*farsi.txt* For Vim version 5.1. Last modification: 1998 Feb 14 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Mortaza Ghassab Shiran Right to Left and Farsi Mapping for Vim *farsi* These functions have been made by Mortaza G. Shiran E-mail: {Vi does not have any of these commands} In order to use right-to-left and Farsi mapping support, it is necessary to compile Vim with the |+farsi| feature. Introduction ------------ In right-to-left oriented files the characters appear on the screen from right to left. This kind of file is most useful when writing Farsi documents, composing faxes or writing Farsi memos. The commands, prompts and help files are not in Farsi, therefore the user interface remains the standard Vi interface. Highlights ---------- o Editing left-to-right files as in the original Vim, no change. o Viewing and editing files in right-to-left windows. File orientation is per window, so it is possible to view the same file in right-to-left and left-to-right modes, simultaneously. o Compatibility to the original Vim. Almost all features work in right-to-left mode (see Bugs below). o Changing keyboard mapping and reverse insert modes using a single command. o Backing from reverse insert mode to the correct place in the file (if possible). o While in Farsi mode, numbers are entered from left to right. Upon entering a character (not a number), that character will be inserted just into the left of the last number. o No special terminal with right-to-left capabilities is required. The right-to-left changes are completely hardware independent. Only Farsi font is necessary. o Farsi keymapping on the command line in reverse insert mode. o Toggling between from left-to-right and right-to-left via F8 function key. o Toggling between Farsi 3342 standard encoding and VIM Farsi via F9 function key. Since this makes sence only for the text written in right-to-left mode, this function is also supported only in right-to-left mode. Usage ----- Prior to starting the vim, the environment in which the vim-persian can run properly must be set. Following points describe some environment settings that may be needed: Key code mapping, loading graphic card in ASCII screen mode, setting the IO driver in 8 bit clean mode ... . For details on environment setting, refer to Farsi-HOWTO-1.txt contained in the Farsi-HOWTO-package.tar . o Farsi Keymapping Activation Entering 'set akm' or 'set fk' command while in editor command line mode, activates the Farsi keymapping (akm/fk are the abbreviations for altkeymap/ fkmap which stand for alternative keymap/farsi keymap). Note that 'altkeymap' is the default setting and in this mode the Farsi keymapping is active. To turn off the Farsi as a default second language, put the 'set noakm' line in your '.vimrc' file. o Right-To-Left Farsi Mode By default vim starts in Left-to-Right mode. Following are ways to change the window orientation: + Start the vim with -F option (e.g. vim -F ... ). + Use F8 function key to toggle between left-to-right and right-to-left. + While in Left-to-Right mode, enter 'set rl' in the command line ('rl' is the abbreviation for rightleft). + Put the 'set rl' line in your '.vimrc' file to start the vim in Right-to-Left mode permanently. Encoding -------- The Farsi 3342 standard defines only the codes for the capital letters, which may be suitable for graphical environments. Since I wanted to be conformed to the Farsi 3342 standard and had to fulfill the VIM requirements (which runs in a none graphical as well as graphical environment). So I used the Farsi 3342 standard and added new codes for joining (small) letters. In addition a conversion function has built in, which allows converting between VIM Farsi and Farsi 3342 standard via F9. A set of Farsi extended ASCII fonts are composed for both X environment and ASCII screen mode (using graphic card). The letter codes will be the same for different platforms (i.e. UNIX's, MS DOS, ...). In this release the fonts available are suitable for LINUX, SUN-OS, DOS and maybe some other platforms that I am not aware of by now. For details on the Farsi fonts and font installation, refer to Farsi-HOWTO-1.txt contained in the Farsi-HOWTO-package.tar . o Keyboard + CTRL-_ in insert/replace modes toggles between Farsi(akm)/Latin mode as follows: + CTRL-_ moves the cursor to the end of the typed text in edit mode. + CTRL-_ in command mode only toggles keyboard mapping between Farsi(akm)/ Latin. The Farsi text is then entered in reverse insert mode. + F8 - Toggles between left-to-right and right-to-left. + F9 - Toggles the encoding between Farsi 3342 standard and VIM Farsi. + Following is the keyboard mapping while Farsi(akm) mode set (the mapping is based on the Iranian standard 'ISIRI 2901' - hopefully right): ------------------------------------- ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = ¢ ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ ° ­ ½ ------------------------------------- ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + ~ £ § ® ¤ ¥ ª ¬ è ¨ © é « ------------------------------------- q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Ó Ò Æ Ù Ø Õ Ö à Ê É Ç ˆ ------------------------------------- Q W E R T Y U I O P { } ÷ õ ô ó ò ñ ð ö [ ] { } ------------------------------------- a s d f g h j k l ; ' \ Ñ Ð á Ã Ü Á Å Þ Ý Ú Û ë ------------------------------------- A S D F G H J K L : " | ù û  þ ú ø À ü æ ç º » ê ------------------------------------- < z x c v b n m , . / ¾ × Ô Î Í Ì Ë Ä ß ¦ ¯ ------------------------------------- > Z X C V B N M < > ? ¼ ñ Ô Ï Í ¡ Ë Â ¾ ¼ ¿ ------------------------------------- Note: ¡ stands for Farsi PSP (beark without space) ¢ stands for Farsi PCN (for HAMZE attribute ) Restrictions ------------ o In insert/replace mode and fkmap (Farsi mode) set, CTRL-B is not supported. o If you change the character mapping between Latin/Farsi, the redo buffer will be reset (emptied). That is, redo is valid and will function (using '.') only within the mode you are in. o While numbers are entered in Farsi mode, the redo buffer will be reset (emptied). That is, you can not redo the last changes (using '.') after entering numbers. o While in left-to-right and Farsi mode set, CTRL-R is not supported. o While in right-to-left mode, the search on 'Latin' pattern does not work, except if you enter the Latin search pattern in reverse. o On the command line, there is no support for entering the numbers from left to right and also for the sake of the flexibility the keymapping logic is restricted. o Under the X window environment, if you want to run the vim-persian in a xterm, you need to have an ANSI compatible xterm. This is because the letter codes above 128 decimal have certain meanings in the standard xterm. This is actually no problem, since under the X environment you can run the vim-persian in its own Motif/Athena window with more comfort. Bugs ---- While in insert/replace and Farsi mode set, if you repeatedly change the cursor position (via cursor movement) and enter new text and then try to undo the last change, the undo will lag one change behind. But as you continue to undo, you will reach the original line of text. You can also use U to undo all changes made in the current line. For more information about the bugs refer to rightleft.txt.