F1 Software are now the only OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTORS of Edword Pro. To order Edword just contact F1, or use the order form and we will send you your FULL PACKAGE the same day, where possible.

Edword Professional V6.0

Short : In our opinion the BEST ever Text Editor on the Amiga!
Price : £15 (not inc postage.
Req : Workbench 2 or better.
Author:M.Reddy@ed.ac.uk. Martin Reddy

Authors description:
EdWord is an extremely powerful, general purpose text editor which offers a host of useful and helpful facilities. Since Edword's initial release 4 years ago it has undergone a myriad of improvements and updates resulting in the current version which provides an indispensable aid for every Amiga user. As you might expect, the basic function of EdWord is to edit text and in this role, it offers all the rudimentary facilities which any text editor might offer, but what makes EdWord that bit more special are the extra options which it provides. The following is a list of some of the more notable functions which are supported by version 6:

There are an awful lot of features offered by EdWord which may never be discovered by the casual user. If you intend to get the most out of this excellent text editor, then it would be a good idea to have a quick glance through some of the help texts offered by EdWordHelp.