_________ _______ ______/\____ __\ _____ /___\ _____\/\_\ __/ / / /_ __/ / /_ __/ / _/ /_/___ // // / / // / /. / / / ./ // / / // / / // / / / /___ /__/ /\____/__/__/___ /___ /Sk!n +---\/--/__/---+PRESENTS:+--\/--+-\/----+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shufflepuck Cafe HD+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The original used a copy protected trackdisk. This version now is dos library based. So it became possible to install it to a harddisk. ;--- * to install the game just copy the Shufflepuck drawer. before running the installer make sure that the original ShufflepuckCafe disk is in df0: * use scorestrans.exe to import both files scores.dat and tourname.dat from an original ShufflepuckCafe disk in df0: to the current directory * the game does not work on machines with 512K only (are there any?) - that is the price for the dos version * free as much chip memory as possible on machines with 512K chip mem only (there are some!) - otherwise the program will crash (in this case try to start from CLI by using a program like 'Add44K' then 'SpCafe') * while playing from disk be sure that it is NOT write protected in case you want to save a tournament or the scores - otherwise the program will crash (the same goes for scorestrans.exe) ;--- the contents of the file tourname.dat (four words = 8 bytes): word values remark ---- ------ ------ 1 0..$e your score 2 0..$e your opponent's score 3 0/1 0: your opponent serves 1: you serve 4 0..7 opponent's id 0..skip feeney 1..visine orb 2..vinnie the dweeb 3..lean smythe-worthington 4..eneg 'the general' doowtrop 5..nerual ttoille 6..princess bejin 7..biff raunch When you load a tournament the original version transferred both scores but then cleared them. Only serve and id worked correct so you had to always restart your match. This bug was fixed. You will keep your already scored points now. ;--- Due to the used trackdisk the exit option was disabled. This was also fixed. You can now return to CLI. ;--- Greetings to all Energy members and Bert Jahn. Special hello to my pal Flynn! I really LOVE this game! It is an eternal classic. ____ / / / / / _____________________________________________________________________ / / /__ ____ / / / Dark Angel of ENERGY \ \/ / / _____________________________________________ powered by AMIGA \ \ \/ /_____ \_\_\/