Hardware supported by MakeCD

If you wish to know more about support for different CD writers, please do read the compatibility list. In general, the CD writers listed below are currently supported.

Please take notice of the fact that the programmers of other CD recording software are using our list without being aware of the fact that for some of the CD writers mentioned below special treatment is required to make them work correctly with the corresponding driver. Thus, caution is advised concerning compatibility lists resembling ours that are offered with other CD recording softwares. Our lists are not copied from other lists. They are the result of our own investigations into the differences and similarities between those CD writers.

The following CD writers are ours, therefore those are to be supported very easily. The same applies for all CD writers based on those mentioned below:

We did possess the following CD writers for some time to test the drivers of MakeCD. But we have already returned them.

The following CD writers are generally supported by MakeCD. CD writers marked with an "(*)" haven't been tested yet, but theoretically these should work, too.

Additionally, MakeCD provides support for the following CD-ROM drives:

Patrick Ohly and Angela Schmidt

This document was generated on 26 January 1998 using the texi2html translator version 1.51.