Window Preferences Gadgets

    Font Used : The font to be used for the item text on the menu buttons.
    For Items   Click the Choose Font button to change the font.

    Title     : Text to be displayed in the title bar of your menu - uses
                a separate font.

    Width     : Width of the menu window (in pixels).

    Max Inner : The height of your window excluding the title bar and
    Height      bottom border.

    Adjust    : With this feature turned on, any blank lines at the bottom
    Height      of your menu window will be removed by decreasing the
                height.  Checks will also be made to see if your items
                will actually fit in the menu window with the dimension
                you have specified whenever you alter these, the font or
                the Item Text.  With the feature off, these checks are
                only made when saving.

    Calculated: This is the estimated total height of your window including
    Total       the borders.  Assumes the screen font you will use for the
    Height      menu will be the same as the current one - that is why it
                is an estimate.

    Position  : Makes the menu appear either at the Top Left of your
                screen (below title bar), the Centre of your screen or
                relative to the position of the Mouse pointer.

    Single    : Allows only ONE choice to be made on the menu.  After the
     Choice     corresponding command has returned, the menu will close.

    Doc       : This is an optional field which may be filled with the
     Reader     intended command line of your preferred document reader
                (e.g "run c:ppmore").  This field will be used by the
                secondary functions of all items, if it is not empty.

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