_gw_ _gw_ d####w_ _g####w "0#####w_ Suomi-Peli Presents... _g####### 0#######w_ _g#####"### 0###*#####w_ _g#####" ### 0### "*#####w_ ji_ _ji_qmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw g#####gmmm### 0### "###### a##J#m_ _g##J#mZ##############Ka ####d######## 0### a#####Ka####J###mg####J###mZ####K""""#Ka## ###c"""""""""" 0##"a#####Ka######J#########J#####mZ####w_ a#### ####m_ 0Ka#####Ka###@"###J##"##"###J###9###mZ####w_ 0## 9#####m_ a#####Ka###@"__###J## ###J##Q__9###mZ####w0## 9#####m_ a#####Ka###@"g######J## ###J#####m_9###mZ###### 9#####m_ a#####Ka###@" ###J## ###J### 9###mZ#### 9#####m_ "*###Ka###################M#################_9#####################" "">######################################### 9#################" '""~ The Sadistic Butchering of Humanity When we started making the Ideal Game of our Own in '93, we had no idea what an endless task we had taken. But as we went further, giving up became impossible. It came out of hand. With a burning ambition we've worked for about 10.000 hours all together. And we still don't know how the public will react to DAMAGE, which has become all the time more radical. Rather than useless superficial boosting we have concentrated in idea and playability. For extensiveness and detail, however, it has been necessary to make almost 2000 animation frames and 150 screens of backround. There are very effective sound effects, too... But what DAMAGE really means is this: Try to kill as many ORDINARY people as possible, in a NORMAL city. You take control over a formerly exemplary man called Mikael Mallikansalainen (Michael Modelcitizen), who has now become Mikko Massamurhaaja (Mike Massacre). You start primitively with a baseballbat, hacking unaware passers-by. Soon somebody calls 911, and you find everybody trying to stop you: The police, special forces, national army and local mafia. To manage, you have to get better weapons, and begin doping with dangerous drugs. The game may not impress you first, and it is not meant to. It is hard to manage in playing, as there is not any right way to act. But as you learn the game, we quarantee you many, many delightful discoveries and a feeling of extreme freedom to adventure and express yourself. There is certainly no other game like this. We have decided to merchandise and sell this game by ourselves. The price is low beacuse we don’t have to pay for heavy organization and because we want it to be. Of course, we are taking a risk of getting nothing, but we believe that you will get us right. Buy this game! There is only an Amiga version, and you should use this brilliant machine. Damage works on all Amigas with at least 1 MB memory. More memory, extra drive or hard drive diminish waiting. The game includes two quaranteed disks, with a manual and map sheet. Prices in accepted currencies: 15 USD, 20 DM, 10 GBP, 90 SEK, 50 FIM. The prices include posting by air. It is respectable if you pay more, for double or more you'll get special silver disks and a personal, autographed certificate of your support! Send the money and your address to: SUOMI-PELI P.O.BOX 93 45701 KSNK FINLAND EUROPE Or transfer through bank into account: Merita Bank Finland, 206220-296282 and send the receipt with your address. NOTE: Damage is not meant for everybody. It is prohibited from children. (And serious adults as well! We mean it! Damage is a black humour game for those who can take it.) HAVE A NICE TIME WITH THE MOST SADISTIC COMPUTER PRODUCT OF OUR CULTURE.