E.M. Computergraphic

EMC's Phase 1 CD... What the Magazines said...

Amiga Format Gold AwardAmiga Format

"This is A dream CD for DTP fans."

"This is a damned fine CD and a must for DTP/DTV enthusiasts"

Rated 90% and received the Amiga Format "Gold" award Issue 79, December '95 p.48

Amiga Shopper AwardAmiga Shopper

"Phase 1 is a professionally compiled CD."

"This CD is ideal for DTP/DTV users."

"This is a very useful CD."

"We've seen others like it before, but few have been as well polished and presented!"

Rated 90% and received the Amiga Shopper "Star Buy" Award...December '95 p.106

Amiga User International

"This is a DTP and DTV disc, of Desktop Publishing and Desktop Video to the un-initiated. EMC, famous for their font collections on floppy disk, have added this CD to their range that should be considered "essential for your CD-ROM library"

Rating 94% December '95 p.36

DTP expert Larry Hickmott's EM magazine

"My personal opinion. is that the CD is well worth the asking price and considering the alternative shovelware CDs available...it's a real bargain!"

"If you are remotely interested in either Desktop Publishing of Desktop Video, this CD should be thought of as an invaluable addition to your CD-ROM collection"

"If you only ever buy one Amiga fonts and clip-art CD, E.M.C's Phase 1 is the one to go for!"

"Quite simply, this is one of the best CDs you can get when it comes to fonts and clip-art!"

(EM magazine does not rate products. EM's review also stated that they have never reviewed a CD before, basically because they have never found a CD worth reviewing!)

More! What some of our customers said about the EMC Phase1 CD!

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