MWM history (from last to first):
-MWM v. 3.10 Feb 24 1997
- Little adjustements.
-MWM v. 3.00 Feb 19 1997
- Updated to Wilbur - HTML 3.2.
- MWM 3.00 will only load the old projects done by MWM 2.12;
previous versions may cause problems!
To update your projects (starting with "WORK_MWM_NEW_4") just load and
resave with MWM 3.00.
- Added "Jump to next TEXT/IMAGE/LIST/FORM" items to "Special" menu.
These actions will start a search for the specific object starting from
the next line after the last selected line. (Useful, I think !).
- Added "author" for META.
- Added "Bullet/Number" gadget in List window.
This action allows you to specify the bullet type (disc, circle, square)
for UL or the numbering method (arabic, alphanumeric, roman) for OL.
- Updated OL's attribute SEQNUM to START.
- Changed "Choose" gadget type into "IMAGE window" from text to string.
- Changed "Font" text on "TEXT window" to "Heading".
- Added FONT tool gadget into "Main window".
With this feature you have an alternative way to modify the text size
and the respective color, for example:
If possible, the "What is?" window will show a little information
where the FONT was inserted.
- Added CUT, SEARCH and EDIT tool gadgets into "Main window".
- Added "Insert label" item to "Special" menu.
- Improved gui for "Load text" if another text was loaded.
-MWM v. 2.12 Jan 14 1997
- First HTML format of the english docs... done by MWM (obviously ;-)).
Included also the project so you can see it with MWM.
- Added "BR as EOL" gadget on Preferences window (see docs).
- Improved mouse events on Single window:
* Left mouse:
+ if you doubleclick into an object, MWM will open the
correspondent window to edit it;
* Right mouse;
+ if you click into an object, the effect is equal to the
doubleclick of the left mouse else, if out, MWM will highlights
the entire word under the mouse pointer.
+ if you click out of the window box, the Single window will be
closed (also ESC key).
- Added right mouse button's event for listviews. Its purpose is the same
of the doubleclick of the left mouse button.
-MWM v. 2.11 Dec 08 1997
- Older projects won't be loaded by this version... sorry for this!
- Added BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, VLINK and ALINK colors menagement.
- Added "Delete" gadget on TEXT, IMAGE, LIST and FORM windows.
- Now MWM don't restarts the sequence number on the main window if a
numbered list is defined as CONTINUE and don't shows the bullets
if an unnumbered list is defined as PLAIN.
- Now, if you press the HEAD gadget and no text was loaded, MWM will ask
you if "It doesn't matter" and, if so, MWM will create automatically one
text line (the first) where the HEAD informations will be stored.
- Added "CENTER" tool gadget that will
all selected text.
-MWM v. 2.10 Dec 18 1996
- Optimized load/save project... older versions won't be loaded.
- Added a listview to choose a public screen name.
- Fixed little bug opening LogWindow.
- Moved "Title" gadget from SaveWindow to HeadWindow.
- Added "Description" gadget to HeadWindow.
- Button gadgets to cycle gadget changes:
"Level" in PrefsWindow;
"HTML default" in PrefsWindow, also renamed as "Heading";
- Added the following attributes gadgets on ListWindow:
"Header", to generate ... line;
"Compact", "Plain", "Continue", "SeqNum". (see docs).
-Added "OK + autosave" gadget on Preferences window.
-MWM v. 2.02 Nov 20 1996
- Improved GUI for preferences.
- Added TEXTAREA for FORM (see "addendum" on the docs).
- Fixed my little mistake when opening and drawing windows.
- Added "Load it !" on the "No text loaded" requester when pressing
one of the tools gadgets if no text was loaded.
- Added "line" and "break" to "What is?" window for
- Now MWM checks if a visitor window is opened before quitting.
- If exists the temporary preview HTML file, MWM will ask you if you
want or not to delete it.
- Fixed hotkeys on Paragraph window.
- Maurizio's suggestions:
+ Modified "Save HTML" to "HTML save" on the "Project" menu.
+ Added "HTML save as" on the "Project" menu.
+ Now MWM can be opened on Default, Named or Owner public screen.
-MWM v. 2.01 Nov 06 1996
- First version of the german doc. (Tanks to Wolfgang G. Wettach)
- Now MWM uses ReqTools library instead of ASL.
- Changed four items in project menu:
- "Load text" -> "Load plain text"
- "Save html" -> "Save to HTML"
- "Load saved work" -> "Load project"
- "Save work" -> "Save project"
- Improved gui for HEAD.
- A liiittle bug removed defining headings for multiobjects.
-MWM v. 2.00 Oct 16 1996
- Now MWM uses gadtools.library (...finally ?!? (;-))).
- Improved gui for texts, images, lists and forms.
- Optimized request for "Load text" if another text was loaded.
- Inserted creation's date into final HTML file.
- Fixed little bug for lists (MORE action).
- Adjusted writing method for labels.
- Fixed little bug writing headings after .
- Fixed strange bug loading saved works.
- Now MWM shows lists to you in a simple preview mode.
- Removed a dangerous bug scrolling main window's text.
- Removed a bug inserting empty line (RETURN key).
- Removed some other bugs.
- Fixed a little big bug deleting FORMs.
- Improved alternative text (ALT) for images.
- Removed "SIZE" gadget from main window (See TEXT gadget).
- Now you can define TITLE and BACKGROUND in saving phase.
- Optimized "Jump to mark" and "Jump to label" functions.
- Now MWM lets you set three levels for the Log window's informations.
- Modified infos into "What is?" window.
-MWM v. 1.08 Jul 04 1996
- First amigaguide version of the english manual. (Mike Handley)
- Fixed a dangerous bug deleting multiobjects inside FORMs.
- Now you can specify a file to be linked into a site also for images and
multiobjects. (MORE gadget)
- Removed a little bug displaying actions gadgets for 4 colors screens.
-MWM v. 1.07 Jun 12 1996
- Assigned ENTER key for "Edit first selected line".
- Assigned RETURN key for "Insert an empty line".
- Scrolling text if dragging vertical gadget (slow, but it works).
- Added "Prefs" gadget on action gadgets.
- Removed "Preferences" from menu.
- Optimized listviews:
UP/DOWN keys -> move desired option;
RETURN key -> make the choice;
ESC key -> exit from listview;
- Kirk Strauser suggestions:
Removed little bug writing multiobjects;
Remember drawers for load/save work and save HTML.
Now it is possible a link to a document into a site (see MORE gadget).
- Little bug freeng memory removed. (tanks to Sushi)
- First amigaguide version of the italian manual. (Pierluigi Sferrella)
-MWM v. 1.06 May 29 1996
- New "About". Tanks to David Putzier for his wonderful logo!!
- Removed small bug defining lists.
- Adjustements for MWM's texts.
- MWM adjusts position for tools gadgets just to fill upper space.
- Now MWM saves config during quit.
- Snapshot for main window and "What is?" window.
- I hope removed a bug saving prefs for screens.
- Now it's possible to open/close "What is?" window (Del key).
- Improved "Special" menu:
"Go to label";
"Mark location 1";
"Mark location 2";
"Mark location 3";
"Jump to mark 1";
"Jump to mark 2";
"Jump to mark 3";
-MWM v. 1.05 May 15 1996
- Small bug deleting multiobjects for FORMs removed.
- Adjusted headings size writing lists.
- Improved "Delete all" in "project" menu.
- Adjustements in "Single line" window:
MWM shows infos about a single object when selected;
Now it is possible to delete a single object if previously created;
Better separation between multiobjects;
- Bug fixed version of the english doc! (;-)) Tanks to Jeff Lavin!
-MWM v. 1.04 May 03 1996
- Optimized some functions.
- Small bug removed.
- Adjusting width for lowres screens.
- Adjusted docs to 78 columns.
- Arranged depth between "Main Window" and "What is?" window.
- Improved autosizing for "Single Line" window.
- Now MWM shows all following ASCII value:
9 (TAB) as four spaces (ASCII 32);
10 (LF) and 13 (CR) as end of lines;
32 to 126;
127 to 160 skipped because unused;
161 to 255;
- Added filter for:
ß á à â ã ã ä æ
ç é è ê ë í ì î
ï ð ñ ó ò ô õ ö
ø ú ù û ü ý ÿ þ
-MWM v. 1.03 Apr 12 1996
- Fixed a liiiittle bug for "Amiga + Q" (quit).
- Fixed a bug changing "heading size" default.
-MWM v. 1.02 (never released)
- New versions of the docs.
- Removed a dangerous bug deleting multiobjects.
- Now MWM uses Cut, Copy and Past via Clipboard.
-MWM v. 1.01 Apr 04 1996
- Now MWM works only on OS 3.0 or higher.
- Removed a bug in opening requesters.
I have never tested MWM without MCP! (;-))
I'm really sorry for this!
-MWM v. 1.00 Apr 01 1996
- ...FINALLY!!!
First release for all Amiga's Web makers!!