Under Construction

New HTML tags

© Mike Smith
M.A.Smith@brighton.ac.uk University of Brighton UK.


* System programming
* Running of a CGI script

The following has security implications

Index System programming

I have found the following CGI scripts useful in teaching

Index Running a CGI script

The following is a CGI script which will run a user's CGI script from their own home directory ~user/public_html/cgi-bin.

This was created to allow students to run their own CGI scripts without having to write into the system cgi-bin directory. There are however security implications in allowing this on your machine.

The main benefits of using this approach are:

The program mas_run.cpp and mas_cvo.cpp implements this action. For example: if this compiled program is put in the cgi-bin directory then a user user can put their own CGI script into ~user/public_html/cgi-bin.

To run their CGI program they use a normal anchor tag as follows:

<A HREF="http://machine/cgi-bin/mas_run? user=mas&file=cgi&options=op1"> Run my CGI script </A>

The extra components are:

This CGI program is run as normal except that there is an execution limit of 20 seconds on the program.

Try out this program here.

The material in these WWW page(s) is copyright © M.A.Smith August 1995
Last modified 6 March 1996