Main Item Gadgets

   New Item   : Add a new item to the menu, after the currently selected
                one (or the start if there are no items).

   Delete Item: Erase the currently selected menu item.

   Up         : Move the currently selected item up the list.

   Down       : Move the currently selected item down the list.

   Item Text  : The text to be displayed on one of the menu buttons.  If
                you put a `_' character in front of another character,
                ButtonMenu will denote that letter as the keyboard
                shortcut (you must also but this letter in the keyboard
                shortcut requester).

   DOS        : The command to be executed when the corresponding menu
    Command     button is clicked.  This is to be in the same format as
                you would run it from the CLI manually.  You can also
                select commands via a file requester, so you don't need
                to remember the exact filenames.

   Keyboard   : Specifies an optional key that performs the same function
    Shortcut    as clicking on the button on the finished menu.

   Run command: Tells the Amiga to run that command as a background task.
    in          This does the same thing as `run >NIL: <command>' would
    background  do, where <command> is the contents of the DOS Command
                gadget.  This command is activated by the left mouse
                button or the keyboard shortcut on the final menu.

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