Amiga Flame - News - An Open Letter From Amiga Flame
An Open Letter From Amiga Flame
This week has been the worst week for Amiga Flame. The biggest reason for this is due to a game which I have been waiting for over a year now, called Reunion 2:Phoenix. Unfortunately this game and any other games from Grandslam will no longer be coming. I rang them up during the week to find out when Reunion 2 was coming, only to hear them say "the Amiga is finished" and that was the end of the phone call. A game I had been waiting on for a year and I`m told it is not coming I was shocked and dishearted. But more than that I was angered by what they said.
It left me depressed so I looked through my past issues of Amiga magazines and the latest ones. Looking through them I soon realised that although there was more games they were not of the same quality as the games in development. Why look at the new CD titles from all the new companies and the new high spec games. It is the quality that counts in a game and nothing else. Why take a look at the pc magazines and look at the scores most the games get; most are below 50% even although they have brilliant graphics, their playability is rubbish. These companies are in it for a quick buck but look at the Amiga companies they geniuing care about the Amiga and its users.
I decided this week to not let any company dictate any thing to me. My future has a Amiga user is going to stay for ever. But its also you the reader who needs convincing, its simple don`t let anyone force their views onto you. Stay with the Amiga as their are games on their way. I may have deleted two games from Grandslam but I added two games from Mutation Software so you see one company leaves and a new one is set up which truely believes in the Amiga.
But isn`t my web site deciated to bringing positive news to the Amiga, Yes it is but the problem is that info is not easy to get so I rely on you the reader to tell me of new games. I can only continue if you provide. There are people out there who have helped me but I need more.
Give Amiga Flame a bright future and tell me news on games and anything else to do with the Amiga.
The Amiga rules you just need to believe.
E-mail Amiga Flame at philip
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