Define Device ( Manufacturer "Test" Device "Test" CharSet ( az2AZ Disable ( ' ! # % & ( ) : ; ? @ [ ] ^ ` {|}~ $21 $23 $25 $26 $28 $29 $3A $3B $3F $40 $5B $5D $5E $60 $7B-$7E ) Remap ( $3C to $28 ' < ( $3E to $29 ' > ) ) ) NoteRange 20 50 ) Define Usage ( "Important usage information" "can be defined as well!" "------------------------------------" "It's a great way to remind yourself" "about things you need to remember" "about each module!" ) Define Font "Topaz2" ( Name "Topaz2.font" Size 8 ) Define Font "Garnet" ( Name "Garnet.font" Size 16 Style ( BOLD ) ) Define Font "Numbers" ( Name "Topaz2N.font" Size 8 ) Define Font "Helvetica" ( Name "Helvetica.font" Size 9 ) Define Font "Topaz2p" ( Name "Topaz2p.font" Size 8 ) Define Window "Main" ( Position 10 19 Size 340 200 Border ) Define Window "Second" ( Position 350 16 Size 250 250 ) Define Window "Third" ( Position 10 240 Size 314 150 Border ) Define Window "Draggable" ( Position 330 290 Size 300 100 DragBar ) Define Link "SliderTextTest" ( Type Texts ( Font "Helvetica" Position 0 19 Size 100 8 Data ( "1" "Neeto!" "Special Gadget" "Sting" "5" "Perfect for me" ) ) ) Define Link "EQ_Gain" ( Type Numbers ( Font "Helvetica" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 MinValue -12 Skip .1 LevelText "dB" ) ) Define Link "Note" ( Type Note ( Font "Numbers" Position 0 -12 Size 100 8 ) ) Define Link "Auto-E" ( Type ARexx ( File "modules/Test/Test.rexx" ) ) Define Link "Calc-E" ( Type ARexx ( File "modules/Test/Test2.rexx" ) ) 'Define Data "List" ( ' Type List ' Data ( ' "Item 0 - FIRST" ' "Item 1" ' "Item 2" ' "Item 3" ' "Item 4" ' "Item 5" ' "Item 6" ' "Item 7" ' "Item 8" ' "Item 9" ' "Item 10" ' "Item 11" ' "Item 12" ' "Item 13" ' "Item 14" ' "Item 15" ' "Item 16" ' "Item 17 - LAST" ' ) ') 'Define Link "ADSR" ( ' Type Envelope ( ' Position 168 38 ' Size 135 50 ' Max 127 127 ' Data ( ' 0 0 ' "Attack" 127 ' "Decay" "Sustain" ' HOLD ' "Release" 0 ' ) ' ) ') Window "Main" ( Border ( Position 10 10 Size 320 180 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 233 20 Size 38 26 Fill 1 Frame None ) Border ( Position 271 20 Size 38 26 Fill 3 Frame None ) Text "ABCDEFGHIJK" ( Position 240 35 Font "Numbers" Color 2 ) Gadget "1" ( '1 Position 20 40 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 5 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) ) Gadget "2" ( '2 Position 20 52 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 110 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) ) Gadget "3" ( '3 Position 20 64 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 42 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) ) Gadget "4" ( '4 Position 20 76 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 10 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) ) Gadget "5" ( '5 Position 20 88 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 127 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) ) Gadget "ARexxTest1" ( '6 Position 20 25 Type Button ( Label "Automate" Size 100 12 Link "Auto-E" ) ) Gadget "TextTest" ( '7 Position 200 70 Type Slider ( Range 0 4 Size 100 15 Direction HORIZONTAL Default 2 Link "SliderTextTest" ) ) Gadget "A" ( '8 Position 200 130 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 200 Default 51 Size 100 10 Direction HORIZONTAL Link "EQ_Gain" ) ) Text "Calculate" ( Position 34 137 Font "Topaz2" Color 2 Shadow ) Gadget "Calc_1" ( '9 Position 20 143 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 5 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT Link "Calc-E" ) ) Text "+" ( Position 150 163 Font "Topaz2" Color 2 ) Gadget "Calc_2" ( '10 Position 20 155 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 6 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT Link "Calc-E" ) ) Text "=" ( Position 150 175 Font "Topaz2" Color 2 ) Gadget "Calc_3" ( '11 Position 20 167 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 254 Default 11 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) ) ) Window "Second" ( Border ( Position 20 10 Size 150 150 Fill 3 ) Gadget "Borna" ( '12 Position 200 60 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 10 99 Size 15 100 Direction VERTICAL LevelPlace BELOW LevelText "goombas" ) ) Gadget "Cycla" ( '13 Position 80 60 Type Cycle ( Width 3 Data ( "OFF" "ON" "YES" ) ) ) Gadget "Cyclab" ( '14 Position 80 80 Type Cycle ( Width 3 Data ( "One" "Two" "Three" ) DataValues ( 3 7 $12 ) ) ) Gadget "Name" ( '15 Position 40 115 Font "Topaz2" Type String ( MaxChars 10 ) ) Text DEVICE ( Position 40 35 Font "Garnet" ) ) Window "Third" ( Gadget "ListTest" ( '16 Position 10 10 Type List ( Size 150 100 'Data "List" Data ( "Item 0 - FIRST" "Item 1" "Item 2" "Item 3" "Item 4" "Item 5" "Item 6" "Item 7" "Item 8" "Item 9" "Item 10" "Item 11" "Item 12" "Item 13" "Item 14" "Item 15" "Item 16" "Item 17 - LAST" ) Default 15 ) ) Text "A" ( Position 168 101 ) Gadget "Attack" ( '17 Position 178 92 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 5 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ' Link "ADSR" ) ) Text "D" ( Position 168 113 ) Gadget "Decay" ( '18 Position 178 104 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 110 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ' Link "ADSR" ) ) Text "S" ( Position 168 125 ) Gadget "Sustain" ( '19 Position 178 116 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 42 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ' Link "ADSR" ) ) Text "R" ( Position 168 137 ) Gadget "Release" ( '20 Position 178 128 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Default 10 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ' Link "ADSR" ) ) ) Window "Draggable" ( Text "Drag me!" ( Position 20 35 Font "Garnet" Color 2 Shadow ) Gadget "6" ( '21 Position 20 80 Font "Topaz2" Type Slider ( Range 0 200 Size 160 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT LevelText "ms" Default 40 ) ) Gadget "MX" ( '22 Position 180 16 Font "Topaz2p" Type MX ( Data ( "Mutually" "Exclusive" "Gadget" "Type" ) Spacing 2 LabelPlace RIGHT ) ) Gadget "Note" ( '23 Position 79 62 ' Font "Topaz2p" Type Slider ( Range 0 127 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT Default 40 Link "Note" ) ) )