April 98

Welcome to the sleek new Amiga Format CD.We started implementing changes to our CD last month after a good deal of looking at the best ways of presenting the information gathered on the CD. This month, to coincide with our quarter century of the world's best CD, we took that theme one stage further by making sure that the information you want is as easy to get to as possible. As such there have been a few changes:

  • The +Look_here_1st!+ drawer has gone. There is now a +System+ drawer that replaces it and some of its functionality has been taken up in other ways:

    • AF_on_the_web has gone. If you want to examine the websites' files, you can do so using a filemanager like DOpus by looking in the root of this CD. If you want to view the websites, you can do so by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.

    • The +System+ drawer also contains things like AFCDFind (and the indices for it) and ReaderRequests. The Amiga Angels, Submission Advice and other text files can all be found in a drawer called Info.

  • The PD Select drawer has been moved to -In_the_Mag-. This drawer doesn't always have files in it due to the difficulty in finding megademos that are suitable for all audiences that don't violate copyright.

  • The Prefs and MUI directories have both been moved to the +System+ drawer because you are unlikely to need to access them a lot of the time, so, again, they were removed from the root.

  • Possibly most importantly +AFCD_Setup+ has also been moved to +System+. We know you don't really like to have to run a program to make sure that your CD is properly assigned all the time and you especially don't want to have it make changes to your hard drive or start running things that you don't want and we are constantly trying to ensure that you don't need such a file. AFCDView now also recognises the fact that you may not have run +AFCD_Setup+ so you shouldn't end up not being able to view your pictures and the like.

These changes (and more to come) should ensure that you get the best you can out of our CD. If you have any suggestions for us, don't hesitate to get in touch at the usual address.

 Thought for the month 
 Essential WebSites 
 Submissions advice