* Blade Text - English * Lines must end with a line feed as normal * You may add a TAB plus a comment if you want Please Insert Disk Two Left Click To Continue you are carrying too much picked up no object to pick up here dropped sorry, i cannot drop two objects on the same square not enough action points character information system operations spell information select a spell from the spell list disarm trap you sense the prescence of life pick lock next hero end turn aborted ; * Leave Blank examine maze information icon information Dagger ; * Objects - 16 letters maximum A small knife used ; * Description x 3 - 21 letters maximum for hand to hand combat Staff A long wooden pole used as a weapon or as a magicians aid Mace A stick with a heavy spiked metal ball at one end Flail A stick with a chain and lots of heavy weights attached Hand Axe A small, single head hatchet for close combat situations War Hammer A weighted war mallet with a long wooden handle Broadsword A large double edged sword with a heavy blade Battleaxe A heavy double headed axe with a wooden shaft Shord Sword A short roman style fighting weapon with a metal handle Blade of Death A magical weapon that boosts combat skill when wielded Hammer of Vulcan A holy war hammer from the gods, a truly mighty weapon Staff of Power A wizards staff that seems to have some magical power Leather Coat A small leather coat that gives limited attack protection Chain Mail Metal rings sewn onto a coat of leather to provide defence Splint Mail Lots of metal scales pinned to a leather coat Iron Plate Heavy plates of iron bolted at the joints. very good protection Mithril Plate A plate armour made of mithril the magic metal of the gods Iron Helmet A helmet to give protection from overhead attacks Wooden Shield A circular piece of wood with a studded centre piece Metal Shield A solid iron shield used for personal defence Shield of Mars A light but strong shield. it glows as if alive with magic Helmet of Zeus A magical helmet that gives good defence from blows from above Diamond A large carbon crystal about as big as a cherry Ruby A large red gem as big as a hens egg but worth far more Emerald A large green jewel about as big as your fist Sapphire A large blue gem prized for its beauty and considerable size Crown A kings crown made of gold and studded with many small rubies Orb of Energy A sphere of gold and crystal used by magic users and mystics Jeweled Statue A rare statue of the man bat god enya of wecurb Ring of Power A small ring of a silvery metal with rune markings Golden Fleece The golden head and wool of a now dead ram Mr Blobby Video The animated larks of a sadly deformed fat person with bad acne Tory Policy Scroll with a lot of boring pointless text concerning the few Cook Book Delia smiths guide to cooking with monster meat Spice Boys CD Strange magic noises eminate from this silver disk of sound Gold Key A large golden key used for erm.. unlocking doors Silver Key A silver key for unlocking some maze doors Dungeon Map A magical scroll that shows the current maze so far Gold Ring A small gold ring with attractive banding and design Book of Spells A dusty old tome full of magical spells and incantations Poisoned Potion If drunk reduces the drinkers hitpoints Weakness Potion Reduces strength for a limited time if drunk Strength Potion Boosts strength for a limited time if drunk Speed Potion All actions are made faster for a limited time if drunk Amnesia Potion The current maze layout will be erased from memory Immunity Potion If drunk this will protect the drinker from all poisons Aid Potion Restores a few hit points to the drinker permanently Healing Potion A health brew that restores full hit points to the drinker Dizzy Potion Makes the person who drinks this unable to walk straight Blind Potion A green potion that causes temporary loss of eyesight if drunk Empathy Potion The drinker will feel emapthic and detect the presence of life Power Potion Many attributes are boosted for a limited time Attack Potion The drinker will gain valuable combat skill and power for a while Defend Potion The drinker will grow a thick defensive layer to stay blows Vodka Cocktail Beware this is a very powerful but tasty drink Paralysis Potion Causes paralysis for a limited number of turns Mind Potion Increases the mental ability of the one who drink it Lifeforce Potion All monsters in the maze will be revealed by magic forces Slimy Potion A gloopy coating will cover the drinkers feet, slowing them Peace Potion An instant way of becoming a pacifist but risky in combat Treeform Scroll Causes a tree to appear out of the ether Teleport Scroll Will transport the reader to a random location in the maze Awareness Scroll Will boost the vision of the reader for a short time Enlighten Scroll Will reveal all of the current level to the reader Pit Scroll Will cause a pit to appear if read in front of empty ground Moebius Scroll A creature from the id of the reader will appear Golden Scroll All gold in the maze will be revealed to the reader and chums Stock Scroll A magical scroll that causes the stock in the bank to plummet Thief Scroll An object will vanish from the inventory of the reader Quicken Scroll Monsters in the maze will be speeded up by strange magic forces Trap Scroll All traps in the maze will be revealed to the reader Stun Scroll All monsters in the maze will be stunned for a while Stealth Scroll Players may walk past monsters and not be detected or attacked Exit Scroll The exit down to the next level will be revealed Sales Scroll A mystical salesman will appear and trade gold for treasure Creation Scroll The power of zu will create an artifact near the reader Fast Heal Scroll The reader will heal at a faster rate for a while Invisible Scroll The reader will turn completely invisible for a short time Spell Scroll Readers with special abilities will gain a spell or ability Pulverise Scroll A magic ray will fly from the scroll and kill any in its way Pot of Gold a small sized clay pot of gold coins and bits of treasure Pot of Gold a small sized clay pot of gold coins and bits of treasure Pot of Gold a medium sized clay pot of gold coins and bits of treasure Pot of Gold a large sized clay pot of gold coins and bits of treasure Bottle of Potion a bottle of potion drink it to find out what it does Scroll a scroll of parchment read it to find out what it does Bare Hands None System Ops Icon ; * Icon Information - 21 letters maximum this allows you to load, save or quit a game via a second menu. Information Icon changes the effect of a right mouse click on an object or in the maze area. Special Skill Icon uses the characters special skill, disarm trap, pick lock, mind scan or cast a spell. Next Man Icon cycles through the available characters in your team to allow movement of others. End Turn Icon ends the turn for all of your team. after clicking here, the monsters will move. More Icon magic users can use this to cycle between the inventory and two pages of spells. Dungeon Entrance ; * Maze Information - 21 letters maximum allows entry to the dungeons. maze levels get more dangerous as you go down. Shop sells all sorts of artifacts and weapons that will be needed for your exploration. Bank of Blade you can deposit gold here in the safe. for every 50 kills you will gain interest. Trading Post artifacts and other objects found in the dungeons can be sold here for cash. Temple the monks here can offer the adventurer many services such as healing or experience Dungeon Wall the cold stone walls that make up this god forsaken dungeon. Stairs Leading Up an old staircase made when the dungeon was built. this one leads to the level above. Stairs Leading Down an old staricase that leads down into the musty depths of the next dungeon. Bush a small example of the local flora. in this case a conical samarua bush. Tree a small but perfectly formed tree that now is common throughout the blade kingdom. Altar a holy altar to some god or other. use it to pray and perhaps gain favour with gods Well an old stone well that still contains a quantity of clear looking water. Mirror a large full length mirror that looks old and dusty. the frame is plain. Chest a large wooden box bound with iron but unlocked. runes and carvings adorn it. Statue a statue of a very realistic creature of the dungeon made of marble. Door a closed and locked door barring your passage through the dungeon. Dungeon Floor a slimy but not too slippery floor that makes up the dungeon. it looks very worn. Grass a square of new grass laid by the royal gardeners of blade and neatly mowed. Gravel Path a sandy solid floor covered with lots of little stones known as gravel. Pit Trap a deep steep sided pit that leads into blackness. the walls are smooth granite. Stake Trap a heavy wooden post designed to impale a victim. it appears to be activated. Needle Spike Trap lots of small iron spikes sticking up out of the floor. hurts feet a lot. Teleport Trap a magical platform that will transport its victim and steal any weapons wielded. Small Stake Trap lots of small bamboo spikes set to stab up from the floor when a person steps on it. Unknown ; 521 a maze object must be at least visible before it can be described. info mode on - right click will examine selected items. info mode off - right click will drop objects or face direction. warrior ; * Spells - 16 letters maximum level 1 spell ; * Descriptions - 21 letters maximum will boost the combat skill of the caster for a short time. magic missile level 1 spell a magic missile will fly from the casters hands towards a foe. aid level 1 spell a limited heal for the hero in front of the spell caster. mental map level 1 spell the current level is shown, even the walls that are unseen. metamorph level 2 spell turns the enemy in front of the caster into a lesser foe. disguise level 2 spell the caster transforms into a monster and will not be attacked. teleport level 2 spell the caster is moved to a random place within the level. magic key level 2 spell if cast before a locked door, it will magically open. arborium disarm level 3 spell if a trap is made of wood then this spell will disarm it. begone level 3 spell the foe in front of the caster will be moved elsewhere. assist level 3 spell transports another ally in the same maze to the spell caster. cone of cold level 3 spell the monster directly in front is stunned for a short time. fireball level 4 spell hurls a fireball in the direction that the caster is facing. shield level 4 spell creates a sphere of energy to protect the caster from attack. monolith level 4 spell makes a block of rock appear just in front of the spell caster. death cloud level 4 spell the enemy in front of the caster is choked by a sinister cloud. vortex level 5 spell a powerful vortex of fire attack the enemy before the caster. invisibility level 5 spell the caster becomes invisible and will not be attacked. lance of god level 5 spell the monster in front of the caster has its armour destroyed. vapourise level 5 spell the block of stone in front of the caster is vapourised. lifeforce level 6 spell restores some health to the caster or the hero in front of him. mindshock level 6 spell a mental shock wave damages any enemy within range. swarm level 6 spell all monsters within ten squares turn into very weak giant wasps earthquake level 6 spell a tunnel is cut into the wall in front of the spell caster. revelation level 7 spell drains the casters lifeforce but kills everything in range. medusa level 7 spell can turn the enemy in front of the caster into stone. demon level 7 spell the caster becomes a powerful demon for a limited time. lightning level 7 spell a powerful bolt of lightning flys from the casters hands. Warrior ; * Character Info - 21 letters maximum character level x trained in the art of combat and very fit and strong. Wizard character level x skilled in magic but able to weild only a dagger or staff. Cleric character level x a servant of the gods and skilled in combat and some magic. Elf character level x immune to poisons and can also use a chosen few magic spells. Empath character level x empaths have the rare ability to sense the presence of life. Thief character level x a good fighter with the abilty to pick locks and pockets. Dwarf character level x stout and able to detect and disarm all known forms of trap. no line of movement. ; * Various Messages - 64 letters maximum xxx gold pieces found. xx gold pieces found. generating level. you pray at the altar but nothing happens. you kneel down to pray at the altar. suddenly a bolt of energy shoots from above hitting you. you reel back in pain and shock. you kneel at the altar. a voice booms from the darkness - dare you pray to my adversary ? you feel feel weakened and drained. as you pray to the gods a feeling of greatness and calmness descends upon you. you arise feeling better than before. as you pray to the gods a holy image appears and wishes you well suddenly you feel much stronger and more fit than before. the water mysteriously drains away before you can take a drink. you take a drink from the well. the water tastes bitter and as you look into the pool you see the body of a rat floating in it. taking a drink from the pool you feel strange, dizzy and your head hurts. your mind has been affected by this strange water. the water tastes sweet and as you drink you feel stonger and more intelligent than before. the water is cool and refreshing and seems to have some healing properties. you feel much better after taking a drink. very handsome. you stare at your haggard face and notice the lines of worry and age racing across your forehead. now you feel depressed. you look at your puny body in the grand mirror and notice how futile this whole quest has become. you sigh and leave. you stare at your strong form and gain strength from the fact that you are the best looking member of your team. in the reflection you see a spider and with your skill alone kill it with a back stab. you gain confidence in your skills. the chest is empty. you easily open the chest and see that it is full of jewels. you pick one up when it explodes in your face. a booby trap. the chest lid is firmly stuck down. you use all of your might to open it but just pull a muscle. you gain wisdom from this. you lift the chest above your head and smash it down onto the ground. the excercise did you some good and you gain strength. inside the chest is a phial of liquid. after drinking it you become healed and feel strong. your mind suffers as a result. you look at the statue. you look at the statue at feel how sharp the stone weapon is. suddenly you prick your finger on one of the points. ouch. you stare into the cold stone eyes of the sad looking creature and gain some insight into the meaning of life. after looking at the creature you realise that the purpose of life for the statue is to serve to observer. you feel sad. a strange green moss is growing on the statues head. you touch it and immediately your finger glows with glorious life energy. character has moved down to next zone. you descend into the darkness. you ascend out of the darkness. wield weapon. already wielding that weapon. this weapon is too heavy for a wizard. wear armour. already using that armour. you juggle the diamond while tapdancing. it achieves nothing. you talk to the ruby and praise its beauty. you do the highland fling in honour of the emerald. you stick the jewel to your belt and do an elvis impersonation. you put the crown on your head. very regal. you consult with the spirits via the orb. they ignore you. you bow down to the statue while singing hymns and holy chants. you put the ring on but nothing seems to happen. aha... the wolf in sheeps clothing approach. far too itchy. you locate an ancient vcr and laugh away the hours... not. you study the strange and now obsolete scripting. you make a minotaur pie with gelatinous cube trifle. very nice. the voices say what they want. what they really, really want. you wear the ring, very nice too. you view the map. it tells of ancient knowledge. you do not understand the text. it mentions nothing new. the door swings open. the door slams shut. there is no door in front of me. xx level displayed you find a hidden trap. leprichaun ; * Monster info - 21 letters maximum fists (2) leather jacket (6) imp small knife (2) felt coat (2) halfling small knife (2) leather jacket (4) giant bat fangs (3) none giant wasp sting (1) none snake poisoned fangs (10) tough skin (2) goblin soldier dagger (8) studded leather (12) slime creature hands of slime (12) none hair beast claws (8) studded leather (8) satyr staff (13) tough skin (11) goblin chief staff (18) chain mail (12) lizard man dagger (10) chain mail (16) blob monster knife (6) studded leather (10) skeleton spear (30) iron plate (30) creeping mould mounds of mould (18) lumps of crud (20) giant scorpian deadly sting (40) bony plates (15) zombie clammy hands (35) tough skin (17) black dwarf two short swords (38) iron plate (30) harlequinn axe (27) mental shield (35) orc warrior hand axe (28) leather strips (5) evil cloud fog of fear (33) vapour shroud (100) barbarian broadsword (40) splint mail (27) ghost energy bolts (50) mental shield (30) minotaur battleaxe (65) none knight sword (45) mithril plate (40) serpent dragon deadly fire (70) armoured skin (50) rock monster fists of rock (65) clay coating (20) trogladyte spiked club (70) tough skin (13) ice man battleaxe (75) iron plate (30) cyclops club (50) mithril plate (40) air elemental breath of doom (55) none earth elemental rock morph power (75) none phantasm fog of fear (40) mental shield (40) wraith staff of power (55) leather jacket (10) neptune god of oceans trident (20) divine aura (10) pluto god of death sword (40) divine aura (10) mars god of war spear (60) divine aura (10) zeus leader of gods thunderbolts (80) divine aura (10) you see a monster ; * General text - 64 letters maximum you fall into a pit a large stake impales you lots of small metal needles stab into your feet you step onto a teleport trap and are transported elsewhere you get stabbed by lots of small stakes the gods forbid your ascent monster information current weapon ; * Monster Info - 21 letters maximum current armour attack. ; * General Text - 64 letters maximum you hit the fiend. the monster dies. this character has no special skill. you may use a special skill once per turn only. you sense nothing. you have no special skill points. nothing happens. the key does not fit. use key. there is no trap in front of me. trap is disarmed. warrior has raised a character level. wizard has raised a character level. cleric has raised a character level. elf has raised a character level. empath has raised a character level. theif has raised a character level. dwarf has raised a character level. you take a cool drink of water. you are dead. the monsters move. warrior has been hit. wizard has been hit. cleric has been hit. elf has been hit. empath has been hit. thief has been hit. dwarf has been hit. the hair beast lashes at you with its razor sharp fangs. the leprichaun lunges at your purse of gold. the snake leaps forwards with its poisonous fangs. the slime creature hurls acidic slime at you. the scorpians lunges forwards with its deadly sting. the zombie lashes at you with his clammy hands. the evil cloud envelopes you. the serpent tries to fry you with its firey breath. fist of rock fly at you at high speed. the air forms shapes around you and attacks. the ground beneath morphs up and attacks you. you are attacked by an invisible force. the feared trident of neptune is swung at you. the dark sword of the underworld attacks you. the powerful spear of mars stabs at your flesh. the mighty lightning rod of zeus hurls thunderbolts at you. view weapons ; * Shop Text view equipment view potions view scrolls purchase item leave the shop request a statement of your account ask about any low risk, high yield investment accounts rob the bank deposit all gold withdraw all gold leave the bank accept offer ask about a loan exit building boost player abilities, costs 30000 gold coins heal player, costs 800 gold coins gain enlightenment, costs 250 gold coins ask the monk for advice, costs 50 gold coins leave the temple the slimy shopkeeper welcomes you. select an item of interest and i will tell you the price, he mutters. the leprichaun welcomes you to the bank. the heavy security guard by the door looks at you with a suspicious eye. we are honoured by your prescence. the small trader welcomes you. many old items line the trading post walls. you also notice a large cook book collection. you leave the building. cost - xxxxx gold pieces. cost - xxxx gold pieces. cost - xxx gold pieces. you cannot afford that. sold. worth xxxxx gold pieces. worth xxxx gold pieces. worth xxx gold pieces. sorry, the financial services department has been beaten up. you have xxxxxx gold pieces in your high yield investment trust. you have xxxxx gold pieces in your investment account. you have xxxx gold pieces in your investment account. you have xxx gold pieces in your savings account. you have xx gold pieces in your savings account. you do not have an account with this bank. our principal account allows a minimum deposit of 10 gold coins. for every 10 monsters you kill you will gain 5 percent interest. you draw your sword and ask for the cash. soon you feel hands of slime clutch your throat, with fatal consequenses. you are dead. you draw your sword and demand the cash. the manager just laughs and continues to laugh when you are picked up and thrown out. you draw your weapon and behead the security guard. the manager, in shock, hands over the gold and you run out of the building. deposited. remember, your money is safe with the bank of hilt. withdrawn. remember not to spend it all at once. the monk lays magial herbs over your body. your combat skill, strength, agility and mental ability are all increased. the monk lays on his hands and your wounds magically fade away. the monks are charitable folk, but business is business. the monks share their knowledge of magic potions and scrolls. the monks share their knowledge of life and its meaning. the monks advise... a fool and his money are soon parted. try potions and scrolls whenever you enounter them. buy low and sell high for a healthy bank balance. legend tells of an invisible creature deep within the maze. magical weapons can be found in the dungeon, prize them. gods drop great tresure if defeated but they are formidable. the surface village hides many secrets. pay great attention to the strengths of your enemy. the price of failure is often death. do not be afraid to fight and be even less afraid to run. not all useless items are as useless as they at first seem. use up all of your action points each turn to aid healing. gods provide the most experience if defeated. magical weapons and armour can boost other player stats. keep your gold safe if fighting a leprichaun. this item is worthless. - the spell effects diminish. your stomach cramps and you reel in pain, it was poisoned. your muscles shrink and you feel weaker than before. your muscles and power grow and you feel much stronger. you seem able to move faster than before. a pain wells in your head and affects your memory. you become immune to all poisons for a limited time. your wounds heal up and the pain is dulled. you feel fantastic, all of your scars and wounds vanish. you feel dizzy. your eyes fog over and you find it hard to see. you feel very powerful, all of your skills increase. your fists grow bony spikes which boost your attack power. your skin grows thicker providing better defence from attack. you feel funny. your feet feel like lead, you are unable to move. you feel incredibly intelligent. your feet feel sluggish. you renounce violence and refuse to wield any weaponry. you drink the potion. you refuse to wield weapons. you read the scroll. a tree appears. you are transported elsewhere. your eyes become much more sensitive than before. you have been granted enlightenment. a pit appears. a monster appears. you feel greedy. it says that shares in the bank have crashed. an object in your backpack vanishes. the monsters seem faster. you are granted knowledge of traps. the monsters mysteriously become paralysed. you can now move silently and not be seen by monsters. you are granted knowledge of the exits. your treasure vanishes and gets replaced with cash. an object appears. your scars and wounds dissapear twice as fast as before. you become invisible. you gain a spell. a magic ray flies from the scroll. you do not have enough spell points. this spell is beyond your ability. spellcasting... warrior - level one spell. your combat abilities are boosted. spellcasting... magic missile - level one spell. a magic missile is formed. spellcasting... aid - level one spell. aid is granted. spellcasting... mental map - level one spell. you gain a mental picture of your surroundings. spellcasting... metamorph - level two spell. the creature before you changes form. spellcasting... disguise - level two spell. you assume the form of a monster. spellcasting... teleport - level two spell. you are transported elsewhere. spellcasting... magic key - level two spell. the door panel magically vanishes. spellcasting... arborium disarm - level three spell. the wood melts, leaving the trap harmless. spellcasting... begone - level three spell. the monster transports elsewhere. spellcasting... assist - level three spell. a hero comes to your assistance. spellcasting... cone of cold - level three spell. a freezing vortex of ice appears. spellcasting... fireball - level four spell. a fireball flies from your hands. spellcasting... shield - level four spell. a magical shield forms around you. spellcasting... monolith - level four spell. a block of stone forms out of the ground. spellcasting... death cloud - level four spell. a choking swirl of fog forms in front of you. spellcasting... vortex - level five spell. a swirling cone of fire forms in front of you. spellcasting... invisibility - level five spell. you become invisible. spellcasting... lance of god - level five spell. the creatures armour is destroyed. spellcasting... vapourise - level five spell. the space in front of you melts. spellcasting... lifeforce - level six spell. full aid is granted. spellcasting... mindshock - level six spell. waves of mental energy eminate from you. spellcasting... swarm - level six spell. all of the monsters nearby transform into wasps. spellcasting... earthquake - level six spell. a tunnel of rock appears. spellcasting... revelation - level seven spell. all life here is mine to posess. spellcasting... medusa - level seven spell. the creature before you is transformed into stone. spellcasting... demon - level seven spell. you are transformed into a powerful demon. spellcasting... lightning - level seven spell. a ray of energy flies from your hands. the potion is poisoned but your immune system protects you. there is no monster in front of you to affect. the god resists your powers. the minimum deposit is 10 gold pieces. please insert your save disk in df0 and left click. please reinsert the blade data disk in df0 and left click. game over. what a nice bush. i wish i was a tree. let us rock. bank interest has been payed. there is no hero in front of me. centre hero. save ; 5 letters max load -END-