Define Device ( Manufacturer "Roland" Device "SDX-330" Part "Stereo8PhaseChorus" Checksum Zero CharSet ( Disable ( $5C $7E ) ) Channel 1 ) Define Usage ( "MIDI Control: Minimum and Maximum values" "are currenty not implemented." ) Define Font "Numbers" ( Name "Helvetica.font" Size 9 ) Define Font "Topaz2" ( Name "Topaz2.font" Size 8 ) Define Font "Topaz2p" ( Name "Topaz2p.font" Size 8 ) Define Window "Effect_Select" ( Position 0 14 Size 640 24 ) Define Window "Page_Select" ( Position 0 39 Size 640 24 ) Define Window "Chorus_1-4" ( Position 0 66 Position2 639 273 ) Define Window "Chorus_5-8" ( Position 0 66 Position2 639 273 ) Define Window "Chorus" ( Position 0 274 Position2 639 342 ) Define Window "Equalizer_Mixer" ( Position 0 66 Position2 639 399 ) Define Window "MIDI_Control" ( Position 0 66 Position2 639 399 ) Define Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( F0h 'Exclusive status 41h 'Roland ID Byte 'Channel 66h 'Model ID 12h 'Command: DT1 02h 'Address MSB 00h 'Address 28h 'Address LSB Bytes 2 'Parameter Bytes 4 'Value Byte 'Checksum F7h 'EOX ) Midi ( Data ( 2 CHANNEL 14 CHECKSUM 5 13 ) ) ) Define Midi "Patch" ( Loadable DataFile "definitions/Roland/SDX-330/" Midi ( Data ( 002h CHANNEL 088h CHECKSUM 005h 087h 08Ch CHANNEL 112h CHECKSUM 08Fh 111h 116h CHANNEL 19Ch CHECKSUM 119h h19B 1A0h CHANNEL 226h CHECKSUM 1A3h h225 22Ah CHANNEL 243h CHECKSUM 22Dh h242 ) ) ) Define Midi "PatchName" ( Data ( F0h 'Exclusive status 41h 'Roland ID Byte 'Channel 37h 'Model ID 12h 'Command: DT1 02h 'Address MSB 00h 'Address 00h 'Address LSB Nybbles 17 'Data - Name 00h 'End of Program Name 00h 'End of Program Name Byte 'Checksum F7h 'EOX ) Midi ( Data ( 2 CHANNEL 27 CHECKSUM 5 26 ) ) ) Define Midi "Initialize" ( Data ( C0h 'Patch Change 00h '#1 ) Midi ( Data ( 0 CHANNEL ) ) ) Define Initialize ( Midi "Initialize" ( Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Send ) ) Define Link "Effect_Select" ( Type Modules ( Data ( "Roland/SDX-330/StereoChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/Stereo3DChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/3DPanner" "Roland/SDX-330/SpaceChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/2BandChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/3BandChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/4BandChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/Stereo8PhaseChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/16PhaseChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/DetuneChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/Ensemble" "Roland/SDX-330/WaveChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/VintageChorus" "Roland/SDX-330/StereoFlanger" "Roland/SDX-330/RotarySpeaker" "Roland/SDX-330/AmbienceChorus" ) ) ) Define Link "Page_Select" ( Type Windows ( Data ( "Chorus" "Equalizer_Mixer" "MIDI_Control" ) ) ) Define Link "Chorus_PageSelect" ( Type Windows ( Data ( "Chorus_1-4" "Chorus_5-8" ) ) ) Define Link "InputMode" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "Mono" "Stereo" ) ) ) Define Link "EQ_Gain" ( Type Numbers ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 MinValue -12 Skip .1 LevelText "dB" ) ) Define Link "EQ_Q" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "SHELV" "0.3" "0.4" "0.5" "0.6" "0.7" "0.8" "0.9" "1.0" "1.1" "1.2" "1.3" "1.4" "1.5" "1.6" "1.7" "1.8" "1.9" "2.0" "2.1" "2.2" "2.3" "2.4" "2.5" "2.6" "2.7" "2.8" "2.9" "3.0" "3.1" "3.2" "3.3" "3.4" "3.5" "3.6" "3.7" "3.8" "3.9" "4.0" "4.1" "4.2" "4.3" "4.4" "4.5" "4.6" "4.7" "4.8" "4.9" "5.0" "5.1" "5.2" "5.3" "5.4" "5.5" "5.6" "5.7" "5.8" "5.9" "6.0" "6.1" "6.2" "6.3" "6.4" "6.5" "6.6" "6.7" "6.8" "6.9" "7.0" "7.1" "7.2" "7.3" "7.4" "7.5" "7.6" "7.7" "7.8" "7.9" "8.0" "8.1" "8.2" "8.3" "8.4" "8.5" "8.6" "8.7" "8.8" "8.9" "9.0" "9.1" "9.2" "9.3" "9.4" "9.5" "9.6" "9.7" "9.8" "9.9" "10.0" ) ) ) Define Link "Direct" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "OFF" "ON" ) ) ) Define Link "MIDI_Controller" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "OFF" "Expression Pedal" "Pedal Switch" "Pitch Bend" "Aftertouch" "Note Number" "Velocity" "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" "64" "65" "66" "67" "68" "69" "70" "71" "72" "73" "74" "75" "76" "77" "78" "79" "80" "81" "82" "83" "84" "85" "86" "87" "88" "89" "90" "91" "92" "93" "94" "95" ) DataValues ( FFFFh 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ) ) ) Define Link "MIDI_Mode" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "Normal" "Toggle" ) ) ) Define Link "MIDI_Assign" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position -5 -12 Size 109 8 Data ( "Rate" "LFO" "Chorus 1: Depth" "Chorus 1: Pre Delay" "Chorus 1: LFO Phase" "Chorus 1: Polarity" "Chorus 1: Mix Level" "Chorus 2: Depth" "Chorus 2: Pre Delay" "Chorus 2: LFO Phase" "Chorus 2: Polarity" "Chorus 2: Mix Level" "Chorus 3: Depth" "Chorus 3: Pre Delay" "Chorus 3: LFO Phase" "Chorus 3: Polarity" "Chorus 3: Mix Level" "Chorus 4: Depth" "Chorus 4: Pre Delay" "Chorus 4: LFO Phase" "Chorus 4: Polarity" "Chorus 4: Mix Level" "Chorus 5: Depth" "Chorus 5: Pre Delay" "Chorus 5: LFO Phase" "Chorus 5: Polarity" "Chorus 5: Mix Level" "Chorus 6: Depth" "Chorus 6: Pre Delay" "Chorus 6: LFO Phase" "Chorus 6: Polarity" "Chorus 6: Mix Level" "Chorus 7: Depth" "Chorus 7: Pre Delay" "Chorus 7: LFO Phase" "Chorus 7: Polarity" "Chorus 7: Mix Level" "Chorus 8: Depth" "Chorus 8: Pre Delay" "Chorus 8: LFO Phase" "Chorus 8: Polarity" "Chorus 8: Mix Level" "Effect Level" "Direct" "Input Mode" "EQ: Low Frequency" "EQ: Low Gain" "EQ: Low Q" "EQ: Middle Frequency" "EQ: Middle Gain" "EQ: Middle Q" "EQ: High Frequency" "EQ: High Gain" "EQ: High Q" "Bypass" ) DataValues ( 0 38 14 28 47 55 74 15 29 48 56 75 16 30 49 57 76 17 31 50 58 77 18 32 51 59 78 19 33 52 60 79 20 34 53 61 80 21 35 54 62 81 138 140 141 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 189 ) ) ) ' ************************************************************************* Define Link "LFO_Waveform" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "Triangle" "Sine" ) ) ) Define Link "PreDelay" ( Type Numbers ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 MinValue 0 Skip .1 LevelText "ms" ) ) Define Link "Rate" ( Type Numbers ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 MinValue .01 Skip .01 LevelText "Hz" ) ) Define Link "Polarity" ( Type Texts ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 Data ( "Normal" "Inverse" ) DataValues ( 6 7 ) ) ) ' ************************************************************************* Window "Effect_Select" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Position2 639 23 Fill 3 ) Text "ROLAND : SDX-330" ( Position 507 14 Color 2 Shadow ) Gadget "Effect" ( Position 8 5 Type Cycle ( Data ( "Stereo Chorus" "Stereo 3D Chorus" "3D Panner" "Space Chorus" "2 Band Chorus" "3 Band Chorus" "4 Band Chorus" "Stereo 8 Phase Chorus" "16 Phase Chorus" "Detune Chorus" "Ensemble" "Wave Chorus" "Vintage Chorus" "Stereo Flanger" "Rotary Speaker" "Ambience Chorus" ) Default 7 Link "Effect_Select" ) ) Gadget "PatchName" ( Position 315 5 Font "Topaz2" Type String ( MaxChars 17 ) Midi "PatchName" ( Data ( 8 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 8 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) ) Window "Page_Select" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Position2 639 23 Fill 3 ) Text "Dimensional Expander" ( Position 479 14 Color 2 Shadow ) Gadget "Page" ( Position 8 5 Type Cycle ( Data ( "Chorus" "- Equalizer / Mixer -" "- Midi Control -" ) Link "Page_Select" ) ) ) Window "Chorus_1-4" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Position2 639 47 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 52 Position2 639 99 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 104 Position2 639 151 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 156 Position2 639 203 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 471 0 Position2 499 209 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "1" ( Position 483 29 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 14 ) Gadget "1_PreDelay" ( Position 17 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 28 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 6Eh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 14 ) Gadget "1_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 47 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( A8h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 14 ) Gadget "1_Polarity" ( Position 237 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 55 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( D8h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 14 ) Gadget "1_Depth" ( Position 347 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 14 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 3Eh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 14 ) Gadget "1_MixLevel" ( Position 523 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 74 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 108h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "2" ( Position 482 78 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 66 ) Gadget "2_PreDelay" ( Position 17 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 29 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 74h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 66 ) Gadget "2_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 48 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( AEh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 66 ) Gadget "2_Polarity" ( Position 237 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 56 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( DEh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 66 ) Gadget "2_Depth" ( Position 347 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 15 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 44h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 66 ) Gadget "2_MixLevel" ( Position 523 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 75 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 10Eh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "3" ( Position 482 131 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 118 ) Gadget "3_PreDelay" ( Position 17 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 30 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 7Ah VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 118 ) Gadget "3_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 49 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( B4h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 118 ) Gadget "3_Polarity" ( Position 237 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 57 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( E4h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 118 ) Gadget "3_Depth" ( Position 347 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 16 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 4Ah VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 118 ) Gadget "3_MixLevel" ( Position 523 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 76 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 11Eh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "4" ( Position 482 182 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 170 ) Gadget "4_PreDelay" ( Position 17 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 31 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 80h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 170 ) Gadget "4_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 50 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( BAh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 170 ) Gadget "4_Polarity" ( Position 237 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 58 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( EAh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 170 ) Gadget "4_Depth" ( Position 347 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 17 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 50h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 170 ) Gadget "4_MixLevel" ( Position 523 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 77 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 124h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) ) Window "Chorus_5-8" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Position2 639 47 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 52 Position2 639 99 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 104 Position2 639 151 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 156 Position2 639 203 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 471 0 Position2 499 209 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "5" ( Position 482 29 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 14 ) Gadget "5_PreDelay" ( Position 17 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 32 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 86h VALUE XBitsOffset ddddccccbbbbaaaa a0,b1,c12,d13 ' 86h VALUE XBits bbbbaaaa ' 92h VALUE XBits bbbbaaaa-------- ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 14 ) Gadget "5_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 51 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( C0h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 14 ) Gadget "5_Polarity" ( Position 237 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 59 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( F0h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 14 ) Gadget "5_Depth" ( Position 347 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 18 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 56h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 14 ) Gadget "5_MixLevel" ( Position 523 30 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 78 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 12Ah VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "6" ( Position 482 78 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 66 ) Gadget "6_PreDelay" ( Position 17 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 33 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 96h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 66 ) Gadget "6_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 52 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( C6h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 66 ) Gadget "6_Polarity" ( Position 237 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 60 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( F6h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 66 ) Gadget "6_Depth" ( Position 347 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 19 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 5Ch VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 66 ) Gadget "6_MixLevel" ( Position 523 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 79 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 130h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "7" ( Position 482 131 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 118 ) Gadget "7_PreDelay" ( Position 17 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 34 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 9Ch VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 118 ) Gadget "7_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 53 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( CCh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 118 ) Gadget "7_Polarity" ( Position 237 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 61 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( FCh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 118 ) Gadget "7_Depth" ( Position 347 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 20 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 62h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 118 ) Gadget "7_MixLevel" ( Position 523 134 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 80 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 136h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "8" ( Position 482 182 ) Text "Pre Delay" ( Position 34 170 ) Gadget "8_PreDelay" ( Position 17 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 600 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "PreDelay" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 35 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( A2h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "LFO Phase" ( Position 143 170 ) Gadget "8_LFOPhase" ( Position 127 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 360 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "degrees" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 54 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( D2h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Polarity" ( Position 261 170 ) Gadget "8_Polarity" ( Position 237 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Polarity" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 62 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 102h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Depth" ( Position 378 170 ) Gadget "8_Depth" ( Position 347 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 21 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 68h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mix Level" ( Position 544 170 ) Gadget "8_MixLevel" ( Position 523 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 81 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 13Ch VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) ) Window "Chorus" ( Border ( Position 220 21 Position2 474 68 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 471 15 Position2 499 68 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 0 Position2 543 16 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 627 0 Position2 639 16 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Chorus" ( Position 297 11 ) Gadget "Chorus_PageSelect" ( Position 549 2 Type Cycle ( Data ( "1 - 4" "5 - 8" ) Link "Chorus_PageSelect" ) ) Text "LFO Waveform" ( Position 240 35 ) Gadget "LFO_Waveform" ( Position 237 51 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "LFO_Waveform" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 38 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 38h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Rate" ( Position 381 35 ) Gadget "Rate" ( Position 347 51 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 3999 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Rate" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 0 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset 1 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 32h VALUE Offset 1 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) ) Window "Equalizer_Mixer" ( Border ( Position 143 0 Position2 496 169 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 143 168 Position2 496 184 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Equalizer" ( Position 291 179 ) Border ( Position 160 9 Position2 302 10 ) Text "Low" ( Position 309 13 ) Border ( Position 336 9 Position2 479 10 ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 175 24 ) Gadget "EQ_Low_Frequency" ( Position 160 40 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 20 2000 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "Hz" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 151 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 154h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Gain" ( Position 306 24 ) Gadget "EQ_Low_Gain" ( Position 270 40 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 240 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Gain" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 152 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset -120 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 15Ah VALUE Offset -120 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Q" ( Position 426 24 ) Gadget "EQ_Low_Q" ( Position 380 40 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 98 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Q" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 153 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset 2 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 160h VALUE Offset 2 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Border ( Position 160 65 Position2 294 66 ) Text "Middle" ( Position 301 69 ) Border ( Position 346 65 Position2 479 66 ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 175 80 ) Gadget "EQ_Middle_Frequency" ( Position 160 96 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 200 8000 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "Hz" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 154 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 166h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Gain" ( Position 306 80 ) Gadget "EQ_Middle_Gain" ( Position 270 96 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 240 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Gain" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 155 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset -120 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 16Ch VALUE Offset -120 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Q" ( Position 426 80 ) Gadget "EQ_Middle_Q" ( Position 380 96 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 1 98 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Q" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 156 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset 2 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 172h VALUE Offset 2 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Border ( Position 160 121 Position2 299 122 ) Text "High" ( Position 306 125 ) Border ( Position 339 121 Position2 479 122 ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 175 136 ) Gadget "EQ_High_Frequency" ( Position 160 152 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 1500 20000 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE LevelText "Hz" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 157 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 178h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Gain" ( Position 306 136 ) Gadget "EQ_High_Gain" ( Position 270 152 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 240 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Gain" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 158 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset -120 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 17Eh VALUE Offset -120 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Q" ( Position 426 136 ) Gadget "EQ_High_Q" ( Position 380 152 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 98 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Q" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 159 NybbleLM 10 VALUE Offset 2 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 184h VALUE Offset 2 XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Border ( Position 143 193 Position2 496 239 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 143 238 Position2 496 254 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Mixer" ( Position 306 249 ) Text "Effect Level" ( Position 166 206 ) Gadget "EffectLevel" ( Position 160 222 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 100 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 138 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 142h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Direct" ( Position 302 206 ) Gadget "Direct" ( Position 270 222 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "Direct" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 140 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 148h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Input Mode" ( Position 392 206 ) Gadget "InputMode" ( Position 380 222 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "InputMode" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 141 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 14Eh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) ) Window "MIDI_Control" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Position2 639 46 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 51 Position2 639 97 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 102 Position2 639 148 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 153 Position2 639 199 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 204 Position2 639 250 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 570 0 Position2 598 256 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 255 Position2 639 271 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "MIDI Control" ( Position 279 266 ) Text "1" ( Position 581 25 ) Text "Controller" ( Position 34 13 ) Gadget "1_MIDI_Controller" ( Position 17 29 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 70 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Controller" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 161 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 18Ah VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mode" ( Position 161 13 ) Gadget "1_MIDI_Mode" ( Position 127 29 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Mode" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 162 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 190h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Assign" ( Position 267 13 ) Gadget "1_MIDI_Assign" ( Position 237 29 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 54 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Assign" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 163 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 196h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Minimum Value" ( Position 351 13 ) Text "Maximum Value" ( Position 459 13 ) Text "2" ( Position 580 76 ) Text "Controller" ( Position 34 64 ) Gadget "2_MIDI_Controller" ( Position 17 80 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 70 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Controller" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 166 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1B2h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mode" ( Position 161 64 ) Gadget "2_MIDI_Mode" ( Position 127 80 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Mode" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 167 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1B8h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Assign" ( Position 267 64 ) Gadget "2_MIDI_Assign" ( Position 237 80 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 54 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Assign" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 168 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1BEh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Minimum Value" ( Position 351 64 ) Text "Maximum Value" ( Position 459 64 ) Text "3" ( Position 580 127 ) Text "Controller" ( Position 34 115 ) Gadget "3_MIDI_Controller" ( Position 17 131 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 70 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Controller" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 171 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1D0h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mode" ( Position 161 115 ) Gadget "3_MIDI_Mode" ( Position 127 131 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Mode" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 172 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1D6h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Assign" ( Position 267 115 ) Gadget "3_MIDI_Assign" ( Position 237 131 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 54 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Assign" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 173 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1DCh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Minimum Value" ( Position 351 115 ) Text "Maximum Value" ( Position 459 115 ) Text "4" ( Position 580 178 ) Text "Controller" ( Position 34 166 ) Gadget "4_MIDI_Controller" ( Position 17 182 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 70 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Controller" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 176 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1EEh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mode" ( Position 161 166 ) Gadget "4_MIDI_Mode" ( Position 127 182 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Mode" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 177 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1F4h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Assign" ( Position 267 166 ) Gadget "4_MIDI_Assign" ( Position 237 182 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 54 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Assign" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 178 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 1FAh VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Minimum Value" ( Position 351 166 ) Text "Maximum Value" ( Position 459 166 ) Text "5" ( Position 580 229 ) Text "Controller" ( Position 34 217 ) Gadget "5_MIDI_Controller" ( Position 17 233 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 70 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Controller" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 181 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 20Ch VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Mode" ( Position 161 217 ) Gadget "5_MIDI_Mode" ( Position 127 233 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 1 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Mode" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 182 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 212h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Assign" ( Position 267 217 ) Gadget "5_MIDI_Assign" ( Position 237 233 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 54 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "MIDI_Assign" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 8 183 NybbleLM 10 VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 218h VALUE XBits ddddccccbbbbaaaa ) ) ) Text "Minimum Value" ( Position 351 217 ) Text "Maximum Value" ( Position 459 217 ) )