55No, I don't think so.Come on, You can come up`with something better.That is not how to do it.No can do.Yeah right, like that would work.I don't want that.That would not come in handy.I only take useful stuff.What would I do with that,`besides carrying it?I hate to admit`it but I'm too weak.It's too heavy.I'm not supposed to do that.That will never happen.Why would I do that?It's looked.It's nailed shut.I can't.It's already open.It's already closed.People usually think you're`crazy if you talk to dead objects.Strange... I didn't get any answer.Get a grip of yourself....and then the guy said`"eat my shorts"~ Ha ha ha... ~But I don't get it??`Wasn't he allergic to coffee?~ Ehh, no... ´By the way...´...are you going to make a fool`out of yourself this year too?~What do you mean?~Well, just like you did last`year, at the mushroom festival.~What are you talking about?~Well, how about when we`played hide and seek...´...gosh, you didn't find`anyone for several hours!´And when you pushed the princess of`the boat! That was just hilarious!~ Ha ha ha... ´ HA HA HA... ´Oooh, I can't breathe... Ha ha...~I don't think it was that funny...´Actually, I thought`it was a little unfair...´...'cause you all know I'm blind.~Well, one thing's for sure...´You can amuse a crowd`even if you don't intend to.~ Hey, Gilbert. ~(Gee, I really don't feel`like talking to Louise...)~ Yoohoo, Gilbert! ~(Maybe I can try and`just ignore her...)~ GILBERT!! ~(I guess not...)~Yes, Louise, what is it?~Will the mushroom be`ready for the celebration.~Well, I don't know really.´My Grandpa has a little`problem with the mushroom.~ Really! ´That's exactly what I`said to Mathilda earlier!´He ain't capable of handling`the mushroom! That's just`what I said. Oh, gosh...~But it's not that serious...~Oh, really?´What's happened then?~Well, the mushroom has`kind of degraded.~Degraded? My, that`sounds quite serious...´I better go tell`Mathilda that there'll`be no mushroom party`next week, then!~ Uhh... ´Like I said,`It's nothing serious.~So, what's he doing`about these problems, then?~Actually, I'm on my way`to Elton, to get some kind`of mushroom nutriment.~Is that so?´So, your grandpa is letting`you do all the hard work...´Well, that's just`typical of him!~No, he doesn't even`know I'm doing this.~That doesn't surprise me!´He really should keep`a closer eye on you!´Talking about that...´...shouldn't you be in`school at this time of day?~It's summer!~´Well, you shouldn't`just stand here all day!´Go to Elton now and get that`nutriment you are ranting about! 9ATST00001ATEBS001ST009CIN01"Recipe"NBS001G01T00003GS01NG01T00004GS01ATST00002ATEJI0203>06ATST00004ATEATST00003ATEtar 2:anATST00004ATEATST00001ATEATST00005ATEJI0509>07ATST00003ATEATST00006ATEJI0607>08ATST00005ATEDEMOATST00007ATEtar 6:anATST00008ATEG01T00005GS01ATST00009ATEtar 4:an eller 5:an 9Piece of paperCoffee beanMortarBottleBottleCoffee powderBottleBottleOld Dragon chili sauce 9 Wow, It's a recipe for`some kind of plant nutriment.´That's exactly what my`grandpa is looking for!´The only thing I have`to do now is to follow`this recipe.  It's a coffee bean.  You grind things in this.  It's an empty bottle.  I've filled it with water.  It's coffee powder.  I've mixed the Old Dragon`chili sauce with the water.  Sista flaskan.  It's a bottle of that`spicy Old Dragon chili sauce. 5 I have to add`some water first.  I have to add some`chili sauce first.  I've mixed the Old Dragon`chili sauce with the water.  I've grind the coffee`bean to coffee powder.  There...´I've put the coffee`powder in the bottle.´This should help my grandpa`get the mushroom in shape`before the mushroom party.´I better go and give`him this now.´See you later! 3-02-03-05-09-06-07