Allmail and Newmail are two scripts that makes email "buildt in" in IBrowse using Yam.
Fully installed they will let you view your new mail or all mail in your incoming folder
whith IBrowse. Newmail will also be started if you get e-mail while browsing and will
pop up a requester allowing you to choose between IBrowse or Yam to view your fresh mail. 

It will look something like this if you choose IBrowse.
(The mails will not be displayed in a second IBrowse, this is just for show ) You can choose your own preferd background. It will as you can se show if a mail has a file conected. It also have some feutures that are not shown above. (Try it!). Options: You can change the background of New/Allmail by exchangeing the file "IBrowse:rexx/mailback.iff" whith one of your own choice renaming it to mailback.iff. If you delete the file "IBrowse:rexx/mailback.iff" no background will be displayed. Options: You can change the sound of Newmail by exchangeing the file "IBrowse:rexx/mailsound.wav" whith one of your own choice renaming it to mailsound.wav . If you delete the file "IBrowse:rexx/mailsound.wav" no sound will be played. ClearMail: If you are low on ram this script delets the temporary files from RAM:T MiamiStartYam: This script is for starting Yam when you go online, It will also work with other TCP/IP-stacks if started in a similar way. What it does is to start Yam iconified if not allready started, if Yam allready is running it will tell Yam to check for new mail.