The game will hopefully be coming on CD-ROM, although there may be a HD only
version instead. Just take a look at the screenshots on this page and I'm sure
you'll agree, this is certainly a game to look forward too.
The game will contain 50-60 different missions which take place on 6 different
terrain types (Snow, desert, rock, forest...). There will also be extra
missions disks in the future to keep you playing.
You may remember this game from when I done a news peice on it way back in
December of last year. It is a Dune II/Command & Conquer like game from Charm
Design. Well since my original news piece things have been going quite well and
recently some new screenshots and updated information were released.
One big plus for the game is that it is totally OS compatiable, no
hardware-hitting code will be used. Due to this it will be able to take
advantage of many OS features, one of the best being the fact that it can be ran
in any screenmode that supports double buffering, sprites and 256 Colours - good
news for CyberGraphX owners. The game will also be fully multi-tasking
The game will feature 20-25 vehicles, which will be spread between land, sea and air and 25 odd buildings (All of which will be animated). Also another thing that Forgotten Forever has over DuneII in the terrain size. Forgotten Forever can have a maximum terrain size of 4096*4096 pixels whereas DuneII had a maximum of 1024*1024.
The game will also feature digitised speach throughout the game and will also have locale support so you can play it in your native language. It is also planned to have null-modem support for multi-player games and possibly TCP support for Internet play.
I'm sure by now that you as I am are eagerly awaiting this game. I have heard that a demo is not too far away so I suggest you keep your eyes peeled.
If you have any questions about this game or just want to offer your support one of the authors can be reached at:-
Or you can visit there webpage at:-"zavacki