Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Review
Amiga Review
I have just been informed that MediaSoft have put the final touches to Amiga review. If you don't know already Amiga Review is a mail order magazine for the Amiga. But it also contains columns for the developers to air their views. I believe Vulcan Software, Mutation Software and Epic Marketing have columns.
Amiga Review supports two spot colours and contains 60 pages with one coverdisk. It should be out early in the new year. I would advise that every Amiga owner buys a issue and see how good it is for themselves.
On another note I have been told that they have stopped developing their game Devils Child until they see how Amiga Review sells. So please try to buy a issue if only to convince them to continue development of Devil's Child.
There web site is not fully functional but will hopefully be soon up and running
You can e-mail them at:- david
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