move a slider for changing a parameter. Just click with your mouse into a gadget and look, if a curser appears inside the gadget. After an input in such a gadget the sliderlevel of the slider belonging to that gadget will be corrected. There will be no error-message if your input is false. If the value of your input is higher than the maximum value of the paramter you are editing automatically the maximum value will be taken and displayed. The same thing will be done if the value is smaller than the minimum value, except the minimum value will be taken and displayed. Referencebank The Referencebank is used to be filled with performancebanks, which you can use for reference. You can fill the Referencebank with performancebanks you receive via midi or load from disk. The performances will be displayed sorted by the programnumber in the listviewgadget of the Referencebank. You are able to copy either the whole Referencebank or a just a single performance of the Referencebank into the buffer of the `Userbank'. Userbank The Userbank is a bank of performances the user could collect or edit on his own. Only those performances stored in the buffer of the Userbank could be edited and changed. At start of the program the Userbank will automatically be filled with 128 Initperformances. These Initperformances are the starting-point for the work with CS1x-Editor and could be edited or be replaced with performances of the `Referencebank'. _edit A click into the edit-button opens the `Performance-Common-Window'. This window is the bridge to other windows, which deal with the inner structure of a performance. The activated Performance in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank' will be copied into a temporary buffer, which stores the changes of the performance. The activated performance will be untouched as long as you don't click into the `OKAY'- button of the `Performance-Common-Window'. If you click into the edit-button with no performances activated in the listview- gadget of the `Userbank', a requester will appear which will remember you to pick a performance first. testperf The activated performance in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank' will be transmitted via midi into the Currentbuffer of the CS1x. After that the `Performance-Test'- window will be opened. copy -> The activated performance in the listviewgadget of the `Referencebank' will be copied to place chosen in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank'. If no performance is selected, a message-requester will appear. init The activated performance in the listviewgadget of the `Userbank' will be reset to default values of a Initperformance. system The `CS1x-System'-window which enables you edit the parameters of CS1x's system. Look for chapter "Utility Mode" in the CS1x's Owner's Manual for more Information. 3.2. Performance-Common-Window ------------------------- The Peformance-Common-Window enables you to edit the parameters of the 6 knobs of CS1x. The window will show you the current performancenumber, name and category of the performance and it's mainvolume could be edited. You should pay attention on knob 3 and 6, which could be configured with Controller- Assigns. For more information see chapter "Performance-Mode" in the Owner's Manual. Following buttons bring you to other edittools. 3.2.1. Layer-Assign This button opens the `Knob6-Layer-Assigns'-window which enables you to edit the assignparameters of the four layers. 3.2.2. ed.Layers Opens the `Layer-Edit-Window' for editing the parameters of a layer 3.2.3. ed.Effekte Opens the `Effects'-window for editing the effects of the performance. 3.2.4. ed.Arpeggiator Opens the `Arpeggiator-Window' for editing the parameters of the arpeggiator. 3.2.5. ed.Wheels Opens the `Wheels-Footcontrol-Portamento'-window. 3.2.6. Test The performance stored in the temporary buffer will be transmitted into the Currentbuffer of the CS1x and the `Performance-Test'-window will be opened for testing the performance. 3.2.7. OKAY The current settings of the performance stored in the temporary buffer will be copied to the activated Performance in the `Userbank'. The `Performance-Common-Window' and all other windows opened via it will be closed. 3.3. Arpeggiator-Window ------------------ This window enables you to edit the settings of the arpeggiator. Information about the algorithms, tempo, subdevid, hold and split is given in the Owner's Manual. 3.4. Wheels-Footcontrol-Portamento ----------------------------- This window enables you to edit the settings for modulation- and pitchwheel, footcontrol, portamento and portamentotime. 3.5. Effects ------- Here you are able to edit the paramters of the reverb-, chorus- and variation-effect. The variation- effect has got parameters depending on its type. Inactivated gadgets are not a bug in the program, but show you that there is no parameter for this type of effect to edit. For more information see chapter "Digital Effects" in the appendix of the Owner's Manual. The settings of "Vari on Layer Revsend" and "Vari on Layer ChoSend" are not important for the performances you want to archive, but are still here, because these parameters are used in the currentperformance which will be sent to CS1x at performancetests. 3.6. Knob6-Layer-Assigns -------------------- This window enables you to edit the assign-settings of knob6 referenced to the layers of a performance. 3.7. Layer-Edit-Window ----------------- This window enables you to edit the settings of a layer of a performance. Here you can edit the voices, portion of effects etc. for each layer. Clicking the cyclegadget named layer switches you through all layers. The buttons `copy' and `paste' help you to copy the settings of one layer to another one. The `EGS'-button opens the `Envelope-Editor'-window. 3.7.1. copy All settings of the layer in use will be copied into a buffer. Attention: This function exits in the `Envelope-Editor' too, but with the difference that only those parameters will be copied, which could be edited in the `Envelope-Editor'. 3.7.2. paste The settings stored in the buffer will be copied to the layer in use. That means that all settings will be overwritten with the settings stored in the buffer. If the buffer is empty a message-requester will tell you. 3.7.3. VoiceQuick Opens the Voicefinder-window, a tool for selecting a voice for the current layer. You could switch between the banks of the PRE- and XG- banks and pick the voice from a list. If you can't mention what voice you picked, you could listen to the voice by a short sequence played after pressing the "Test"- button. 3.7.4. EGS Opens the `Envelope-Editor' 3.8. Envelope-Editor --------------- Here you can edit the envelopes for amplitude- (AEG), pitch- (PEG) and filtercourse (FEG) related to time and also settings of the LFO for each layer. Equal to the `Layer-Edit-Window' you can switch to another layer by clicking the cyclegadget named layer. The function of the menuitems copy and paste are equal to the function of the buttons `copy' and `paste' of the `Layer-Edit-Window', but only manage the paramters you can edit in the `Envelope-Editor'. "copy" copies the parameters of the layer in use into a buffer and "paste" overwrites the layer in use with the settings stored in the buffer. Attention: `copy' and `paste' of the `Layer-Edit-Window' manage the whole settings of a layer. "copy" and "paste" of the `Envelope-Editor' only manage those settings you can edit in the `Envelope-Editor'. If the buffer is empty a message-requester will appear. 3.9. Performance-Test ---------------- This window enables you to test the performance in the Currentbuffer of CS1x by keyboard of your computer. The idea behind this ability is to use the keyboard of your Amiga as a masterkeyboard for the reason the CS1x is placed too far away. Creativity should be convenient! You can control three cyclegadgets and four sliders: The cyclegadget named "Playrange" is for setting the octave-range, to be played by the keyboard of your Amiga. The cyclegadgets below enable you to set the midicontroller for each of the large sliders which simulate the pitch- and modulationwheel of your CS1x- keyboard. You can also set controllers used by the six knobs of CS1x. The small sliders are used to fix attackrate and mainvolume. The button called "Midi-Reset" enables you to turn off hanging notes and to reset the controller-values of your CS1x. The "Quit Test"-button quits this test. If you can't hear any sound using the performancetest you should check following cases: - is midiconnection all right ? - is receivechannel of CS1x equal to the setting of receivechannel in the `System'- window? - Have you heard a demosong before, which turned off the mainvolume by sysexdatas? - Have you read all the manuals? 3.10. CS1x-System ----------- This window enables you to edit the settings of your CS1x- system, to send or receive and to store them. 3.10.1. Menuitems Disk: -Load: You are able to load a systemsetting by a filerequester. -Save: The setting will be stored as defaults (CS1x.sys) -Save as...: You are able to store a setting under a name given by you. You can fix path and filename by a filerequester -Quit: will close this window Midi: -Send->CS1x: The systemsettings will be transmitted to CS1x. -Empfangen<-CS1x: The systemsettings will be received from CS1x. -Sende alle Änderungen: This switch works global within CS1x-editor. All changes you make to a userperformances will be transmitted to CS1x, if this switch is active. Help: -Help: Brings up this helpfile. 4. Functionkeys --------------- To make switching through the edittools (windows) more convenient, I've included functionkeys as following: "F1": opens the `CS1x-System' -Window "F2": opens the `Performance-Common-Window' "F3": opens the `Knob6-Layer-Assigns' -Window "F4": opens the `Effects' -Window "F5": opens the `Arpeggiator-Window' "F6": opens the `Wheels-Footcontrol-Portamento' -Window "F7": opens the `Layer-Edit-Window' "F8": opens the `Envelope-Editor' -Window "F9": opens the `Performance-Test' -Window "Help": opens this helpfile 5. Thanks ------ I want to thank following persons: - my whife and my two sons (3.5 years and 6 months old) for their patience. - Wouter van Oortmerssen for his great E-compiler. - Fabio Rotondo for his Nodemaster- and StringNode- Modules to the E- Compiler - Bill Barton and Pregnant Badger Music for the great Midi-Library, I used within this programm. The Copyright for Midi-Library is by Bill Barton and Pregnant Badger Music. - Stephan Sürken for Text2Guide - Commodore for the best Computer at all. - Yamaha for the CS1x - Peter Krischker, who inspired me with his great performances for the CS1x to get deeper in detail about CS1x and to write this programm. - Martin Endress (ISM), whose midisequencer must be called proffesional because of its functionality (multiporttransmitting), but was less valued by leading magacines or just casual mentioned. Talking about multimedia; multimedia is subject number one, but what is multimedia without music and programms for creating it. 6. The Author --------- Udo Alexander Gantner Rich.- Wagner- Str.29 76669 Bad Schönborn Germany Tel.: 07253/32856 Email: none 7. Copyright & disclaimer, fullversion ---------------------------------------- The program CS1x is Copyright (C),1996, Udo Alexander Gantner. I won't accept any call to account in reference to the name "CS1x-Editor" for this program, because I don't claim the Copyright for this name. It is free for all users to give the program another name. Just raname the programm and the relating icon. I take this step, because I read in a magacine for musicians about a shareware- author who was called to account from a big softwarecompany because of the name he has given his program. I hold no responsibility for any damage caused to your computer or your software during the use of CS1x-Editor. This program is shareware or nowadays called crippleware. The one of you who payed more than 5.- DM for CS1x-editor on a disk of PD should think about, how many money he wants to throw away this way in future. This version is for demonstration and the functions for storing are disabled. If you like that program you could order the fullversion from me. The price for the fullversion is 40.- DM Have much pleasure !!! 8. Plans for future ---------------- - Correcting of bugs, if there are Please write me if you find one. - nicer Gui (maybe MUI), depends on demand. - Localisation of CS1x-Editor. - Editors for Quasimidi Technox, MT32, DX/TX7, Fb01 in plan. - transporting of CS1x- Editors for PC (in work). - Course about midihandling in E.